49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Lawrence Motshegetsi

Write a program that will get/input 10 employees data, then input time started to work hours then minutes, then employee should input time finished work hours then minutes. then find how many hours 1 employee worked and the average time worked by all employees. use arrays.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Does anybody know where I can find a c++ object oriented library for my c++ project where in short I can set each pixel on each frame to a specified color and saving the result to a .avi file preferably compressed. I know this sounds simple in theory but I …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Rawan_92line

Hi , i'm Rawan 21 YO , CS student (3rd level) ! i'm looking forward to learn more from y'all!! hope i can help somebody someday ^^

Member Avatar for Boudreauxcs
Member Avatar for daino

Would anyone know of a C++ library which can enable me to encode and decode Ascii base 85 encoding? I'm having trouble finding one on the web. Thanks

Member Avatar for daino
Member Avatar for kruschev

#include <string> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Person { public: Person(); Person(string n, string a, string tel, string em); string getName(); string getAddress(); string getTel(); string getEmail(); virtual string whatAmI(); private: string name, address, telephone, email; }; Person::Person() { } Person::Person(string n, string a, string tel, string …

Member Avatar for Krimeplay
Member Avatar for idnurr

To get and set various variables inside structs in C++The main struct object should be a pointer.the structs have got so many member function to get and set it variables from the user.finally the structs should be protected in such a way that no two users can change the details …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Guled_1

Based on the loan application records of a bank and the example of query, write a program that determines whether a loan applicant is to be approved or disapproved his/her loan application. Criteria of an application to be considered are assets, income and the loan value. Applicant with assets > …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for augustine.kumi.3

A code to assist the user to store and retrieve personal information.According to the requirement specifications, thee software should provide the functionality to store contacts details of various people.It should also enable the user to store the details of meeting and appointments .In addition,the software should display reminders to alert …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for singularity~

Can someone please help me understand what the glMatrixMode() function does? I've read the API and looked on google but I cannot understand what it does. An anology or example would help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Pranshu_1

I'm getting an error X#=0D,CS=0A97 IP=000001D1.The NTVDM CPU has encountered an unhandled exception . I wrote exactly the same program, but still i'm getting an error! Can you please tell me where the error has occured? Because i'm not able to find out! I'm Using Windows 7. http://www.4shared.com/file/xvAIAHNz/TELEPHON.html http://www.4shared.com/file/2SOg9Kqs/TELEPHON.html This …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for vampersie

Hello, i am a newbie. Now i got a problem about Extracting some specific strings from a txt file. Here is the txt file like: 121348319B'\t'Herman Gerrand'\t'ED001' 'C'\t'ED002' 'A ED003' 'B'\t'ED004' 'C 124311431B'\t'Shakes Hand'\t'ED021' 'F'\t'ED003' 'C ED007' 'A'\t'ED011' 'B 124134131B ....go on The sequence logic is: student ID'\t'student name'\t'subject code' …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for lehlohonolo.mohaila

write c++ code that has a function int GreaterThan (int array [], int size, int searchItem). The fucntion should count and return number of elements in the array greater than SearchItem. you are free to generate the element randomly or let the user enter them, the size must be less …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for mrSatellite

help! what is the program of a simple c++ program of identifying if the number entered is prime or not using while loop.. is it possible to program without using bool??

Member Avatar for amaya ali
Member Avatar for Anumitha
Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for augustine.kumi.3

A program to accept marks of six subjects for ten students and display thier total marks

Member Avatar for mesut12
Member Avatar for HUSSEINI

using oop cconcepts write a c++ class to implment a transaction log that records all customers transaction in a store. each transaction contains the following items. 1.customerID 2.transactionID 3.cost 4.date 5.time use a dynamic array to record all transactions.the transaction log should offer the following member functions. 1.suitable constructors to …

Member Avatar for HUSSEINI
Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for mohamed.abdelsalam.96558061

#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { float op1,op2,answer; char op; cout<<"Entre the first numper"; cin>>op1; cout<<"/nEnter the operation"; cin>>op; cout<<"/nEntre the second numper"; cin>>op2; if(op=='+') answer=op1+op2; if(op=='-') answer=op1-op2; if(op=='*') answer=op1*op2; if(op=='/') answer=op1/op2; else cout<<op1<<op<<op2<<" = "<<answer; system("PAUSE"); }

Member Avatar for ookhan
Member Avatar for suhasgh

Hi, i'm trying to delete last node of linked list and print the remaining list at each step. for this i created 'Print' function. please take a look at this code: struct Node{ int data; Node *next; }; void Print(Node *head){ if(head==0) return; else{ Node *temp=head; Node *prev=head; while(temp!= NULL){ …

Member Avatar for ookhan
Member Avatar for sris20013

class string { public: string( char const* t ) : s(t) {} ~string() { delete s; } char const* c_str() const { return s; } private: char const* s; }; there is a problem in the above code can anyone help

Member Avatar for Jamblaster
Member Avatar for Guruprasad_1

Trouble filling the SafeArray with double datatype values using 'SafeArrayPutElement'. **I get E_INVALIDARG error.** *pEventCode is my safearray... dEventCd is the 'double' value...I want to insert the dEventCd values to my *pEventCode safearray one by one when (bPriv) is true... Please help lResult=SafeArrayUnlock(*pEventCode); HRESULT hr = SafeArrayDestroyData(*pEventCode); for(INT_PTR count(0); count …

Member Avatar for Guruprasad_1
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I am wondering how libraries create graphics contexts in a cross-platform manner. Somehow libraries like SDL create graphical windows seemingly without using the system headers. I know how to set up a window for graphics using Win32API, and how to get input from it using the same. How do …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I noticed that in c++ everything that can be done using a static function in a class could be done by using a public function in the same namespace. Assuming that you bind your classes in a namespace these functions do not take up names in the global namespace. …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for stanwaka

Hi i'm pretty new to C++ (well very new!) and i need to read the information from a text file into an array. The kind of data i'll be using is a simple list of names. This is my first attempt at; [code=c] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using …

Member Avatar for ilileve
Member Avatar for kshahnazari

Hi , The question is in the topic , the thing is that the sources now availabe in web are old and dont work anymore , I want to connect to a usb port meaning like "Com4" port and send commands a get data from that port , anyone know …

Member Avatar for kshahnazari
Member Avatar for miladshayan

I am a beginner I am using with CORSIKA software. cosika's outputs are text files with 8 or 7 column and more than 2000 row(like matrix) . Arrays of this matrix are number in Scientific notation like fallowing image ![340c241a97cdc541d3f4b8c57ada068d](/attachments/large/4/340c241a97cdc541d3f4b8c57ada068d.jpg "340c241a97cdc541d3f4b8c57ada068d") I want to read data in 7th column and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for refphlex

Why is my output like this instead of all the data being in the table? (PS : must use while(!fin.eof()) thanks #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream fin; ofstream fout; string Name; int Id; float grossIncome ; float netSalary; float incomeTax …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for cambalinho

template <typename a, typename ... b> class events { public: typedef std::function<void( a arg, b ... argx)> OnSomethingHandler; events(OnSomethingHandler Handler) { handlers_.push_back(Handler); } void operator ()() { for(auto i = handlers_.begin(); i != handlers_.end(); ++i) (*i)(); } private: std::vector<OnSomethingHandler> handlers_; void AddHandler(OnSomethingHandler Handler) { handlers_.push_back(Handler); } void TriggerEvents() { for(auto …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for Vikash_3

I have to write a program to process txt file, using seprate chaining i have to store top 50 occuring word in txt file.

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for jawad_2
Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.