49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for remuladgryta

Hi, i'm a new learner of the ways of COM and, when trying to recode a code example found in [I]Automating Office[/I] by Lori Turner from just a demo of Word interaction into a c++ class (which i will be using in my program) i come across these linker errors: …

Member Avatar for DJRoss
Member Avatar for iwannalearn

hey i am in a great confusion plz help me out.I have done basics of c++,and now i am in a confusion that whether i should continue c++ or to start with java???? plz suggest me

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for youLostTheGame

in my C++ class we were given an assignment (as follows) and i only have one last objective with it. the user is given an option to be able to see the entire queue list and i don't know how to get the program to show that. does anyone know …

Member Avatar for youLostTheGame
Member Avatar for uclaEE

Hello all! I am having trouble writing this code where I am supposed to take integers and output them as strings. When i try a number like 67 it outputs it correctly like sixty seven. However, when i try 467 it only outputs four hundred sixty. Suggestions appreciated! [CODE]#include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for svatstika

Hi everybody! In my TMemo (name: MemoMain) there are following datas: 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 I must read them to a variable int and an array int A[][]; After reading: n==3; A[0][1]==0 A[0][2]==1 A[0][2]==1 A[1][0]==1 A[1][1]==0 A[1][2]==1 A[2][0]==1 A[2][1]==1 A[2][2]==0 I did like this: …

Member Avatar for svatstika
Member Avatar for w1mark

Hi, I have been working on this program for a while, and it is just getting plain frustrating. I'm trying to make a class(called numberType) which can take a number with up to 100 digits using a 100 integer character array and then be able to add that class with …

Member Avatar for w1mark
Member Avatar for kamotekid08

Hi there somebody please help me to create a record file using c++.. The project is similar to a record. Ex. A product(goods) record. Where you can search for a certain product using the code number of the product, add product, remove product and view all the records. the task …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for cppgangster

I am getting the same problem with the languege. How to craete graphical user interface on windows platform without Qt? MCF is not anymore included in Visual C++ isn't it?

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for caut_baia

Hi everyone i'll keep it brief.Say i have [code] template <int k> struct A { enum {key=k}; }; template <int t> struct B { std::vector <A<y>* > vec; B () { vec.push_back (new A<y> ()); B <t-1> (); } }; template <> struct B <0> {}; int main () { …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for danijela123

Hi there, in my binary file i want read something but from 4th byte. i need to read data as 2 bytes int. i have this code but im not sure if its ok: some of my files should have some values less than 0, and im not getting any..so …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for Lemonader

Hi. How do I develop test cases for this code? Like, you know, testing the methods. I don't really know. If there was a "return", I could do it that way, but there isn't. So, you make a skeleton of tests, then adjust each test so that it actually tests …

Member Avatar for Lemonader
Member Avatar for ableg02

How can I write a for loop that will help me run this twice so that I won't have to re-type code for other data type Student variables? Student S1, S2; for (int x = 1; x < 3; x++) { cout << "Enter First Name: " << endl; getline(cin,Firstname); …

Member Avatar for ableg02
Member Avatar for c++probeginner

Please Help Me! I cannot figure out what to do. I get an error that I don't understand. I posted my code and error below: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <cctype> using namespace std; //prototypes int read_dials(char &d1, char &d2, char &d3, char &d4, char &d5, char &d6, …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for nerdygirl118

I am making a wheel of fortune game and have successfully figured out how to change the word that you're trying to guess into astricks *. However, I cannot figure out how to change it back once the user inputs a correct letter. The puzzle comes from the user inputting …

Member Avatar for dmalach
Member Avatar for Hojjat.Mojallal

Hi this program calculate the differentiation of a polynomial by using a tree structure. It's assumed that the variable is x and valid operations are +, -, * and /. The valid operands are x and digits.The program doesn't check the validity! e.g. x*x*x-2*x+7 (valid) x*x*x-12*x+15 (invalid) But I need …

