49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Syada

Write a complete C++ program for WorldParking Sdn Bhd. to perform the following: a. Write a return-value function named calcCharges() to calculate and return the parking charges for the customers. The company charges a RM1.00 minimum fee to park for up to one hour. An additional RM0.50 will be charged …

Member Avatar for Fatur_1
Member Avatar for Syada

Write a complete C++ program for WorldParking Sdn Bhd. to perform the following: a. Write a return-value function named calcCharges() to calculate and return the parking charges for the customers. The company charges a RM1.00 minimum fee to park for up to one hour. An additional RM0.50 will be charged …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for monkey_boy_401

can you please tell how you would invert the mouse control so that up is down, left is right etc.

Member Avatar for D_5
Member Avatar for Jacob_19

Dear software developers, We are researchers aiming to understand developers' knowledge needs and program comprehension. Our intention is to support practitioners in selecting tools that can facilitate developers' tasks. Moreover, we hope that our research results in the development of new tools that are customized to the actual needs of …

Member Avatar for janedelsantos

Help, how can I create a MULTILEVEL QUEUE ALGORITHM program? I tried it but it crashes, does not build... It would be okay if its in other language. HERE IS THE SNIPPET CODE SAMPLE (c++): --------------------------------------------- //Enter Number of Process cout<<"\nEnter the number of Processes:"; cin>>n; //INPUT Arrival, Burst, and …

Member Avatar for cambalinho

if i have X,Y(10,20) and the speed is 2, will be: X = X + 2 Y = Y + 2 ? same goes for Z or it depends on direction?(Y or X rotation)

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Melonss
Member Avatar for Nur_15

` #include<iostream> #include<cmath> #include<iomanip> #include<fstream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { const int num=10; double a[num],b[num],c[num],disc,x1[num],x2[num],qe,x,realpart,imaginarypart; char answer; do { for (int index=0; index<num;index++) { cout<<"Enter coefficient of a (a>0): "; cin>>a[index]; cout<<"Enter coefficient of b: "; cin>>b[index]; cout<<"Enter coefficient of c: "; cin>>c[index]; qe=a[index]*(pow(x,2))+(b[index]*x)+(c[index]); disc=(pow(b[index],2))-(4*a[index]*c[index]); if (disc>=0) { …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i'm learning Math for 3D... for now i can draw a plane and convert 3D to 2D(the screen is 2D): Private Function ConvertPositon3DTo2D(Position As Position3D, World3DSize As Size3D) As POINTAPI Dim ConvertedPosition As POINTAPI Dim PosZZDepth As Long PosZZDepth = Position.Z + World3DSize.Distance If (PosZZDepth = 0) Then PosZZDepth = …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for Koos_1

Am still at school and am doing programming, and I choose these forum because it will be helpful for me in gaining the knowledge and experience on c++ and many other programming language.

Member Avatar for j.khurram
Member Avatar for tun712

How to add meeting host/meeting controler How to allow meeting host to set another person as host How to add signing with account https://jitsi.org/jitsi-meet/

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Remti Altec
Member Avatar for NickLSC

Hi all, I am new to C++, I am studying a C++ code and would like to learn how to implement it in Python. I encountered the following: 1 unsigned short arr1[2]; 2 unsigned int * arr2 = (unsigned int *) arr1; I tried to write a C++ code to …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for John_266

I have to make a program that reads the number of seats and stores it in a two dimensional array. The empty seats is hashtag and if the user buys a seat it becomes *. The odd rows have 15 seats and even have 20. When I purchase a seat, …

Member Avatar for ButcherHix
Member Avatar for Joel_8

Program specification 1-generate then income file.txt file. 2-print list of employees which match a givn last name. 3-print payroll summary 4-exit program

Member Avatar for Jin En

#ifndef CIRCUIT_H #define CIRCUIT_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Resistor { public: void setResistance(double); double getResistance(); double GenerateRandomCircuit(); double calctotalResistance(); void GenerateQuiz(); int op[7],res[8]; private: double r; }; #endif // CIRCUIT_H #include "Circuit.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; void Resistor::setResistance(double r1) { r=r1; …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Rolland_1

