49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for skorm909

ok so im doing a project for a class, no body but me is doing c++ for it, im the only one in my school that knows some of it, and heres what i have so far, havnt gotten into too much detail for it because i need to know …

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for PSP1202

Hey all! I'm new to C++ and am having trouble with the Do...While loop terminating. My problem is I want the loop to end when the user enters 'X' when asked for an operation. When 'X' is entered it still asks for a number and then displays the current total …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for nerdinator

I am planning to save files using xml writing as an alternative to MFC serialization. I want my application to use xml file writing and reading. I am using ofstream and ifstream for this. [B]Lets say my application files are have a format .xyz[/B] So,the main problems I am facing …

Member Avatar for bgx90

Hello. I am creating a template class derived from another template class to basically mimic the behavior of the STL stack for a school project. I am getting a compile time error when try to use a variable named "copy" when testing the overloaded '=' (defined in the base class) …

Member Avatar for bgx90
Member Avatar for josolanes

I'll do my best to be as clear as possible about what I'm trying to do. In short, I'd like to know if a switch statement can check multiple variables simultaneously (I have a feeling it can't, but I'd like to confirm). If it can't, can someone recommend a way …

Member Avatar for josolanes
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and this function I wrote as part of a larger project and acts exactly like the php explode function. Although there a few slight differences between this function and the php explode function it can easily be tweaked to act identical. Also with this function it does not use …

Member Avatar for tetron
Member Avatar for McCo

[QUOTE=vegaseat;74347]There is another way to make a sound, quite simple, you load a wave file and play it: [php]// play a wave file sound using the winmm library // For DevCpp add the library libwinmm.a to linker via // Project/Project Options/Parameters/Add Library // remember this is a console program! #include …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for matharoo

I am making Railway reservation sys. i want to pass these set of statements into a function how can i do that???? I have used structures in the program... [CODE]cout<<"--TICKET SUMMARY--"<<endl; cout<<"Passenger Name :"<<o2.pass_name<<endl; cout<<"Age :"<<o2.age<<endl; cout<<"Sex :"<<o2.sex<<endl; cout<<"Train Name: "<<o1[x].train_name<<endl; cout<<"Arrival Time: "<<o1[x].t_arr.hrs<<":"<<o1[x].t_arr.min<<endl; cout<<"Departure Time: "<<o1[x].t_dep.hrs<<":"<<o1[x].t_dep.min<<endl; cout<<"Seat Class: 2A"<<endl; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for nizbit

I need some dire help. Whenever I execute my program I get this message "./main: free(): invalid next size (fast)". Which leads me to believe something with my dynamic allocation of an array. I've used a debugger and pinpointed the error to the method where I'm trying to increase the …

Member Avatar for tetron
Member Avatar for ehsun7b

I'm using NetBeans 6.8 + MinGW + MSYS I try to develop a simple Winodws application e.g: [CODE] #include <windows.h> int WinMain(HINSTANCE,HINSTANCE,LPSTR,int) { MessageBox(0,"Hello, Windows","MinGW Test Program",MB_OK); return 0; }[/CODE] Or something like this: [CODE] #include <windows.h> char *AppTitle="Win1"; LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); int …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for CreativeCoding

So I'm making this program, and this is what I have so far [CODE]private: System::Void load_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { outs("ComputerName", SystemInformation::ComputerName); outb("Network", SystemInformation::Network); outs("UserDomainName", SystemInformation::UserDomainName); outs("UserName", SystemInformation::UserName); outbm("BootMode", SystemInformation::BootMode); outi("MonitorCount", SystemInformation::MonitorCount); outb("MonitorsSameDisplayFormat", SystemInformation::MonitorsSameDisplayFormat); outad("ArrangeDirection", SystemInformation::ArrangeDirection); outb("MousePresent", SystemInformation::MousePresent); outb("MouseButtonsSwapped", SystemInformation::MouseButtonsSwapped); outb("UserInteractive", SystemInformation::UserInteractive); outr("VirtualScreen", SystemInformation::VirtualScreen); } public: System::Void outs(String^ x, String^ …

Member Avatar for tetron
Member Avatar for sblass92

I'm trying to declare a vector as a global variable, and am getting a linker error. I read up on linker problems with multi-file projects, pretty sure I've included the proper headers, used extern, and #ifdef properly, but I can't get it yet. Here is what we have: [CODE] //in …

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Member Avatar for abhimanipal

Hello Everybody, Most of my coding experience is in C. Although I have a background in C++, I know very little of STL and the advanced topics in C++. I came across this code [code=c++] struct g { g():n(0) { } int operator()() { return n++; } int n; }; …

Member Avatar for mattjbond
Member Avatar for Learning78

Hi; I have an edit control that takes string input from user and a CButton 'Record' to record that input. I want to catch the control and disable it when the user input is empty. I want to make sure that this enable/diable happens with the click of Record CButton. …

