49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for valestrom

I have multiple errors in my code that I was just working on, the errors are as follows: Here is my build log: monsters.h:11: error: storage class specified for field `enemyattack' monsters.h:11: error: ISO C++ forbids initialization of member `enemyattack' monsters.h:11: error: making `enemyattack' static monsters.h:11: error: ISO C++ forbids …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for DSTR3

I'm using C++ VS 2010 in Win7. I'm trying to delete a zip. and/or txt. file that is less than a minute old. However; heres the rub. I don't know the name or location of the file. Only that I want to delete it by extension and a timestamp of …

Member Avatar for DSTR3
Member Avatar for Vidgie65

Here is my code I am working and I cant for life of me get it to print if the year entered is a leap year or not. Please help me fix this.[code]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class dateType { private: int dMonth; int dDay; int dYear; public: void setDate …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for jammmie999

Hey Guys, I am trying to call a function in my DDL file [code] char DLL[1024]; _getcwd(DLL, 1024); strcat(DLL, "\\LoremIpsum.dll"); HMODULE Test = LoadLibrary(DLL); PluginEntry Entry = (PluginEntry)GetProcAddress(Test, "PluginEntry"); Entry(); FreeLibrary(Test); [/code] yet on Entry(); I get an access violation in 0xC0000005. What am I doing wrong? Thanks

Member Avatar for jammmie999
Member Avatar for D.M.
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have this problem: [CODE]struct Position { float x; float y; float z; }; bool CheckCollision(Position *vertices, int numvertices, Position start, Position end) { //return true if there was NOT a collision with the polygon defined by the vertices and the vector defined by the two positions. }[/CODE] I dont …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for dospy

i have this question in mind since i first found out that you can declare and array like this [CODE] <type>* nArray [/CODE] how does the compiler how much storage to allocate? i've heard that it doesn't allocate any storage, it just points to some address and when you use …

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Member Avatar for Max Hydes

hi people I have a project that requires me to use time.h in animation. can anyone show me a simple code of animation using time.h???

Member Avatar for Max Hydes
Member Avatar for kwamba

How can you combine different c++ programs into one full software. I am using the Code::blocks IDE

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for jayden118

Hi all, I'm new to c++ and currently i need to write a program to open csv file and store all data into a vector of double. After trying my codes for few days, i have encountered a problem. I couldn't load all columns of csv data into an array.Please …

Member Avatar for ratatat

hi guys. there is this c++ program i have wrote and i would like to use time.h in order to manipulate the way strings are going to be displayed in my program. the lecturer said it is possible but the problem is i just dont know how to do it. …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for caut_baia

Hello.I've been looking for a free C++ compiler for windows which supports the new standard features but i had little luck so far.Does someone have any knowledge of one? Thank you in advance.

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Member Avatar for dospy

i really need a GOOD socket tutorial, i've followed some of them from google but they aren't complete, i know that socket programming is forked into many categories, basically i am interested blocking & non blocking sockets, synchronous & asynchronous sockets(used with select() and FD_ISSET macro etc) PS: i know …

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Member Avatar for Zssffssz

ok this is one of the many things I don't trust google on. What is a good new compiler (C++ and D would be nice) for Linux? Kubuntu PS Is the system() function universal as in it will do the same thinge in Linux Windows and OSX

Member Avatar for limaulime
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Ok so I want to have the user imput a name of a file to decode it. How would I do that? EX: cin>>fill ifstream in (fill)

Member Avatar for limaulime
Member Avatar for amulgarg

[CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; void prin();//statement a main() { int x; //statement 1 x=34;//statement 2 return 0; }[/CODE] I wanted to know if the variable x is allocated memory in statement 1 or in statement 2. Its a long time doubt and no one really gives a clear and confident …

Member Avatar for limaulime
Member Avatar for meli123

[CODE]// bintodec.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(){ string inp; int dec = 0; char base; cout << "Input a number: "; cin >> inp; cout << "Input the base your number is in: "; …

Member Avatar for D33wakar
Member Avatar for suraj_p

this program calculates all the prime numbers between two input numbers num1 and num2. first an array is created and num1,num1+1,......num2 are stored in that array and then all elenemts of array are scanned and if they are divisible by any odd number except itself or by 2 then 0 …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ryl

The input for this program should be like this: How many tests? 4 Grade on Test 1? 95 Grade on Test 2? 88 Grade on Test 3? 80 Grade on Test 4? 96 Your average is: 89.75 <------- this is where I can't get it right, can anybody take a …

Member Avatar for ryl
Member Avatar for jmay1327

I am trying to use functions in the following program. The program is supposed to use a vector of structures to store a students first name, last name, and grades. Also, to get a average for each student and a class average. I do not think I am calling the …

Member Avatar for jmay1327
Member Avatar for Undertech

I have nearly finished an assignment that calls for implementing a media library. I have pinpointed my current solution for the addItem method in the library class as a memory leak, but so far I am not certain how to fix it. The addItem method I have so far is …

Member Avatar for doug65536
Member Avatar for skips

I have already downloaded eclipse SDK (the java version) but wish to download CDT so that I can write in C++. Referring to the website ([url]http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/downloads.php[/url]) I tried exactly what they said. I went to help-->Install new software--> clicked ADD --> and pasted in the location ([url]http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/galileo[/url]) since I have …

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Member Avatar for MUNAM BIN TARIQ

[CODE]#include<iostream.h> int main() { int num,j,c=0,limit,i,k; int*freq=new int[]; int*munam=new int[]; cout<<"How many times u want to enter the numbers\n"; cin>>k; cout<<"tell ur range in which u will enter\n"; cin>>limit; for( i=0; i<k; i++) { cout<<"Enter number\t"<<i+1; cin>>munam[i]; if(num>limit) { cout<<"invalid num"; return 0; } for( j=0; j<limit; j++) { freq[j]=0; …

Member Avatar for MUNAM BIN TARIQ
Member Avatar for eblanco1

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <math.h> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const string FILLER = " "; int main() { int w1 = 20; int w2 = 20; int w3 = 20; int w4 = 16; //variable declarations string firstname,lastname; int marital_status; float gross_income; const float tax_rate_0 = 0.10; const …

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Member Avatar for jed123

Can you guys give a code or something. Any simple graphics would do. i have initiated my graphics.h I've tried using the codes i found online but they give me errors. LINKER errors. Please help me. Thank you!

Member Avatar for jmay1327

I am trying to display the sNames vector. I am not sure if I am storing the information correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also I am trying to get an average for each students exam grades and a class average, and I am not sure how to go …

Member Avatar for jmay1327
Member Avatar for murnesty

if i declare size 5 array [CODE]char ch[5]={'1','2','3','4','5'};[/CODE] Then the null will store at the address ch+5 ? even i didn't declare the size for the null to place. If so mean it may overlap value on that memory address?

Member Avatar for NP-complete
Member Avatar for buzz9948

I am attempting to make a number guessing game but I need to use functions I figured a good spot for this would be the greater and less than problems that I need to include to make the user know what they have, I am horrible with functions and dont …

Member Avatar for palav sandeep
Member Avatar for I am dumb

OK Im new to C++, I'm still a beginner, i know how to make simple calculations and all. But looping is completely different and I have no idea where to start: Here's all that I have for this question (Write an application that keeps inputting an integer from the user …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for ben1996123

Is it possible? How do I do it? I need a function to return the players name, so I have this as the prototype: [code]string getPlayerName();[/code] And this as the function: [code]string mainFunctions::getPlayerName(){ return playerName; } [/code] But I get an error saying that the function called 'string' doesn't have …

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The End.