49,757 Topics

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[B]Goal:[/B] I'm trying to create a PHONY target inside my Makefile so that when I run the command "make backup", It will move all the files that end in "~" into the specified backup folder. Here is my code currently, and I'll explain the problem after: [CODE].PHONY: backup backup: @mkdir …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for Kerlix

Basically, how would one take this code (written for a parallel port) and change it to make it work with a serial port? [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/io.h> #define base 0x378 /* /dev/lp0 */ main(int argc, char **argv) { int value; if (argc!=2) printf("Enter a number between …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for JanraeMendoza

Hello! I'm a Daniweb newbie :)) I just want to ask or request the codes of this simple software (as my professor call it): Can anyone give me the codes how to make a FILE SEARCHER SOFTWARE? *File Searcher software - a simple software with the same function as F3 …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for MareoRaft

Hello, I am looking for a good library to manipulate matrices. The criteria is as follows... 1. It must have a large amount of functions that we may need to use in the future. Functions will include but are NOT limited to: --sortbyc( Mat, col) (sorts rows in a matrix …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for 4everct01

Im having some problem in shuffling the deck. There are some repetition after it shuffle. Any solution for it>? [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include "stdlib.h" #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; const static int BLACK = 0; const static int BLUE = 9; const static int RED = …

Member Avatar for 4everct01
Member Avatar for senergy

Hi, I have few problems, so I hope someone will help me :) I started with win32 API yesterday and I really like it, but I need little help :) #1 edit: I already fixed this :P #2 I created small "login" application, after user press "login" it should get …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for rhyza

im having trouble with my output i want to justify it the name and the result but i dont dont how when i enter a number it is not centered......pls help me this is my codes [CODE]#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <string> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; void …

Member Avatar for Satyrn
Member Avatar for vincezed

hi all , i am developing a project that uses sdf database and i want to connect to it using odbc driver.. recently i found that there is no odbc driver for sdf database. I also found we can use ADODB and ADOX with oledb to connect with sdf.. but …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Anyone who knows how I can download boost library manual in zipped html chm or pdf? I'm not always working with internet and I will be working with some boost libs(latest). Thanks

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for eustine

hello i'm trying to write a program that allows user to imput integers between 3 and 9 (both included)using a for loop could you please help your assistance will be appreciated highly.so far this is what i got [CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; void main () { int a; for(int 3>=start;9<=end; …

Member Avatar for Chilton
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

I swear I used to know how to do this ... so I have this array: BYTE bcdData[6]; and a function that returns it: [code] BYTE * BCD::GetBcdData() { return bcdData; } [/code] and I have this other array in another class: BYTE tpIdByte[2]; And what I am trying to …

Member Avatar for ChaseRLewis
Member Avatar for p1nchbeck

Hello you guys, i'm new to this community and relatively new to c++. right now i have a big problem with namespaces and i'm not able to resolve this issue on my own, so here we go: I want to integrate 2 simmilar projects into my project. they are so …

Member Avatar for p1nchbeck
Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo

If I write windows API application using vc++ 10,does the .exe file work in any windows computer or is vc++ a necessity in the other computer also?

Member Avatar for play_c
Member Avatar for bigdan182

i am trying to figure out how to pass structures based on the state of one of the variables. bassically there are 8 "teams" that each have a "progress" variable that is a bool. I want to be able to pass the 4 "teams" that have had their "progress" bool …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for estelion

Hello to everyone. I'm trying to write a piece of C++/Qt code and I always seem to get stuck at the same thing. I'm creating a DAQ System for my MSc thesis, who's purpose is to present and get some variables from the user interface (class name Interface) and when …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for SETHU S

please inform, I want to connect one CPP data file with excel data file. How to connect (link) one excel file with cpp data file. Which is the header file for the same.

