49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for ixmike88

hello i have made a program that connects to multiple servers and handles packets from multiple platforms (ie irc and some others) what i want to do is make a plugin system that will use my original program for connection purpose then have the plugin system be something like that …

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Member Avatar for phfilly

Hey everyone, I'm having abit of trouble with a seg fault. As said in the topic, the piece of code that gives the error isn't really working with an array. I ran the program through the gdb tool in g++, and it says the the seg fault occurs in the …

Member Avatar for phfilly
Member Avatar for ageq

I need a help for change the code below for use it as a simple void function. I found this code on Gretl : [url]http://gretl.sourcearchive.com/documentation/1.8.2/genfuncs_8c-source.html[/url] Now i ha some problem , can someone help me. [CODE]/** * bkbp_filter: * @y: array of original data. * @bk: array into which to …

Member Avatar for ageq
Member Avatar for Ivanero

Hey guys I am trying to calculate statistics for an array such as min,max,median... etc and am not getting any answers or results although the program runs well. here's the full code so far... [CODE]//Mostafa Abdel Moez 111606 //Calculating some common statistics for an array of integers. #include <iostream> using …

Member Avatar for Ivanero
Member Avatar for rAshter

I am just beginner in c++ so I am weak in debugging c++ codes. I am having problem with the code below. It is showing segmentation error and i am not able to remove in from the code. I am using g++ editor in linux. #include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> using …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for getack

Have a class, in a separate .h file, and the implementation of this class in it's own .C file. The class does not include anything external, so it exists completely on it's own. When I compile, G++ tells me it is looking for a semicolon before the class declaration. This …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for spoinkgeek

i am required to develop a system to record details of student. This system should be implemented using structure and array. i am required to develop a structure which contains student details such as Student ID, Student Name, Nationality and Gender. 1st-i have to insert new record 2nd-delete record 3rd-sort …

Member Avatar for Amanuel Negash
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

Anyone knows some good books about OOP in C++ ? But not books with theory,i want to learn how to implement oop.

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for cbsinc

Sorry to bother you all with such trivial stuff, but I just finished about 35 years of work in construction, all over the US and Europe. And when the market went south I went back to school. Calc and trig are going fine, but C++ is kicking my butt. We …

Member Avatar for cbsinc
Member Avatar for DA_BKJ

Hey everyone. BKJ here, need some help with a homework, really appreciate some help. Heres the question: Write a program that reads one line of text, one character at a time, and then prints it with all its blanks, commas, astricts (*) and periods removed. Heres my answer:[CODE] #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for DA_BKJ
Member Avatar for Behi Jon

Hi ... When I want to run a MFC application in Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition, I receive an error from compiler that : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'specstrings_undef.h': No such file or directory c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\specstrings_strict.h 184 What is problem ? Thanks ...

Member Avatar for shijobaby
Member Avatar for Obelisk4

Hi all ! I 'm working with my friends in a basic game project ( it 's just a newbie one, though ) I 've searched and tried all tips that I 've found : setting the include Directories, adding the Linker, copying SDL.lib and SDLmain.lib to VC++ lib folder, …

Member Avatar for shijobaby
Member Avatar for chavez

Hi guys! I get this exact error Main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall CGui::GetActiveState(void)" (?GetActiveState@CGui@@QAEHXZ) Release/test.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Heres the code: [CODE] #include "Gui.h" #define WINDOW "3D World" HWND ( __stdcall *pCreateWindowExA )( DWORD, LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, DWORD, int, int, int, int, …

Member Avatar for shijobaby
Member Avatar for hermann87

So, I'm having another problem this time... I'm on Windows 7 x 64, working with VC++ 2008 Express I've been working on this DX10 tutorial up to this point where I tried to build my project and got this : [CODE=CPP]error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain@32 referenced in function "void …

Member Avatar for shijobaby
Member Avatar for JackDurden

I have this error when debugging called Debug Assertion Failed , does anyone know what that means? Im using Visual C++ 2008. [CODE]void merge (string alpha, string beta) { string temp; string temp2; stringstream insert(alpha); stringstream insert2(beta); // Insert the string into a stream ostream_iterator<string> output(cout, " "); vector<string> words; …

