49,762 Topics

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Hi, I need to write a program that asks for a series of numbers, and when 0 is entered I need it to display the following: the number of integers in the series the average of the integers the largest and smallest integer the difference between the largest and smallest. …

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Member Avatar for aviral82

hi all i need help i have to make path along a line with minimum 4 coordinates in c++ the problem arise when the angle is very acute. the problem is that i have given 4 coordinate points and the width of the path . Along the line which i'll …

Member Avatar for dallascowboys

hello.... i am currently using MS VISUAL STUDIO 6.O to complete my c++ assignment. i have my source code and the header file so that i can attempt to run my program. My question is what exact steps do i use to link my source code and header file together …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for pratima

The population of rabbits on a small island in Poole harbour is being monitored. there are curently 495 rabbits on the island. It is estimated that the population will grow by 20 % a year until the population exceed 1000, after which the growth ratewill be 10 % a year.write …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for pobrien11

Hi, I am completely lost on a program assignment. We are to use the stl stack adapter class. The elements of the stack are linked lists which represent polynomials. So in essense it is a stack of linked lists/polynomials. Note I'm NOT trying to make the stack itself a linked …

Member Avatar for lindsay867

For my computer lab class we were given a program with an infinite loop, and I am unsure what to do. Here is the program. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int Total; // running sum of the fraction total int n; // number of fraction …

Member Avatar for felgall
Member Avatar for billski

Hi everyone, I am new to C++ (2nd week of classes) I wrote this code in c++ for a project and the instructor wants it as a Class instead. I thought they were both almost the same, but I am having a heck of a time getting it to a …

Member Avatar for billski
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gentlemen, This is the program: /* berekening_kapitaal.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.*/ #include <iostream.h> void main(void) { short int per = 0, tijd = 0; float begink = 0, interest = 0, perc = 0, tot_int = 0, eindk = 0, kapitaal = …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for tj

Hello everyone I am knew to the site and new to programming. I am currently taking a C++ class. Everything in the text looks greek to me....Don't worry I am not going to ask how to do my hw.....Does anyone have any advise on the best way to learn and …

Member Avatar for anthmaina
Member Avatar for raar

hi, i need help in coding the LZ77 & LZ78 techniques in data compression. if anyone can help me PLZ tell me cause i'm facing some problems thxxxxxxxxxxx

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for vivekgalatage

Hello, Is there any tool which will detect the unused methods of a class in a C++ project? So by using this tool I can reduce my build size by eliminating the un used methods.

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for fahad

Any one working in the field of data mining ??? I need to discuss some issues about it. I need to write c++ code for some algorithms used in data mining.

Member Avatar for fahad
Member Avatar for scott_6169

Can you please tell me why I get an error message while trying to run this program?? #include<stdio.h> int main( ) { printf("Hello %s World""SBL"); return 0; }

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

[color=red]1. I wonder whats the problem. Has no error and warning.. but can not sort names. Why? Whats the mistake(s)? "red color"[/color] [color=blue]2. why if i use [color=mediumturquoise]tolower[/color] the character.. got problem...whats the problem? "blue color" [/color] thank you in advance... [font=Comic Sans MS]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;[/font] …

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh
Member Avatar for VicLopez

#include <iostream> void main(void) { int= toys toys= 62 int= dolls dolls= 99 total= toys+dolls } cout <<"We have about" << toys<<dolls<< end; This is the program I came up with so far.

Member Avatar for C#Coder
Member Avatar for caffiene_junky

I have recently downloaded Dev C++ software and have been exploring the different header files. I wrote this very simple program (it had like 35 characters total) and every time I go to compile it I get a "Found Virus" alert. The thing that really gets me is that this …

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Member Avatar for lakessler1

I am in a C++ class and find myself struggling with creating functions that use letters. I have to write out two sentences to the screen. But the assignment is create one function for each letter, space, carriage, return, and punctuation mark. Each word output is controlled by a function …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for Kiwiman

Hi everyone, I'm doing a beginners C++ paper at Uni and I'm stuck. Basically I need to read data from a file and then display it on the screen. So far I've got: Correct headers will be called..... int main(){ char filename[30]; FILE *in; printf("Enter file you wish to open\n"); …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for sarahrasheed

write a c++ program that will be used in a grocery store.the program reads a whole change amount in dirhams and prints how many 500 dirham bills,200 dirham bills,100 dirham bills ,50 dirham bills ,20 dirham bills ,10 dirham bills 5 dirham bills ,and 1 dirhams coins should the cashier …

Member Avatar for fahad
Member Avatar for bob123452

i was wondering if there was any difference when you code an application using regular c++ 6 vs c++ .net 2003? Thanks

Member Avatar for C#Coder
Member Avatar for BountyX

Another Program needs to launch my program, but for some reason becuase its lauching it, my program looks for all the required dlls and program files with in the direcotry of the program launching it. I do not want this, and despertly need a fix, any suggestions? Additionally, is their …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for sarahrasheed
Member Avatar for h3rtz

ey there! i have a problem here regarding this maze stuff... i think using getch and gotoxy is not complicated. our teacher says he will give extra points to who can finish this.. can it be done using switch? a simple code would be much appreciated. - h3rtz-

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Member Avatar for servant7

i have copied a c++ source code in the net and its using graphics.h and my compilier(visual c++) cannot see the directory can anyone help me please! Godbless+

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Member Avatar for Mahen

Hi everyone, i really hope that you r all feeling well. I really need your help; Could you please code a SMTP mail client for me. It will only send mail. Plus it must have the abillity to check weather it is connected to the internet automatically. BUT PLEASE, I …

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Member Avatar for Sriram Sekar

hai, I had selected a project of converting a project of c++\c code to a java code .For that i searched with the web but i can't get it.I need to know if there is any source code with the web or gave me any ideas to do it. If …

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Member Avatar for lordofthisworld

i have a whole 2 days programming experience under my belt and i wanna do something with lots of pretty colours...... i understand i probably don't know enough yet to get into graphics - but not only do i not know how to do graphics, i'm not entirely sure what …

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Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

A newbie to C++ here. I need help with counting array length's, I have an array that i only want the user to be able to enter up to ten characters, but lets say if i enter eleven, the array is expanded out to eleven charactes, and i dont want …

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Member Avatar for Sukhbir

char *ptr="abc"; char *ptr1; while(*ptr1++=*ptr++); //IT IS WORKING while((*ptr1)++=(*ptr)++); //ERROR PLS EXPLAIN ME.

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for srividyad

Can anybody please help me find code for 128bit arithmetic(division,mul,sub,add) in C. I am using ANSI C compiler.

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The End.