49,762 Topics

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First off.. I want to say that I cannot believe that it took me this long to find such a cool site that is so well put together and informative. I am fairly n00bish to everthing PC with only a couple of years experience under my belt. I have taken …

Member Avatar for clartsonly
Member Avatar for coolmel55

:eek: I have revised my program and am getting a run time heap error. Any ideas on what I need to fix? [code] #include <iostream> #include <assert.h> #include "rectangle.h" using namespace std; CRectangle::CRectangle() { size = 0; pointArray = new CPoint[size]; } CRectangle::CRectangle(CRectangle& R1) { size = R1.getSize(); pointArray = …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for auchewie

I have a problem that I need help with. My fiancĂ© was placed in the hospital recently and I missed the entire first two weeks of my C++ programming class. I was given an assignment that has to be completed by tonight, October 3. If anyone could help me out, …

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Member Avatar for dontcare

I'm having trouble with this program the objective is to Prompt the for a int. from 0-999, then split the int into three digits, then output the three digits from 000 through number entered using 3 nested for loops. I can get the second and last digits to work but …

Member Avatar for dontcare
Member Avatar for Thilini

:?: Tell me how to create a C++ program using ADT to represent the (X) player in a tac tic toe game. The computer programs opponent would be the (0) player. The Program must be created representing (x) player should never loose.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for coolmel55

What is the difference between a method and an object? Isn't this a method? void Standard::print_results() What denotes an object?? CONFUSED!

Member Avatar for letmec
Member Avatar for bluegoo06

* ** *** **** ***** i need to make a triangle like this for a homework assignment heres what i have so far im stuck on this i must use for loops...when i compile it all it does is end the program #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for chris_18

i need help..my grade is on the line.... plss help.. i have a project.. a c banking program which consist of two programs... one is a administrator that adds, edit,delete and show the accounts and the other program is for bankers...in that program you can deposit,withdraw,and check your balance.... this …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Pietro

hi guys i am newbie at programming as well. I have a problem in applying reference parameters.I underastand that they are aliases for other variables and they can modify variables in the original called function where as call by value parameters are just copies and cnnot modify the original variable …

Member Avatar for Pietro
Member Avatar for sumit

[COLOR=Red]red[/COLOR] i have problem with execute the program with the various interrupt in funtion int86() & int86x() please tell me short how his work?

Member Avatar for dcving

// Program 2.25: Distance an object travels in miles // and time it takes to travel that distance // Author: Eric Martin // Date: 9/30/2004 #include <iostream.h> using namespace std; int main() { int distanceInMiles; int speedInMPH; int timeInMinutes; cout << "Computes time to travel given distance and speed" << …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Subhasish.roy

Hi, I am Subhasish,a newly joined member of this forum. I have problem, with series60 developer platform for symbian,using C++ API. Here it is in details. I wants to develop a DLL using C++ bluetooth API.And also a suitable GUI for it,for Symbian.But i am new in it.So anybody who …

Member Avatar for wewe

C++ - deals with list Assginment given: Consider a slight variation of the pointer-based implementation of the queue ADT. In this variation, the queue uses a circular linked list to represent the items in the queue. You must use only a single tail pointer. Construct the implementation of such queue …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for coolmel55

I'm very new at this but I'm getting some weird error: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive I don't have much yet but here it is: #ifndef RECTANGLE_H #define RECTANGLE_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Rectangle { public: Rectangle(); //constructor ~Rectangle(); //destructor Rectangle(); //copy constructor …

Member Avatar for coolmel55
Member Avatar for JECMAIL

I have to build a C++ code that accepts 4 separate Hexadecimal inputs and returns in English the human readable for a set of machine code instructions. I can either get my program to accept characters or integers. At this time I have my program set to work on integers …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for HinJew

Hi, as I posted earlier, what I need to do is get a user to input the temperature in celsius (and if input in farenheit, convert it to celsius first) and the windspeed, and have the program calculate the windchill. I have one error in line 88 of the program …

Member Avatar for coolmel55
Member Avatar for wewe

C ++ reading a textfile into linked list text file: Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall all the kings horses and all the kings men could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again --------------------------------------------------- the idea is to read in this sentence into a …

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Member Avatar for coolmel55
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Member Avatar for Dragon Master

Hi all Need some help... I want to get started with SDL, but I can't get it to work There's what I got: [COLOR=Red]- Dev-C++ version[/COLOR] From [url]www.libsdl.org[/url] I clicked on "SDL 1.2" and under runtime libraries I downloaded: [COLOR=Red]- SDL-1.2.7-win32.zip[/COLOR] ...and under developpement libraries I picked: [COLOR=Red]- SDL-devel-1.2.7-VC6.zip[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for asn_vasan

difference between c and c++ languages difference between templates and class,structures in c language and class and structures and templates difference between java and c++

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for udai_friends

Respected Sir, I'm a student of class XII in a school in Roorkee,India, and we have to do projects on C++. I chose the Medicine Store as my topic. I 've divided it basically in 2 parts- 1. a database maintaning the records of medcines and other details regarding each …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for HinJew

I have to write a program that takes temperature in celsius (if in farenheit, it converts it to celsius) along with the windspeed and calculates the windchill. I have the program written but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong in lines 63 and 75. Any help would be …

Member Avatar for Chester1
Member Avatar for chound

I want to break the loop if the user does not enter any value. How do I do that. [CODE] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a=1; while(a!=NULL) //how do i phrase this. When the user does not enter any input //I want the loop to exit cin>>a; …

Member Avatar for jasweb2002
Member Avatar for coolmel55

Ok I wrote this program a while ago and it just counts the line, now I need to modify it to these requirements: Count the total program LOC, the total LOC in each object the program contains, and the number of methods in each object. Produce a single LOC count …

Member Avatar for jasweb2002

I asked this before but didn't get an answer so I went to talk to my "professor" and he just about made me want to quit programming :( . So a little help would go great lenghs to salvaging this day. Basically I have to right a program that reads …

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Member Avatar for willow

New to C++ programming. I am supposed to write a program that will ask the user if they want to print an ascending or a descending triangle. Based on user input, print the triangle on the screen. Only one cout statment may be used and it has to read: cout …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for chound

I'm using Xp. I wan2 kno wat function in cpp 2 use 2 [SIZE=4]HIBERNATE NOT SHUTDOWN[/SIZE]

Member Avatar for chound
Member Avatar for deedlit21

Hello, when i try to compile this program (it has three parts) I receive an error message that confuses me. Below are the code and error message. [code] #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; #include "Complex.h" int main() { Complex x(2, 3), y(4, 5), z; x.printComplex(); cout << " + …

Member Avatar for deedlit21
Member Avatar for Dragon Master

I can't get SDL to work with Dev-C++ Here's what I've got: - Dev-C++ version I downloaded SDL from [url]www.libsdl.org:[/url] (SDL 1.2) Under runtime libraries I picked: - SDL-1.2.7-win32.zip Under developement libraries I picked 2: - SDL-devel-1.2.7-VC6.zip - SDL-devel-1.2.7-mingw32.tar.gz After copying both "include" and "library" files into Dev-C++'s "include" …

Member Avatar for tj

Hello all....I can't seem to figure out why the min value won't display correctly. Could someone please critique my program with out actually giving me the code. I am so happy that I finally got my loop to work! I've been working on this all evening. It is a great …

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The End.