49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for tonic22

[CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct account { account(); int accountnum; float balance; float interestrate; }; account::account() { accountnum = 50; } struct account2 { account2(); account * data; void test(); }; account2::account2() { } void account2::test() { data->accountnum = 1000; } int main() { account test; account2 test2; cout …

Member Avatar for LevyDee
Member Avatar for FiToKa

Hello, everybody. I'm stuck on an assignment I've been given recently. Looks like I've missed many lectures in programming. Here's the thread. I'm just asking for some hints, really, I'd appreciate that. [B] The problem:[/B] Write a complete program with at least one example for using all interface functions of …

Member Avatar for FiToKa
Member Avatar for harde

Slot Machine I got all this so far !!! Nex is .. First build in support for writing output to an output file. 2 Make a copy of your existing program and modify the new program to be array based or to use functions or both. It does not have …

Member Avatar for sushlet
Member Avatar for brsharvari

can u please provide me with a c/c++ program to add a user to MySQL and allow him to only insert into the database

Member Avatar for ushapriya
Member Avatar for spicyrelish

I need some help to bebug some C++ code. I can't see any obvious errors but my compiler reported 36 errors. I think they are all relating to the first error I'm getting from inside the State class. It says: "changes meaning of 'State' to 'class State' but I'm not …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for mbirum

Hello, I have a project in which I have to write a client program for the finger protocol. It's a very, very basic program which covers the basic socket() connect() connectToHost() and read()/write() functions. I am having a small problem which I cannot figure out. My program compiles perfectly, no …

Member Avatar for mbirum
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

I need to read one wide Charecter(wchar_t) from a file once but it says: "ambiguous overload for 'operator>>' in 'WER >> mont' The part that also confuses me is that it writes the Charecter just fine. It is only one Charecter not a string if that makes a difference. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Zssffssz
Member Avatar for skylinedrifter

Here's the the question... 1. Declare an enumeration type consisting of the nine planets in their order by distance from the Sun (Mercury first, Pluto last). 2. Write a value-returning function that converts the name of a planet of the enumeration type declared in Step 1 into the corresponding string. …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for spar

â–ºWrite a class implementation for a class Student that contains the data members: 1. Data member for the student Name. 2. Data member for the student Number (ID). 3. Data member for the student Faculty. 4. Data member for the student Gender (M or F). 5. Data member for the …

Member Avatar for XMasterrrr
Member Avatar for f4fjks

Hey All! Can Any one help me in getting an idea what to make for a computer programming project? Thanks!

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for dsmey

Hi all, I'm trying to create a simple function in MS Visual Studio which would take a function and a range of values, divide that range into 500 equal steps, and barf out the results to a CLR richTextBox. The function looks like this: [code]void Form1::Range(double from, double to, double …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for MrEARTHSHAcKER

Hi, I created the class for converting decimal to binary numbers and I wish to make the Windows application but there's an error: [ICODE]E2285 Could not find a match for 'TForm1::TForm1()' [/ICODE] The source code: [CODE]//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <vcl.h> #include<math.h> #pragma hdrstop #include "Unit1.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma resource "*.dfm" TForm1 …

Member Avatar for MrEARTHSHAcKER
Member Avatar for evilsilver

c++ I am making a game and decided to put in a bogus company animation thing, kinda like Blizzard does, but need to find a way to play the file that we made without going on in the code. ie it comes to the line to play the file (c:\evilsilver.avi) …

Member Avatar for omid80
Member Avatar for jwalker25

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void addNodes(); void displayList(); struct vote { char candidate[7]; int votes; double percent; vote *votePtr; }; vote *startPtr = NULL; vote *current; int i,j; int main() { vote *startPtr = NULL; cout<<fixed<<setprecision(0); cout<<"Enter the number of candidates: "; cin>>j; addNodes(); displayList(); return 0; …

Member Avatar for Taino

Hi, I have an assignment that requests that two integers be provided in a range and that these numbers should be checked if they are prime or not. I am having the following problems with my code. a) [U][COLOR="Red"]the number 4 shows up in my calculation and four should not …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for sohair

