49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for MasterGberry

Ok. So this patch i made has been in beta testing. For some reason my C++ version does not always write the files. but it shows that it patched sucessfully......lists the correct directory where it should be writing the files. They just dont show up. The c# version works though …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for aznlitomik3

Hi, I forgot how to do the decimal precision aka magic formula Like after you run the program it give you 4 decimal places but i only want 2 decimal places Hope someone can help!! Thank You!! [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; void …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

I made a server and i tryed connecting using a telnet saying "Connection refused" . What am I doing wrong ? Thanks in advanced. [code] /* * server2.cc * * Created on: Jan 29, 2011 * Author: astanciu */ #include <iostream> #include <winsock2.h> using namespace std; class Server { WSAData …

Member Avatar for abdullah0

i want to make a program in which links to different applications in my pc are given and can be opened... for example a program in which output at screen is "which game you want to play? press 1 for freecell and 2 for hearts" and when the user presses …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ntrncx

i am beginner that studying c++ i used to use codeblocks but last months i use netbeans, studio express has bad text editor for beginners:P all this time i am using cygwin(always failed) recently i saw on google that with mingw and msys i can compile release and run my …

Member Avatar for ntrncx
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Does anybody have a tested function in C or C++ that sends text to the printer in a Windows Console Application? I would be very appreciative! It would be nice, if I could specify the font. Yes, I can google!

Member Avatar for abdullah0
Member Avatar for bussa.forums

in my module i need to print content of dialog box contains some data iam using fox-toolkit and visual studio. i tried with FXPrintDialog,FXDCPrint using FXPrinter classes but am failed and i got error as FXDCPrint no output device has been conntected please help me thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Rishabh876

I made a c++ program but my teacher rejected it because i had used goto function everywhere. she told me that i can use do while instead. so i started replacing goto with do while. after spending so many hours on my desktop when i tried to run it , …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for SolidSora

I'm trying to write a fraction class and I want a function to reduce the fraction to lowest terms. The problem I'm having is trying to get the fractions to reduce. I need a way to find a common factor in both numbers. All other functions work the way I …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ankit.4aug

Please tell me ..what do you mean by following line void(*fnctn)(void(*)(int *,void **),int(*)(void**,int*));

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for jnick12

I need help with the //Find letterGrade function. The program works perfect with the if/else statements that are commented out, but I want to convert it to a switch statement. I did it, but it keeps saying that the variable 'grade' is being used without being initialized...Please help. [CODE]#include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for alaa sam
Member Avatar for mespo365

I'm fairly new to programming, I'm currently learning c++. I have a for loop that checks a gets each element of the string and converts it to an ascii value. I use this to check a password...for example it has a upper case,lower,digits,etc. So in my loop i have like …

Member Avatar for vinayakgarg
Member Avatar for danibootstrap

Hi, I observed a strange bug in VC6 and Visual Studio compiler. For one particular program I needed to declare a heap as [B]u = new double[width * height][/B]; where width = 640 and height = 480 and initialize all the values to 0. So I did [B]memset(arru,0,640*480[/B]);. But to …

Member Avatar for LeMajestique

I am having trouble making a menu system for a text based adventure game I am creating. I don't really understand all of the concepts yet but I am trying to go to a new situation by setting a number to be a certain situation and then by picking a …

Member Avatar for vinayakgarg
Member Avatar for svatstika

Hello everybody! I'm using Visual C++ 2008 and I've done problem "finding hamilton cycle in an undirected graph" after writing a console application. I want improve the program to a window form application and I have 2 missions to complete: 1. How to read an adjacency matrix from a rich …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Chris11246

I haven't written any code in a while and I'm trying to refamiliarize myself but I am having trouble. Im trying to make it so that all the values in an array move down one. Im trying to do that by adding 1 to the value of the pointer that …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mespo365

I am trying to get a element of string and cast it as a integer. What I am ultimately doing is in a for loop taking an element out of the string and convering that element to an int. This is in order to get the characters ascii value. thanks

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for alonewolf23

I would like the user to input a sentence that contains quotes around a portion of it and then my program will convert any letters in quotes to upper case. My problem is how do i write the statement to start toupper() one i == " and end the toupper() …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for thisischris

So I'm working with these strings and I'm stumped at this one part. Here's the instructions: "After removing leading and trailing blank characters (<SPACE> or <TAB>), the string must not be empty." .empty() will obviously be used, but how do I check for the " " or "\t" characters and …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

Haven't worked with classes for a while, so please excuse all these dumb questions :P Still learning. Let me know if you need more info. 1>c:\users\adam\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\help\pusoy\pusoy\pusoy.cpp(24): error C3867: 'Deck::dealCard': function call missing argument list; use '&Deck::dealCard' to create a pointer to member deck[] is a vector of Card …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

I took my deck of Cards (class Card) and shuffled the. But every time i ran the program it gave me the same shuffled results.... [CODE]void Deck::shuffleDeck() { std::random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end()); }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for erikandr
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

I am trying to take a std::vector<Card> and organize it by one of the int values stored inside the Card class. How could I go about doing this with iterators and the sort() method? Or is it not possible? Ty :)

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

I made a lot of client server programs using tcp/ip but how do i know what version of socks protocol i used ? I just heard about socks5 and i was confused what kind of version i was using until now . Thanks

Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23

[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; string reverseStr(string& x); int main() { // Array for your words vector<string> words; // Your Words words.push_back("I"); words.push_back("won"); words.push_back("ten"); words.push_back("tickets"); words.push_back("for"); words.push_back("a"); words.push_back("rock"); words.push_back("concert"); words.push_back("in"); words.push_back("the"); words.push_back("park"); words.push_back("for"); words.push_back("this"); words.push_back("Friday"); vector<string>:: iterator myIter; vector<string>:: const_iterator iter; cout << "Sentence …

Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23
Member Avatar for bfprii

So recently I've just started out working with named pipes/pipes. As of right now I have a process called y2 on my local computer. That is the server process. I am trying to connect to that server by opening a pipe. However the WaitNamedPipe function is hanging, apparently the CC …

Member Avatar for bfprii
Member Avatar for realproskater

here is the question: Write a program that reads names and gpa’s from a text file. The file looks like: James 3.9 Margaret 3.5 Charles 1.2 Jennifer 4.0 Your program sorts the students ascending by gpa, and prints the sorted list including names. To keep the names with the numbers …

Member Avatar for realproskater
Member Avatar for pucivogel

Can anyone help me out.I can't understand why am i getting this kind of error [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include<sstream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; void getDerivative() (double [],int[]); void print_d_Array (double[]); void print_i_Array (int []); int main () { const int polynomsize=5; string sub[polynomsize]; string coefficient[polynomsize]; string exponent[polynomsize]; double coefdouble[polynomsize]; …

Member Avatar for alaa sam
Member Avatar for Mayank23

how would be able to display all the names a user entered. the user entered the names through a while loop

Member Avatar for alaa sam
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

i will be given a set of any length and my program will have to produce the power set. For example: input: c d e output: empty c d e cd de ce cde total number of subsets: 2^3 = 8 I will try to write my own code, but …

Member Avatar for elemes
Member Avatar for cantalope

Hi, I'm currently in college working on a degree in Information Security Systems. I am taking a C++ course as a pre-requisite, although it will be the only programming course I have to take. I found this site while trying to resolve a small problem in my code I was …

Member Avatar for AndreRet

The End.