Member Avatar for Learning78
Member Avatar for EddieC

Are you a certified function point specialist or play one on TV? Then the Counting Practices Manual version 4.3 might be for you. Unveiled today by the [url=http://www.ifpug.org/]International Function Point Users Group[/url] (better known as IFPUG), the $100 CD contains the latest "body of knowledge used by function point analysts …

Member Avatar for Marcio Silveira
Member Avatar for PDB1982

I am trying to create a rational numbers program from scratch (I'm a brand new student basically), and I have all my inputs working right now. My problem lies within my showFraction() function, but I can't figure out how to fix it. It should output the inputs from the user …

Member Avatar for tetron
Member Avatar for kiLLeR-eyEd_14

Hello peepz..Please try to look at my codes and read every comments i put there..I hope someone could help me with it..Especially those it graduates and higher level to me..I'm only first year college student..We're on visual c++..This is the link to my codes, please [url=http://ke14.emenace.com/Files.zip]download[/url] and post the solved …

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for Adrian99420

Hi, I created a combobox and binded it with MS access table using following code: [code] this->oleDbDataAdapter1->SelectCommand->CommandText="SELECT DISTINCT Profile_Name FROM Profiles"; this->oleDbDataAdapter1->Fill(dataSet1,"Profiles"); DataTable^dt= dataSet1->Tables["Profiles"]; comboBox1->DataSource= dt; comboBox1->DisplayMember = "Profile_Name"; [/code] I got the correct profile name I needed in the combobox. I tried it using textbox, textBox1=comboBox1->SelectedItem->ToString(); However,it always return …

Member Avatar for dittukumar
Member Avatar for avataralien

What does prev, curr & temp stand for? [CODE]struct Node; typedef Node* NodePtr; struct Node { void* data; NodePtr prev, curr; }; void bigTraversal(const NodePtr& head, const NodePtr& tail) { // need to by pass by temp NodePtr temp = head; while(temp != NULL) { temp = temp -> next; …

Member Avatar for thomas_naveen
Member Avatar for 28daniela28

Hi, I'm trying to end a project that should do next points: -generating a random vector ( for that I have the function generareVector); -reading the vector from the file where it was generated ( citireVector); -sorting the vector using different methods of sort; -checking if the resulted vector was …

Member Avatar for tetron
Member Avatar for endframe

Hi everyone. So here's the case, I am a newcomer in C++ and I have been working on a small begginers program ; it adds 2 numbers after adding 1 to each of those 2 numbers . Let's say if we put 4,5 then it will add 1 to both …

Member Avatar for BrianWren
Member Avatar for johndoe444

The following code fragment from Programming Pearls: [CODE]for i = [0, n) if comlen(a[i], a[i+1]) > maxlen maxlen = comlen(a[i], a[i+1]) maxi = i[/CODE] I am not sure why he called the comlen function twice? Instead he could save the computed value in a temporary and use it to assign …

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for nola_Coder

I am wondering how I can make my program not keep looping the input of a key or mouse click. For example, I'm writing a game that uses WASD keys for movement of character, and say spacebar to jump. How can I have it work so that regardless if I …

Member Avatar for !nsane

Hi! I'm just started learning C++ and i tried to do a calculator for fun. I did not succeed :$ There is an error here that i cannot find... Please, if you find it let me know :icon_smile: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { double num1; …

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Member Avatar for samurai1200

In C++ using gc++ compiler (netbeans, ubuntu), I am trying to pass a struct into a function (working fine), operate on an array in the struct (fine). But when I leave the function (which is void return value), the struct values snap back to their initialized values. the struct in …

Member Avatar for samurai1200
Member Avatar for Duncans Ghola

I have been assigned to implement a string class and I am having a hard time with the >> operator overload. Header File: [CODE]std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& ins, obstring& target);[/CODE] Implementation: [CODE] std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& ins, obstring& target) // Postcondition: A string has been read from the istream ins, and the …

Member Avatar for Duncans Ghola
Member Avatar for deeprocks31

i want to learn how to insert graphics in C++ pl. help me and suggest some books

Member Avatar for sblass92
Member Avatar for mrnobody

Hi, I'm doing a dialog box in VC++ 6.0. Can somebody please advice me how do I put an icon/bmp file on the title bar..? (Refer to the picture attached) I've tried searching it in books and google but i couldn't find anything. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mrnobody

Hi, I've got a dialog box and I use picturebox to put bmp background picture to fill the whole dialog box. After that, I draw some textbox and button in the dialog box. My intention is to have the buttons and textbox infront of the picturebox. But what happen instead …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rahulrulez

Hello, I'm working on my project "The Vending Machine Software" Here I need to use Graphics and mouse handling.. I'm totally new into Mouse programming in C++, still doing the coding with help of some online tutorials.. What I've to do is, Show a welcome page first when I run …

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The End.