49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Vicky288

Hi, Below is the source file and make file I 'm using. while building I'm getting the below error in the console. From the error its evident that its unable to find function definition .Can anybody help me to fix this. Console output:- **** Build of configuration Debug for project …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for yznk

I am writing code for reading a matrix from a file and deciding which type of relations it has. ie. Reflexive relation. However i am getting this error: error C2679: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'Binary' (or there is no acceptable conversion) …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for smmcfarl

I am working on a binary search tree and have came across a few problems that I can not figure out how to correct and was wondering how to fix them. In my program I am adding, deleting, printing, updating, and counting the total number of nodes. The only things …

Member Avatar for smmcfarl
Member Avatar for zing14

I am having trouble finding out how to code this. I understand what each one is and know how to tell by looking but cannot figure out how to create functions to check whether it is either reflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric, and/or transitive (it can be more than one). Here is …

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Member Avatar for bad_dreams99

Hey All, Here is a really simple piece of code that works as a magic 8-ball program where the user types in a yes/no question and a random response is returned. This could be a good read for new C++ programmers (like me), as it covers a lot of basics: …

Member Avatar for samymcdonnell
Member Avatar for triumphost

Trying to re-write a php function to C++ using boost.. I have NOT seen code for this anywhere on the net. I thought it was useful and I need it for C++ but I need help.. definition of the function in c++ [CODE] void preg(string pattern, string subject, string &matches, …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for badnack

Hi at all, this is my first post on this forum, thus i think it's nice whether i introduce myself. My real name is Nilo Redini, i came from italy (Pisa), i'm 25 years old and i'm a computer engineer. It's a lot of time that i read this forum …

Member Avatar for badnack
Member Avatar for stereomatching

I like STL but the performance of the STL of visual C++ 2005 is not good enough, could I find some containers which looks like STL? Oops, I just found 1.48 release a brand new library--Container This library even support rvalue reference, so sweet. I love you, boost. Thanks

Member Avatar for Aghtar

Hello again. Well, I've been trying to get this to work, and I finally was able to combine two functions into one, but now I have to create a new function called FillTime() which will calculate the time to fill to fill the pool, though it seems that it doesnt …

Member Avatar for MandrewP
Member Avatar for Johnnyj01

I am having trouble figuring out how to test 2 bools in a loop. This is an example. do { }while (!done || !validMove); [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int number1, number2, total; bool done = false, validMove = false; do { cout << …

Member Avatar for Johnnyj01
Member Avatar for bmanzana

this worked a few times and now its not :( anny help would be greatly appretiated [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string vowels(string str) { string vow = "aeiouAEIOU"; for(size_t i = 0; i <= str.length()+1; i++) { str.erase((str.find_first_of(vow)),1); } return str; } int main() { string …

Member Avatar for bmanzana
Member Avatar for jnmisa

I am also a New Learner, Base on the Request, This Simple Code would detect if a Number is Even or ODD number.... // This is to Detect Odd and Even Number [CODE] bool ValidateDegreeValue; // This is to Validate that the User Enter Number Data double DegreeValueNum; // This …

Member Avatar for jnmisa
Member Avatar for sushlet

[CODE] ifstream in_gradebook; ofstream out_gradebook; in_gradebook.open("gradeBook.txt"); out_gradebook.open("gradeBook_edit.txt"); while (???) //while int is being read { in_gradebook >> score; out_gradebook << score << " "; sum = sum + score; } average = sum / 10.0; out_gradebook << average << endl;[/CODE] Here is a small snippet of the code I have …

Member Avatar for sushlet
Member Avatar for astrolegacy

Colafone Corp, an internet service provider has just started operations in Fiji. They require a program that calculates and prints the bill for Colafone Corp’s clients. As such the Corporation has come to you to create such a program. The corporation offers two types of services plan: Broadband Lite and …

Member Avatar for astrolegacy
Member Avatar for skylinedrifter

hey guys need help... Declare an enumeration type consisting of the nine planets in their order by distance from the Sun (Mercury first, Pluto last). Write a value-returning function that converts the name of a planet of the enumeration type declared in Step 1 into the corresponding string. The planet …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for skylinedrifter