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Member Avatar for MDiak47

I have been informally studying programming with C++ for roughly 8 months now. I understand the majority of the language, but I am becoming extremely bored with building trivial programs and running them in console. I am quickly losing interest and would like to know where to move next...I have …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for KazenoZ

Hello, I'm currently writing a program in which I need to check wether a list is empty or not, though that produces me crush in the program when I operate the empty() function on it. Project.h [CODE]class Project{ public: friend class Map; bool isProjectOpen; list<Map> maps; list<Map>::iterator it; string Name; …

Member Avatar for KazenoZ
Member Avatar for imobby

Hi, i am working on visual C++ Express Ed and winforms to make a simple Word processor. What can be the basic functionality like spell check etc i have to put in it and algos to follow? is there any help on the Internet that u know can help me.

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for shabbo_03

im doing a college project in c++. it is a token system of bank(line,queue..).it waits for a enter key and then it creates a token with entry time and expected leaving time,cashier to attend to and token no. whenever i compile the program it gives no error but after runing …

Member Avatar for mbulow
Member Avatar for david09436

Create a program that will calculate the CFRS and the letter grade equivalent of a list students using an array of structures. your inputfile:"students.in" and your outputfile must be:"students.out".im confused in filestreaming. my specifications. Student as the name of my structure. Student_List as my array of structure. my structure named …

Member Avatar for Red Goose
Member Avatar for crv_great

hiiiii its 12th science student.IN THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM I REALLY DONT UNDERSTAN THE LINKER ERROR.I HAD ALREADY SPEND 4-5 HOURS IN SOLVING 50IES OF ERROR BUT THIS ERROR I REALLY DON'T ABLE TO UNDERSTAND. SO PLEASE HELP ME OUTTTTTT. AS EARLY AS ANYONE CAN...... [code]#include<string.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<fstream.h> …

Member Avatar for group256
Member Avatar for fia tariq

plzz help me how to find the largest and 2nd largest number among n values through while loop

Member Avatar for prvnkmr449
Member Avatar for RolandTheNerd

Hello, My whole life I've wanted to make a video game. I've been influenced by notable programmers; Shigeru Miamoto and Tetsuya Nomura. I'd like to learn how to do C++ programming so I can make a game. I'm only a freshman in high school, so you can imagine, I don't …

Member Avatar for vinayakgarg
Member Avatar for koundinya

hello guys i knw this is an old thread but the exact solution isnt given yet.i have the small problem of pipeline error after i installed tcwin45.even though this is an old version it shoudnt give any problems rite?i ve installed it 3 times and then deleted it 3 times …

Member Avatar for koundinya
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

I am trying to send a structure via tcp/ip,i dont know if i am doing it good,it prints a strange chaarcter in my screen.Here is my code that i am using to send and recv: [code] void Send(const void* buffer, int size) { int n; if((n = ::send(desc, (char*)&buffer, size, …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Crzyrio

Hi As part of an assigment i am needed to write a C++ Program to solve a system of equations using Gaussian elimination with scaled partial pivoting method. Now our prof has told us to simple use the pseudocode found in the book. I did my best to finish it …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for LeMajestique

I am making a little silly game in c++ and I am currently working on a way to generate random monsters for me to fight, however, either my random number generator isn't working or my if else function isn't working and it keeps giving me the same monster(Polythemus) If someone …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for raisedtozero

make and run a program that will display the output below ##### #### ### ## # it should use forloops,, i cant make one, but the code is long. i cant make it work also, you need to use the concept of rows and columns heres mine,, its epic fail …

Member Avatar for erikandr
Member Avatar for NathanOliver

Hey All, I just finished my code and it seams to work fine. I'm looking for advice on improving it or making it easier to understand. Its not Fully complete because I only have to set up to take in a number less than 2147483648 because i am using an …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Drazzen

How can I solve this problem. I've tried my very best but I can't #include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> int hours=3, hh, mm; void firstorder(); void firstserve(); int main(){ int time; cout<<"The first customer arrived at "<<firstorder<<endl; cout<<"The first customer was served at "<<firstserve<<endl; return 0; } int firstorder(int){ int mint; hh= mint/ …

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The End.