49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for TSaunders84

ok in the first function i am suppose to read in the data from the file for the next node, allcatees the node, assigns the members, and return a pointer to the new node through the function return type i have no idea how to do that can you look …

Member Avatar for Kosithc

Hello, I am a totally newbie and I would be pleased, if you could help me. Here is the problem: I have created VS 2008 project and configured it for using the ITK (toolkit for medical image analysis - in my case for reading Dicom images). Everything worked OK until …

Member Avatar for Kosithc
Member Avatar for yogi2345

in my computer tarbo c is not raninig. it show the message"16 bit sub system". what can i do.plz replay in[I] <<snip>>[/I]

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for avataralien

May I know what are bits fields & the 5 bits of hole for? [CODE] struct Record { unsigned int n1 : 3; // 3 bits, can store 0 - 7 int : 5; // 5 bits of hole unsigned int n2 : 4; // 4 bits, can store 0 …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for sho12345

Hi everyone, I am having problems with my c++ code for about 2 - 3 hours now and decided I need help. I am a student at a college and I am trying to code this for my assignment. cpp file:[CODE] #include "bridgehand.h" BridgeHand::BridgeHand() { for (int x = 0; …

Member Avatar for Galf
Member Avatar for CreativeCoding

So I have looked and looked and wasn't able to find how to retrieve text from a selected option in a combobox. I have just started visual c++ so I don't really understand a lot. But I used to work with Visual C# before. So, is there any way? [CODE]if(comboboxslectedvaluethingy …

Member Avatar for CreativeCoding
Member Avatar for yapkm01

i'm newby to C++. Small code as follows: [code] int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cout << "function main() .." << '\n'; char ch1; int int1; cin >> ch1; cin >> int1; cout << ch1 << '\n'; cout << int1 << '\n'; return 0; } [/code] when i run the …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for dreamstone

Hi All, I am currently learning C++ and I have been asked to make a program which will calculate the interest that would be paid on a deposit of a given size. One of the requirements is that we display an error message when non-integer data is entered.

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for lgonzo

been doing reiew questions to prepare for a c++ test, and was hoping someone could help me out by looking over the ansewers i have so far. what i have is in red. thank you very much :) -- Which of the following operations has the highest precedence? a. Postincrement. …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for James.Butcher

Hello, I'm new to programming forums so go easy on me :) I'm working on an assignment for school. I have to read a quiz.dat file which cotains info in the format of: TTTTTFFFFFTTTTT TTTTTFFFFF TTTTJoe Jones TTTTTFFFFFT TTFMary Jane ... ... etc. The first line being the answer key …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sid78669

Can someone please tell me why I might be getting a access violation when doing the following for a double linked list: [CODE=C++] ~DLList() { while(!isEmpty()) //isEmpty is working.. removeHead(); } bool isEmpty() { if(head == NULL && tail == NULL) return true; else return false; } char * removeHead() …

Member Avatar for sid78669
Member Avatar for lgonzo

got some noob c++ questions that hope someone can help me with ---The statement while ( --counter >= 1 ) counter % 2 ? cout << "A" : cout << "B"; cannot be rewritten as: a. while ( --counter >= 1 ) if ( counter % 2 ) cout << …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for mbrinkley

I have been working on this program for about two weeks. I missed the day that the professor covered the material necessary to code this program due to surgery. I am now behind about 5 programs that are due at the end of the week and I'm trying to teach …

Member Avatar for mbrinkley
Member Avatar for GSPprog

Hi I am trying to get this program to work to insert a node into the list and move the list down so the node will fit. I get the node to be inserted into the right place but the list is copied as such. if 1. joe 2. linda …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Spiderpig085

Hi guys, uve been workin on a restaurant program and im tryin to write the time to the end of the receipt. so im writing information to a file. only problem is i cannot make my time function return the current time. I've tried everything. can you guys help?? im …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for lgonzo

was hoping someone with more experience could look over and tell me if these answers look alright. in red is what i got -- srand: a. Should be called before each call to rand. [COLOR="Red"]b. Should be used instead of rand to generate truly random numbers.[/COLOR] c. Is unnecessary in …

