49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for missscareall

Hello to everybody, I am a c++ beginner, and I want to do a program that reads a file with a column with numbers, "finds" the repeated numbers and write the repetitions on other file. For example, I have a file like this: Input file: 6 5 4 4 7 …

Member Avatar for Saith
Member Avatar for Rickay

I'm not really sure what the proper forum for this is. Basically, I have compiled a small program (written in C++) that I want to execute. It first creates an AppleScript, then runs it. But, when the program is run (it is a 'Unix executable file'), I want to to …

Member Avatar for Rickay
Member Avatar for custurd122000

compiles there are no errors but it only outputs part of the desired output and then exits in a segmentation fault This is the output its printing out [code] Input is: 25 10 - 100 115 - - 300 2 5 * / / Contents of input queue: 25 10 …

Member Avatar for custurd122000
Member Avatar for peq

Don't know how to approach this problem, here's what I have so far, any help would be greatly appreciated. PROBLEM : Modify the function days() written for exercise 1 to account for the actual number of days in each month. Assume each year contains 365 days( that is do not …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Rickay

[CODE]double speedTest() { double dInitialTime = clock(), dFinalTime = 0; double dRepititions = 99999999; double dResult; cout << "\nCalculating...\n\n"; for(int nCounter = 0; nCounter <= dRepititions; nCounter++) { pow(dRepititions, pow(dRepititions, dRepititions)); } dFinalTime = clock(); dResult = dFinalTime - dInitialTime; ofstream outf("Results.dat", ios::app); outf << dResult << endl; return dResult; …

Member Avatar for Rickay
Member Avatar for dvidunis

hi i know there is a lib for mysql in c++, but i can't seem to install it properly! someone has a place i can find a tutorial for mysql for: Windows XP, Codeblocks. thx for helping. Checklist for Fast Responses: 1: Search before you post. Does what you're looking …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for centerline00

OK, I have been out of the loop with C++ for a year now. I am finished with school, so this is NOT homework. Just trying to clean up some old assignments for future references. (the code is in "messy" shape til I can get it working properly and clean …

Member Avatar for centerline00
Member Avatar for goocreations

Hi I'm looking for an efficient way of converting an array of integers to an array of doubles. Currently I'm doing this: [CODE]int *a = new int[1000]; //And then assign values to the indexes double *b = new double[1000]; for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { b[i] = …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for jimmymack

[CODE]// Listing 14.4 // Add Function #include <iostream> class Counter { public: Counter(); Counter(int initialvalue); ~Counter() {} int GetItsVal()const {return itsVal; } void SetItsVal(int x) {itsVal = x; } Counter Add(const Counter &); private: int itsVal; }; Counter::Counter(int initialValue): itsVal(initialValue) {} Counter::Counter(): itsVal (0) {} Counter Counter::Add(const Counter & rhs) …

Member Avatar for jimmymack
Member Avatar for Saddi

Well i'm beginer in c++ programing languages, what I need to know is, What is the partations of c++? What kind of programmes I can built with? And why it's the best programming languages?

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for v_janssens

Hi, I have a C++ program (built in Visual Studio 2010) and want to add a user interface to package it up. I've been reading around about windows forms and the win32 API, and found loads of tutorials showing how to create interfaces but I can't find any advice on …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for dadam88

Hey all, I just wanted to know if I should use a different process to run my loop. I use a while loop until the AI figures out the number. I know there is a more efficient and easier way to make this loop happen with BOOLEAN. Setting while(bool = …

Member Avatar for dadam88
Member Avatar for pcgamer2008

Hello World ! Can anyone tell me how to put a '+' character at the screen centre in 3D World space..It should stay at the centre while moving camera..I don't want to use glutWarpPointer()...anyone who can tell me ..when I move my camera it must be at the screen centre..

