49,762 Topics
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Hi guys, i just written a simple program which requires some date verification. However im facing some trouble with the input Problem 1: if the input has more than 8 chars, garbage characters gets printed Problem 2: if input contains invalid values(like negative), error gets printed Problem 3: if input … | |
I am making a game where I need to take one image and make it into multiple images. then when I click on the image, I want one to dissapear at a time. I believe this can be accomplished via arrays. I am still pretty new to C++, so I … | |
Does anyone here know of a good C++ compiler for Ubuntu Linux 6.06LTS? Preferably available by means of apt-get or wine. Dev-C++? I couldn't find it for Linux... -- Alex; any help appreciated | |
supposed to declare a string of a certain size (eg. char str[81]) Then input a string from the keyboard (spaces included) using the while (NOT, gets(), or fgets()) technique (while ((str[i] = getchar()) != '\n')) adjusted so that it only inputs a certain number of characters (in the above example … | |
Im getting an error that says unresolved external and i have no idea what to do, does anybody have any ideas? by the way im not sure if my code actually does what its suppose to do, its still in the works [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Measure … | |
hey guys! mind if you help me here? we were asked to make a grading system. here is my code.. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void main() { system("CLS"); char fn[50],ln[50]; string *name, *enam, temp, *R, wN, fin, lan; double gr, *g, temp2, … | |
[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; // //CLASS DECLARATION SECTION // class EmployeeClass { public: void ImplementCalculations(string EmployeeName, double hours, double wage); void DisplayEmployInformation(void); void Addsomethingup (EmployeeClass, EmployeeClass, EmployeeClass); string EmployeeName ; int hours ; float wage ; float basepay ; int overtime_hours ; float overtime_pay ; … | |
I am trying to figure out how to set a float for a project I am doing. Example I am trying to set a float for a score but I would like the input to be set where you can't input a number over a 100. This is the code … | |
Everything works fine except when you roll a non-instant win or lose, you always win on your next roll #include <iostream> #include "Crapsfunctions.h" #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> using namespace std; void main() { double Money; double Bet; long Roll; long Roll2; long Point; long NumRolls; char Answer; //prototypes long throwdie(); … | |
Can anyone tell me where to get started to get an md5 or sha1 checksum of a given file. I've searced around and all I can find are utilities, I also looked at wincrypt but It seems to me that it just does passwords and strings and suchlike. Any help … | |
i have to write a function (dayNumber) that returns the day number in a year for a date that is provided as input data. i cant use const, struct, or loops, it has to be very basic stuff. i have something written but i can figure out how to get … | |
I was trying to code the assembly line sheduling problem using the dynamic programming approach. I have coded the program but i am facing problem with the 2-dimensional arrays I am using. For testing purpose, I wanted to initialize the array, but I was not able to get it. Moreover, … | |
hi!!!! i'd like to ask if anyone knows how could i possibly use a string as a number...i mean: i've got something like cin>>word; but if that word is a number(like 1,2,3... etc) i have to use that number for going in that line. if user types ''hello'' its ok.but … | |
I am facing a very simple problem that many of you will be able to solve, however I'm having a hard time trying to figure a method to program this. I am trying to create a dynamic array with the many prices of different clothing for a shop I'm creating. … | |
Could anyone please show me a working example of how to find if a file exists but is empty or not? Thanks | |
In my programe I need to replace _open and _wopen by windows api function, I think the function OpenFile should be the one. Are their return values are same indeed, since _open/_wopen return int, while OpenFile return HFILE, and those enum type look confusing. Can anyone help with it? At … | |
Hi All, I am writing an MFC Tic Tac Toe app and I am getting a strange error when debugging it. This module loads a bunch of BOOL variables to keep track of whether or not the tile next to it matches (i.e is the tile next to me also … | |
After i key in 20 different value of float, what command should i use so that i can determine the largest and smallest value from these numbers ? | |
Hi I'm new to MFC programming. What do I do if I want to make my window look better? Say, with a button that is not rectangular but oval? And maybe throw in some animation effects? Thank you very much! | |
I have made a wery simple program but i still get a linker error I have one class Node.h #[CODE]ifndef Node_H #define Node_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; //class node has four fields: type, child1, child2 and parent. The type is -1 if it is a inner node, 0 if … | |
I am at the beginnig of the softphone project for my university final project.. I will implement a softphone with using SIP protocol and C++ language on linux. I need some advice about tutorials, usefull API and whatever which will help me. Thanks.. | |
Hi. Hoping someone could direct me to a starting point for project. No code, I havent started yet. Im looking for a start on finding the proccess exe name that calls a function in my dll file. Just looking for a place to start looking. | |
Hi, i'm doing a small program that communicates with my first SQL Server, but I'm having some troubles with the C++ (I'm usued to C only, and use it for developing microcontrolers firmwares). What Im trying to do here is it: Write the USER and PASSWORD in a form, then … | |
hello i wanted to ask how to create a function that makes the insertion code search for an occurence that i will insert with a cin , instead of picking the first occurence for example the array is arr[]={1,2,3,5,3,1,3} there are 3 threes here , i want to get the … | |
I am required to make a code that makes a pyramid with number of input lines "n" to a text file. What i figured i would do i make the program so that it makes a pyramid on the screen and then write it to a text file. This is … | |
Im new to c++, Ive been plowing through books,web,etc. Many of the things im learning seems redundant but being new as I am I figure that it stems from lack of knowledge. Now finally my questions...Whats the significance of using pointers to reference variables when i could just flat out … | |
We are getting these constraint errors wherver OSAF calls like m_NCS_SEL_OBJ_ZERO(&nSelObjSet) is called in our code. This is while cross compiling using tilera compiler - tile-g++. With g++ it always compiles fine. Any pointers would be helpful. Sample Code: 102 // initialise and set selection object set 103 m_NCS_SEL_OBJ_ZERO(&nSelObjSet); 104 … | |
hi to all, i was looking for some objective type questions on c++ on the internet............ i got few but some with wrong answers and some with no answers at all....... i would love to hav some e-book on it or a larger question bank with answers........suggest me some links … | |
I need help on "for" statement .Im doing exponents. I did a while statement already in which i checked if base is in range. help please. [CODE] for(int count = 0; count <=Expo; count++) Total1 = (dont know what this should be?) cout << setw(45) << "Total : " << … | |
I don't know how to make the computer play against me. Before I write more, anybody online right now to help. thx |
The End.