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Member Avatar for radmaker3

I just started using MS Visual C++ express to brush up on C\C++ I wrote one little sample program and it ran successfully, then every time after that i kept getting this debug assertion failed error that killed my program. Here's my code. #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; int …

Member Avatar for shijobaby
Member Avatar for spetsnaz26

I'm transitioning my old, dinasour-ish program written with arrays and pointers to vectors and ran into some problem with iterators. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 SP1. In debug mode the follow message appeared upon reaching the part of the code indicated further below: Debug Assertion Failed! expression ("_Myptr > ((_Myvec*)(this->_Mycont))->_Myfirst",0) …

Member Avatar for shijobaby
Member Avatar for EngSara

Hi, When I run my program it crashes and a message that an asseration failure happened appears. when I debug the program it points to following: [CODE]for ( i = 0; i < delta*d; ++i) delete [] o[i]; delete [] o;[/CODE] I create this array as follows: [CODE] int **o; …

Member Avatar for shijobaby
Member Avatar for integer*09

Hi all, I got this assertion problem that i cant seem to solve, could you guys help me on this. So far, i think the problem might be due to the while loop for the iterator line by line check and i have made changes to it but still cant …

Member Avatar for shijobaby
Member Avatar for Kunal Aggarwal

I program using Visual C++ 2008. MFC Application. I was creating a program to open a Media (.avi) file. The default association of avi files is the Windows Media Player. Now in the program I want to load a button that when clicked will open the specified avi file using …

Member Avatar for srilekha nikky
Member Avatar for bookmark

Line 10 keeps on getting a Type "Double" Unexpected Any idea what the problem is? [CODE] #include<iostream> using namespace std; double grossPay(double a, double b); int main(){ double a,b; cout << "Hours worked this week and hourly rate of pay"; cin >> a >> b; cout << double grossPay(a,b); system("pause"); …

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Member Avatar for sunrunner23

I had it down, then I thought I could condense the program using functions. Well, it's broken now and looking for some help. I got "An Access Violation (Segmentation Fault) raised in your program." I was like neato....but how.... I'm trying to add to integers with the array of 30 …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for swamper79

ok so ive been working on the code for weeks now for class and i dont know how to start inputing a function this is what i have [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //declare variable// const double g = 9.8; double s =1; double d; cout<<"Seconds "<< …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for jjspikejones

I have many errors in this program will someone help I also have to put another for loop the the isRightprime var. [code] // imports #include <iostream> int isRightPrime(int); int isPrime(int); // begin main int main() { // declare variables int rightPrime; int Prime; int x; int y; using namespace …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Sunday1290

I am trying to make a single player connect four game in C++. With the specifications being: [LIST] [*]7x6 [*]In order to win, the player must match four games pieces either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. [*]One player, playing against a computer that makes random inputs. [/LIST] I'm confused on how …

Member Avatar for doc13p
Member Avatar for reallynewbie

I'm trying to make a program where it will add up the letter grade entered and give how many students made an A, B,C etc... I'm stuck and not sure what to do next some things may be out of line, due to I was trying different things and not …

Member Avatar for reallynewbie
Member Avatar for realproskater

For some reason i cant get my GCD function to return anything in my main function someone help? [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int firstanswer; int secondanswer; int a; int b; int gcd (int a,int b) { int t; while ( b != 0); { t = b; b = …

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Member Avatar for banks2140

Ira Banks // CS 171-02 //10/29/2010 // This program will to simulate the following activity. He has 25 chips numbered 1 through 25 in a bag. // He thinks of a number from 1 to 25. Then he draws numbers from the bag, recording each and returning it to the …

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Member Avatar for goodi8u

Hello, I am new to posting, but have searched these wonderful forums for a couple years. I am programming a game as a hobby. And I have been searching for a way to read what the user types. e.g. User types in "hello" and I can take that and send …

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Member Avatar for cclausen7

I'm trying to make a deck of cards; I want it to keep track of the cards that have been drawn. Will this code delete the card that is displayed? [code] void Deck::draw_card() { int random_card = (rand() % cards.size()) - 1; cout << "\n" << cards[random_card].name << "\n"; cards.erase(cards.begin() …

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The End.