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Member Avatar for Ahmed sunny

Write a program that emulates the DOS COPY command. That is, it should copy the contents of a text file (such as any file) to another file. Invoke the program with two CPP command-line arguments—the source file and the destination file—like this: C>ocopy srcfile.cpp destfile.cpp In the program, check that …

Member Avatar for Arbus
Member Avatar for wildplace

so..i found this on wikipedia but i dont really get what dist, previous, alt mean in here.. [CODE] 1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source): 2 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initializations 3 dist[v] := infinity ; // Unknown distance function from source to v 4 previous[v] := undefined ; // …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for s11049151

hey, I have to write a program that asks the user for an input amount (in cents) and the highest denominations of change (1c,5c,10c,20c & 50c). With these 2 inputs, the program then finds the distinct ways in which the change for the given amount can be made using the …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for trebor-pl

Hi, just finding out about making a program that will switch my monitor mode from DVI to HDMI and backwards. Is there any of you guys that done similar thing? Is there a possibility to guide me where to start my research and coding. thanks for help anyway

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for Amr ElGohary

Design and develop a program for balanced delimiters checking . Use the stack class defined in STL. Your program should take from the user the name of the C++ program he wants to check and then opens it and processes its text and issues a message saying that: You the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Amr ElGohary

please if any one knows howa to solve this problem Write a program that asks the user for the level n that he wants and creates the Farey sequence as a linked list of fractions of level 1, then extends it to level 2, 3,...n. Below are input/output samples: Input …

Member Avatar for Amr ElGohary
Member Avatar for piecykoos

Hi there, I have been given this question to complete but I can't seem to get my code working properly. I'm very new to C# so sorry if i come across as stupid! Here is the question... Create a class that represents the grade distribution for a given course. In …

Member Avatar for YouGotCaught
Member Avatar for cppgangster

Hi dudes, does anyone know where is the problem this my code: [CODE]void CMyListBox::loadSources(CMyListBox::eInputMode eMode,const std::vector<wchar_t>& coll) { wchar_t *pBuffer=new wchar_t[coll.size()]; std::copy(coll.begin(),coll.end(),pBuffer); wchar_t zodis[20]; while (swscanf_s(pBuffer,L"%s",zodis,20)) MessageBox(zodis); }[/CODE] the imput(pBuffer) is this string "šešios žąsys su šešiais žąsiukais." swscanf_s only keeps reading the same word "šešios" ...

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for dvidunis

hi, first of all im noob and 11 years old so don't blame me if something is wrong! i try to read a txt, see a version, read a txt on a server, see if on server newer and ask to update if yes. any suggestions? Oh and in C++ …

Member Avatar for \007
Member Avatar for gaten

Hi, What can I create a list? I would like to know how to insert items in a list. I wrote this code [CODE] void addElem(lista *&head, int elemento){ if(temp == NULL){ head=new lista; head->value=elemento; head->link=NULL; temp=head; }else { lista *new_node=new lista; while(temp != NULL){ temp=temp->link; } new_node->value=elemento; new_node->link=NULL; temp=new_node; …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for ThrustinDuffman

Hello. I have been out of programming in C++ for about a year now (around the time I took my last C++ class) and I am wanting to get back into it. So I decided to make a rock, paper, scissors game to refresh my memory but I am running …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ankit.4aug

[CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream.h> int main() { int x,y,z; x=y=z=5; z=++x||++y&&++z; printf("x=%d,y=%d,z=%d",x,y,z); } [/CODE] why the output is x=6,y=5,z=1?? shouldn't it be x=6,y=6,z=1

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for noctiskram

the only problem in this code is i must use longer username and password like for example dani and the password is web, not d and w only. this is very easy but i didn't make it, please help me with this. In this program, after you log in you …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for superjj

Hi I'm working on a project. i'm using c++ gui windowns forms. when people press the red cross, then the program need to do something before exiting the program. can someone tell me how to make this. what event I need to use. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for superjj
Member Avatar for jimmymack

// student.cpp - Script 9.7 #include <iostream> #include <string> // Declare the Person class. class Person { public: Person(std::string theName); void introduce(); protected: std::string name; }; // Declare the Teacher class. // Teacher inherits Person. class Teacher: public Person { public: Teacher(std::string theName, std::string theClass); void teach(); void introduce(); protected: …

Member Avatar for jimmymack
Member Avatar for fclopez

Hi , A simple stupid question: I am to read the contents of a file that goes this way RXbytes = 0 b TXbytes = 0 b RXbytes = 3 Kb TXbytes = 2 Kb RXbytes = 119 Kb TXbytes = 6 Kb RXbytes = 189 Kb TXbytes = 5 …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for montjoile

hi. Im trying to make an expresion tree for every ER that I read each ER will be transformed into postfix and saved in a string, which I'll be sending to arbol_expresion() to create it`s tree expression Searching on the web I found a method to convert the postfix expresion …

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The End.