Hello guys this is my first post I was having trouble interfacing a remote controlled car using serial port I have made the circuit for interfacing the serial port with the relays to control the car remote but the problem is that I need to make a C++ or C …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for coolbeanbob

This is a lot of code, but most can be ignored. I am just having a problem with using templates/types. main.cpp(48) : error C2664: 'HashTable<Entry>::insert' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'int &' There is basically a type mismatch between line 48 of main (int) and the HashTable::insert …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for kodemaaster

I am declaring a structure as this [CODE]typedef struct Request { deque<int> roomsList ; }Request;[/CODE] Then , in some other function I get a segmentation fault in the highlighted line : [CODE] int initRoomsList(Request *R) { int roomSatisfying ; char roomName[20] ; int roomNum, capacity,wb,proj, lcd, sound, aud, vid , …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for thenewbiecoder

These are my homework questions. I have attempt to do most of it and I need somebody to check to see if im doing this right. 1. Given the following declaration for a TestScore class, write a derived class declaration called IDScore that adds an integer student ID number as …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for mrnutty

This code below add two positive numbers in any base from binary to base 36 with any length allowed by memory. The snippet comes with examples. There might be some bugs, because I haven't tested extensively, so forgive me if you find bugs. Hope people find it useful somehow. Thanks …

Member Avatar for Tumlee
Member Avatar for PapaGeek

I’m an old fashion Visual Studio 6 C programmer. I’m writing my first 2008 Form application using C++. The application will be able to run multiple instances at the same time. The first tool will be a selection box where you can chose the project you are working on with …

Member Avatar for PapaGeek
Member Avatar for zekstein

Hello ! I want to make an application ( Win 32 - DLL Output ) That do two things : 1) executes in application with system( "C:\blalblala\lol.exe" ) 2) sends an email at 1 ) it is working but i don't wait to wait for exit ( ex : if …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for dolfan55aj

We have to do a level order traversal of a max-heap and I'm having some trouble. Of course a regular level order traversal in a heap is easy as can be (it's an array of course) but now I have to print it in a sort of tree structure. For …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for coroche

Hi I'm trying to write a program that will print the results of the series sqrt(1), sqrt(1)+sqrt(2), sqrt(1)+sqrt(2)+sqrt(3),...., sqrt(1)+sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)+...+sqrt(n) where n is chosen by the user. The output should look something like 1, 2.414, 4.146, 6.146, 8.382, 10.831, ..... Here's what I have so far [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using …

Member Avatar for coroche
Member Avatar for XodoX

Does anybody know of a good site where I can learn how to do linked lists and use multiple linked lists together? The sites I found weren't any good. I'm not getting it. I'm just the kind of person who needs to get it spoon-fed and detailed sometimes.. I would …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for prithvisrini

Hi, I have declared a function as virtual in base class. In derived class I am overriding the same function. According to me function in derived class should have been executed when I make a call to the function. But the base class function is executed. Does anyone knows why …

Member Avatar for prithvisrini
Member Avatar for skylinedrifter

Hey fox... got a problem in codding im a newbie at this so take it easy on me ... The question Write a C++ program by completing the following steps: Write a value-returning string function called MonthAbbrev that takes an int value as a parameter. The parameter, month, represents the …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for roshan_iiita

I am working on Hand Gesture Recognition System and I want to generate keystrokes for any application using gestures as input. But i am not getting any idea that how can i make this work on both Linux and Windows platform, as keybd_event is there for Windows but it doesn't …

Member Avatar for roshan_iiita
Member Avatar for iamthesgt

This is another homework problem. I thought it was easier, and I wouldn't need help, but I keep getting a segmentation fault when running the program. The assignment is to use a recursive function to output the amount of candybars we can buy with a user-inputted amount of money. Each …

Member Avatar for markshah2
Member Avatar for lavenzo

hi, i having some problem here. I have a DLL written in C# but I need to re-write it in C++ using visual studio 2005. I have no C++ language..o.O so could some one help guide me? help translate my code..should i use new project > 'Class Library' project or …

Member Avatar for thines01

The End.