Member Avatar for Galf
Member Avatar for Velovix

To start off, I am absolutely sure this question has been answered before, but I've searched for it all over the internet to no avail, probably because I don't know the term. I've been working with Eclipse C++ IDE on my Ubuntu machine for awhile, and all of my programs …

Member Avatar for Velovix
Member Avatar for ignorantpenguin

I have an int that I need to store as two chars. So is there some way to get the first 8 bits and the second 8 bits and store them as chars. And if so, how would I recombine them later to get a meaningful int value?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I have a question for entering an atm number in a simulated atm. What happens is when i enter 1 to enter a pin number it fails on me three times. If I hit a 2 it does what it is supposed to. When I enter something other than a …

Member Avatar for jimJohnson
Member Avatar for epicasian

When I try to compile this: [code=C++] //Player Class Definitions #include <iostream> #include "player.h" using namespace std; player::player() { health = 100; level = 1; potions = 10; enemiesDefeated = 0; } int player::attack(int *enemyHealth) { srand(time(NULL)); int randomNumber = rand() % 100; *enemyHealth = *enemyHealth - randomNumber; } int …

Member Avatar for epicasian
Member Avatar for epicasian

Hello, What I am trying to do is edit the variable of a class through a separate class function. I have tried to do things like [code=C++] int player::attack(int *enemy) { srand(time(NULL)); int randomNumber = rand() % 100; *consolePlayer.health = *consolePlayer.health - randomNumber; } [/code] and I get the error …

Member Avatar for epicasian
Member Avatar for rajdey1

hi below is code it is only a part of my program simplified for understanding the main problem i am facing .................... actually the code runs well but while exiting from main [B]displays Null pointer assignment[/B] . May i please request the forum member to debug the program..... the code …

Member Avatar for lafigueroa
Member Avatar for strmstn

I have three files: main.cpp [CODE]#include "CMain.h" int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hIn...) { return 0; }[/CODE] CMain.cpp [CODE]#include "CMain.h" using namespace Program; LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } CMain::CMain(void) { …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for wwsoft

Hello I'm creating a game engine. In order to draw everything correctly I need to sort a vector (vector<game_object*>) by each contents z value I miserably failed to do it with std's sort() so Id like to know what's the most efficient way I could sort this vector [If its …

Member Avatar for wwsoft
Member Avatar for Pynolathgeen

[URL="http://i41.tinypic.com/n2ef5k.jpg"]Screenshot.[/URL] Hello, I have a problem already for like a week and I seriously can't get out of it. Take a look at the screen shot. The server sends a packet to the client to spawn an NPC. If you look to the top commandline-window, the client does recv the …

Member Avatar for Pynolathgeen
Member Avatar for mikabark

I want to know what is "Vector for the buckets in hash table". I gathered data and stored into hash table. And I want to know how to convert hash table buckets into Vector. If you guys have source, It would be helpful or theory, also welcomed. Thanks you in …

Member Avatar for MyrtleTurtle
Member Avatar for LeoC++

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int list[12] = {8,1,11,4,2,9,10,5,3,12,6,7}; cout<<list; return 0; } I run the above code and get this: 0x22fef0Press any key to continue . . . Please help!!! New with C and new with Dev-C++ which my University wants us to use... Running from …

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for skorm909

ok so im doing a project for a class, no body but me is doing c++ for it, im the only one in my school that knows some of it, and heres what i have so far, havnt gotten into too much detail for it because i need to know …

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for PSP1202

Hey all! I'm new to C++ and am having trouble with the Do...While loop terminating. My problem is I want the loop to end when the user enters 'X' when asked for an operation. When 'X' is entered it still asks for a number and then displays the current total …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for nerdinator

I am planning to save files using xml writing as an alternative to MFC serialization. I want my application to use xml file writing and reading. I am using ofstream and ifstream for this. [B]Lets say my application files are have a format .xyz[/B] So,the main problems I am facing …


The End.