Hi, could you please let me know what should I learn first about programing? I mean, may be I need to learn HTML, C++, Java, read a specific book, I don't know where to start and hope you can show me the way, please!! I would really appreciate it

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Member Avatar for Muhammad_240

A.Employee and ProductionWorker Classes Design a class named Employee. The class should keep the following information in • Employee name • Employee number • Hire date Write one or more constructors and the appropriate set and get functions for the class. Next, write a class named ProductionWorker that is derived …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90

I have a class which is sort of like a repository, and every time I write to the zip archive using this command, the prior activity is overwritten. /// <summary> /// Insert file into existing archive file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fullPath"></param> /// <param name="stream"></param> public void InsertIntoFile(String fullPath, Stream …

Member Avatar for MagnusTheRed90
Member Avatar for brettw02

Love the idea of the program. Im quite interested in seeing how to get something like this to work. Is there any chance someone could add a working version to the code snippets section or possibly send me a working snippet in PM? Im trying to educate my self and …

Member Avatar for Jaynish
Member Avatar for Katara1

**how to let add &subtract methods work at main!! ** #include<iostream.h> class complex{ private: double real,imag; public: complex();// default constructor complex(double r,double i) { real=r;imag=i; }; void complex::setComplexNumber(double r,double i) { real=r;imag=i; } complex complex::add(complex x) { complex a; a.real=real+x.real; a.imag=imag+x.imag; return a; } complex complex::subtract(complex x) { complex s; …

Member Avatar for Katara1

hey , if i wanna write this code by " while" loop , what the steps to do that ?? #include<iostream.h> char *TESTmarks(char *t){ char marks [] = {'.',';',':','!',',','?'}; char *newm=new char [strlen(t)]; for( int i = 0;i<strlen(t);i++) { for(int k = 0;k<=7 ;k++) { if(t[i] == marks[k]) t[i] = …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Krystian_2

Write amodularC program that accepts by keyboard input five(5) user-scoresof the PS5 gaming console. The program must repeatedly request from eachuser,ratingson thefollowing factors of the PS5 gamingconsole:•cost,•games, •backward compatibility, and •screenresolution. All factorsare to bescored using a scale of 1 to 5where 5 represents the highest rating on a factor …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Katara1

,can anyone help me to find what's the problem with this programming code! it's work so well !but there two methoods didn't work ((the max salary method and sum salary )) at (main)... Especially the output results . there's no errors \\ i have no idea how to solve it …

Member Avatar for bdux
Member Avatar for danibootstrap

I am unable to run a serial comm library in visual studio for a 64 bit machine target. It works fine for x86 bit. I have attached my source code and visual studio solution file. Some one please help.

Member Avatar for codekiln

i am trying to get gstreamer to capture frames and have them put into a picture box on a glade form , this is my Code snippet so far , can anyone give me come guidance GstCaps *caps = gst_sample_get_caps(sample); // Get a string containg the pixel format, width and …

Member Avatar for shawinke

Hi all pls help me with the soln to this probelm, the catch is the interface (menu) needs to be Built in C++ as well. any suggestions would be of great help as well. thanks It is a system written using a structured programming language (e.g. C, Turbo C) that …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jin En

double Node::ConvertChar(char key[]) { double value; value=atof(key); return value; } void Node::ConvertFormula(string formula,int resistor,vector <Resistor> &Res,vector <double> &OpArray){ int Operator=resistor-2; resistor=resistor-1; int length=formula.length(); int j=length-4; double resistance; while(length>0) { char temp[3]; int x=1; for(int i=2;i>=0;i--) { temp[i]=formula[length-x]; x++; } resistance=ConvertChar(temp); Res[resistor].SetResistance(resistance); resistor--; while(j>0) { if(formula[j]=='+') { OpArray[Operator]=-1.0; }else { OpArray[Operator]=-2.0; …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for MZ

Q. A number system is a way to represent numbers. The number system that we use in our day-to-day life is the decimal number system. Decimal number system has base 10 as it uses 10 digits from 0 to 9. In decimal number system, the successive positions to the left …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jin En

I need help with random generation of circuit, i have no idea on how to write c++ program to generate random circuit. The following specifications must met: 1) Total number of resistors in the circuit is between 3 and 8. 2) The circuit network layout is restricted only to the …

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The End.