49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for maddog39

This snippet will allow you to separate or "explode" strings into vectors via a character separator or the visa versa. In which case you would take a vector and "implode" it into a string separated by a character. Also keep in mind that this requires the libboost libraries. This was …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Generates all primes till n terms. Not a wonder scripts which will generate till billions, but works pretty fine till few millions.

Member Avatar for muthu_tek
Member Avatar for Hamrick

A simple solution that prints the first n values in the fibonacci series up to the limit of an unsigned long. The program takes either command line arguments or interactive input for n and has code in place to make the program more flexible, like printing to a file.

Member Avatar for darkscript
Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for darkscript

This filters out the letters and numbers in the parameters you give it.

Member Avatar for hinduengg
Member Avatar for Sturm
Member Avatar for vijayan121

a string which can be used ala std::string, preserves case, but comparisons are not case sensitive.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

This would let you store different things of same type into one data structure, here its a list. A good and popular example would be file and folder hierarchical structure in your computer. Perhaps this is what this code demonstrates. The code has two classes [INLINECODE]File [/INLINECODE]and [INLINECODE]Directory[/INLINECODE](derived from File). …

Member Avatar for Mpiangu

This code will create for you an application. we are goig to use visual c++ for it open visual, c++. click file then New. in the New dialogue box click projects. click win32 application. give it a name eg my_project. and click finish. Then again click file. click files. the …

Member Avatar for eXceed69
Member Avatar for eXceed69

An interactive program using std::cin, std::cout, while loop and switch which will take from user no. 0 to 9 and print the number in characters. (eg. if user inters 0 the program shall respond You Have Entered : ZERO) If any negative number is given program should terminate.

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for hashjoe
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for ShawnCplus

This program was inspired by my college math 1 class. It takes the values of a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 and solves, displays the equation and shows the work. It also stops if the equation is dependant or inconsistent (Zero division) Cramer's Rule if a1x+b1y=c1 and a2x+b2y=c2 then x=((c1*b2)-(c2*b1))/((a1*b2)-(a2*b1)) …

Member Avatar for vicky_dev

This program solves the geometric problem, called the Convex Hull problem. Given a set of points, the objective is to find a region such that the line joining any two points lies within that region. Informally, it is the polygon of largest area that can be formed out of the …

Member Avatar for manutd
Member Avatar for manutd
Member Avatar for gabriel_wadley
Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for nanodano

This code snippet actually contains a few nifty things. There are two functions, hasVisited() and main(). hasVisited() makes use of a very handy function for CGI programmers: getenv. You can see I use it to retrieve REMOTE_ADDR which is the person's IP address. In main() it gets the count from …

Member Avatar for manutd
Member Avatar for teddy13
Member Avatar for venomlash

This can be used for plotting radioactive decay of an unlimited* number of elements, decaying into each other. *Limited only by memory and user attention span.

Member Avatar for venomlash

For those of you who live at home, run this on your parents' computer fullscreen, blue background, white font. Then put the mouse over the block in the upper lefthand corner, and enjoy the show.:twisted:

Member Avatar for lol_hacker101
Member Avatar for venomlash

This code will let you play Battleship against the computer (bad graphics, I know) for a while, upon which it quits without so much as an error message. Could an experienced coder look this over and tell me why? Thanks. Venomlash :?:

Member Avatar for amatallah
Member Avatar for kharri5

This is a little code for a shell that allows for simple redirection and multiple yes! MULTIPLE piping abilities. It is slightly glitched for background processes, and this is only my second program written with C/C++ so it looks to be quite inefficient, but the piping works pretty nicely. The …

Member Avatar for ZeRo 00
Member Avatar for ShawnCplus

I created a bowling game, Which for the most part works correctly. I toiled for hours trying to figure out how to do the scoring so i gave up. Its fairly simple code so not much of a description needed.

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Puckdropper

So you want random numbers with negative values... How do you get them? This is a simple method to do so.

Member Avatar for todd.sifleet
Member Avatar for vicky_dev

A very versatile, fully customizable graph drawing program using the TurboC++ graphics library. The DrawGraph() functions does the actual graph drawing. It can be used to draw graphs of BOTH CARTESIAN AS WELL AS POLAR functions. You'll need to pass the math. function to the program. The main() demonstrates the …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus

Well its fairly self explanatory, its a program that shows that calculates the hypotenuse using the pythagorean theorum, It displays the values of the sides and shows a crappy ascii art right triangle with the values input and the later found values

Member Avatar for manutd
Member Avatar for ShawnCplus

Ok I greatly modified a tutorial to have a completely different interface, a highscore list and a little tiny really rare easter egg. to get the highscore list. I want to figure out how to sort the highscore list if it is possible. And dont worry about it freaking out, …


The End.