Hey! so my teacher is forgin, as i am and i'm having trouble understanding what he says... here is an assignment i got and im not sure what exactly it's asking. Would be big help if any of you guys could figure out what the question is wanting me to …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for mitee

Hi, I am new c++ programming and I need some help with my code. I am supposed to create a Hangman game with a file and your supposed to be able to write new words to the file etc... But I have problems with the code after the user have …

Member Avatar for xxunknown321

[COLOR="Red"]First off let me just say i don't want anyone to do my homework for me. I get a greater sense of satisfaction knowing that I did the work. with that being said I'm looking for some way to start or some input on what measures I should take while …

Member Avatar for BenzZz

I'm a complete beginner to c++ so this may be a really stupid question... Basically so far i have this: [CODE]s1Textbox->AppendText( gcnew String(ss.str().c_str()));[/CODE] Obviously the text being displayed keeps appending. I looked at all of the methods for text boxes on the API but couldn't find anything to set the …

Member Avatar for BenzZz
Member Avatar for becraxie

Hi, I really need help with my c++ assignments. Thank's to everyone who can help! Create a grading program that reads a file exam grades and computes the Average grade and the letter grade for each of 5 students. Each student has 4 exam grades. Letter grade: A => 90 …

Member Avatar for mathijs
Member Avatar for amras123

[CODE] package primecdesc; import java.util.Scanner; public class Primecdesc { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner myScanner = new Scanner (System.in); int a,b=0,ctr=0, ktr=1; System.out.print("Enter a number: "); a = myScanner.nextInt(); while(b>=1001) { if (a%b==0) b++; ctr--; } /*for(b=1;b<=1001;b++) { if(a%b==0) ctr--; }*/ if(ctr==1) { System.out.println(a + " is a …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for maria536

Help with this code, I have to do a cafeteria survey with 20 students, see code and errors I get, thanks Dim studentRate(20) As Integer Dim counter As Integer Dim starCounter As Integer Dim frequencies(20) As String Dim phrase As String Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Aghtar

So the teacher told me to combine the two functions from the first code and i tried but it wont give me the correct answers. I cant seem to find the problem on it.. I cant seem to call the function on the second code.. thanks in advance. [CODE] #include …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Aghtar

Hi, ive been trying to get this code to work, but the calculations just doesnt work. it gives me something like 1de00067 something like that. I seriously dont see the error :/ Any help is appreciated. P.S. is it something about: "Initializing the lenth and the width?" i dont remember …

Member Avatar for Aghtar
Member Avatar for DoubleZ

Hello, so I recently started reading on arrays and I have an assignment to make a program that removes the necessary elements from an array of integers so that the array consists only of increasing integers, for example, transform {2,3,5,1,6,2,3} to {2,3,5,6}. Now, I do not know of any possible …

Member Avatar for sreejithbabu
Member Avatar for clorofaysal

i got this error in the arrow line.help me out. [CODE]void stack::push(int x) { /*->>>>>>>>>> */ nodeType *n=new nodeType(int x); n->next=this->head; this->head=n; length++; }[/CODE] it is stack.cpp file

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for infantheartlyje

I want to develop report engine in C++. Frankly I don't know any thing now about reporting engine. I know some of C++ features only (up to File handling). Can anyone guide me to develop report engine in C++? My display engine will ask my report engine to send some …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for stereomatching

According to "modern c++ design", "effective c++", boost and loki. I believe that policy based design is very powerful(not mentioning about TMP yet). The idea of policy is pretty straight forward and easy, you don't need to be a template wizard or know TMP very well before you could use …

Member Avatar for stereomatching
Member Avatar for wnr78ta

Hi I am doing an assignment and my professor gave us the code for a copy function for a doubly linked list. The function should copy list into another empty list and if the list being copied is empty it should just return and exit. Here is the code my …

Member Avatar for wnr78ta
Member Avatar for optimus_prime_1

please tell me how to remove the error of iota undeclared as shown in attachment file

Member Avatar for vijayan121

The End.