Member Avatar for Tomtommitom
Member Avatar for kantaki

Hello, iam reading primer at the moment ( around page 400) and i want to create my first usefull application. for example i want to create a programm that opens firefox and paste the url in the search window. can u give me some keywords which i can google ? …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Tommy Mayor
Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for hqt

I have 2 codes. (that I had read in one book). the explanation under each code is true (because my book say that !!!). But in my thinking, if one code is true, so the other will be wrong. (wrong mean it will not have result same with the explanation). …

Member Avatar for hqt
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i am trying to make a weight watchers program and heres my code: [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<conio.h> #include<cstdio> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; int main (char argc) { for(;;) { system("cls"); ifstream r; r.open("cdaily.txt"); double r1; r >> r1; r.close(); ifstream r2; r2.open("cweekly.txt"); double r3; r2 >> r3; r2.close(); cout << …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for rhyza

i was having trouble with this couse we use an asterisk sign instead of a graph but the output is so mixed up how will i will aline the asterisk..pls help me [CODE]# include <"stdafx.h"> # include <iostream> # include <conio.h> # include <string> # include <windows.h> void main() { …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for by_the_blood

I am trying to write a function that will count test scores that fall in a specific range(90-100, 89-80, 79-70, 69-60 and 60 or below) that are stored in a two dimensional array. Also, I am supposed to write a function that will do the same as above, only this …

Member Avatar for laosland
Member Avatar for arbeeorlar gold

[CODE]// multiplication #include < iostream.h> int main() { int j ; int i ; int multi ; for ( j=1; j<13 ;j++); { for (i=1;i<13;i++ ); { multi = j*i ; cout << multi : } } return 0; }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for bhavna04

guys...i m trying to make a simple program to input 3 nos n print their all combinations(......plz help!!!.... thanx...:)

Member Avatar for bhavna04
Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23

I have only 2 errors in my code. Both of them are on Line 123. The errors are: 1>c:\users\zvjezdan\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\week5_math\week5_math\program.cpp(124): error C2804: binary 'operator *' has too many parameters 1>c:\users\zvjezdan\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\week5_math\week5_math\program.cpp(124): error C2333: 'main::Vector3::operator *' : error in function declaration; skipping function body This is code for finding …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for AshfaqueIW

Hi all, I came across some vector problem recently. Below is my code. std::vector<int> MyBuffer(10); for(int i=0;i<10;i++) MyBuffer.push_back(i);//First 10 elements are zero and after index 10 i getting stored. Why the behaviour if like this if i provide size during Declaration. I want to know what will be the difference …

Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23
Member Avatar for alwaysLearning0

Hi, I was thinking of writing this post as a reply of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/375854"]Need small example for compile time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism in c++.[/URL] But later decided to open this new thread as some expert may want to give some expert opinion on this. On the above mentioned thread, mike_2000_17 …

Member Avatar for Transcendent

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main() { char name[20]; string lastName; char grade; int age; cout<<"What is your first name "; cin.getline(name,20); cout<<"What is your last name "; getline(cin, lastName); cout<<"What letter grade do you deserve? "; cin>>grade; cout<<"What is your age?"; cin>>age; cout<<"Name: "<<lastName<<", …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for opawix

:twisted: guys can some1 give me hints to solve this? any help will do. thank you. make a program display a lowercase vowels using do while loop: heres my code: [CODE]char letter; { do{ cout<<letter; } while((letter!='b')||(letter!='c')||(letter!='f')||(letter!='g')||(letter!='h')||(letter!='j')|| (letter!='k')||(letter!='l')||(letter!='m')||(letter!='n')||(letter!='p')||(letter!='q')|| (letter!='r')||(letter!='s')||(letter!='t')||(letter!='v')||(letter!='w')||(letter!='x')|| (letter!='y')||(letter!='z')) }[/CODE] heres my code but it won't work!

Member Avatar for opawix
Member Avatar for 4everct01

I wonder if anyone can help me or guide me the way to remove the vector and subsitute with normal function instead of using the vector reference? [CODE] /*=================main.cpp===========================*/ #include <iostream> #include "Solitaire.h" using namespace std; void HandleMove(Solitaire& game); void HandleMoveToAnswer(Solitaire& game); void ClearScreen(); int main(int argc, char** argv) { …

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The End.