49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for triumphost

Hey guys I'm having an extremely hard time splitting or combining values into binary.. [CODE] #define Chr(n) ((char)(n)) #define Ord(c) ((int)(unsigned char)(c)) int DecToBin(int Num) { int Bin = 0, Pos = 1; while (Num > 0) { Bin += (Num % 2) * Pos; Num /= 2; Pos *= …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for Yaguma

Hi all, I am trying to write a C++ program to create a simple text-based interface that should print out the relevant stubs when a certain choice is made. I am however getting linking errors such as-->[Linker error] undefined reference to `Database::AddStudent()' , that i cant seem to fix. Any …

Member Avatar for Yaguma
Member Avatar for dymatic

So, just for fun I have been making a small text-based game to test my knowledge of C++ so far. However, I have encountered an odd error where commands will execute once, and then after that return the same output repeatedly. Could anyone analyze this and see what's wrong? Here …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for infamous5

Hello, I am a beginner at programming and I am having some trouble finding the error in my code(pasted below). I am first trying to come up with a (1) function to evaluate integers at a given power.(2) A function to check if an integer is a perfect number. I …

Member Avatar for freedomflyer

I am running into (pretty serious) valgrind issues as I run my application. As far as I can tell, my BST has some memory loss, to put it rather clinically. I've tried to create the right destructor on my BST<T> class, which contains BSTNode<T> nodes (both are shown below in …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for dasdgfds

*Pass by value, reference I need to write 4 functions including main to display a report with the size of room in square feet, cost of carpet,cost to install the carpet. I am having trouble with using the last function to compute the costs using data from the other functions …

Member Avatar for dasdgfds
Member Avatar for luislupe

Hi, I'd like to print a line of 'double' or of 'integer' type according to T typename. I tried to compare T with typeof but to no success. [CODE] template <typename T> void printArray(unsigned int x_sz, unsigned int y_sz, T * arr[], std::string title) { double f; unsigned short int …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for bloominninja

Hi, I'm getting pretty frustrated with my code at this point, Im trying to implement a queue class to hold a number of integers... however dev (the compiler im using) keeps spitting out the errors [CODE] [Linker error] undefined reference to `QueueType<int>::QueueType()' [Linker error] undefined reference to `QueueType<int>::~QueueType()' [/CODE] here …

Member Avatar for bloominninja
Member Avatar for nunca

Hello I had a problem about using mathematical formulas. someone showed this this site : [url]http://software-dev.jimdo.com/[/url] I found there the application, but I don't know how to get the unit. did someone already use it?

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for abhishekagrawal

Dear All, I have written a code to implement an algorithm for base conversion from decimal to any base between 2 and 36 given in RG Dromey. Below is my code and I have a few questions relating to it: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int newbase,zero=atoi(0),q,ndigit=0,r,ascii,i; char newrep[100]; …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for tahir696

i want to perform operations on large integers which are of 256 bits i mean i want to handle a hundred digit integer and perform multiplication and division on them is there any good idea to store them and then use them easily

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Programming++

So, I'm working on making a encrypted in C++, just a basic one. The encrypter needs to have a minimum character limit but it's not working. It's not coming up with any compiler errors, but instead just acting as if the if statement isn't there... [code] #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for meme meme

please help meeee write a program for a local bank to manage their accounts. the bank offers two account types,saving and checking,each customer must maintain a minimum balance, if the customer`s balance falls below the minimum ,ther is a service charge 10 aed for saving and 25AED for checking. the …

Member Avatar for Johnathon332

Hi I have wrote some code but it never seems to reach the for loop and cannot understand why. I want it to check whether or not the word is in the array and if it is it will break out and leave the method else it will add to …

Member Avatar for Johnathon332
Member Avatar for revenge2

hello there. i've installed mingw compiler and im wondering how i would go about setting up notepad++ to compile my c/c++ code?. How do i do this? -regards.

Member Avatar for jussij
Member Avatar for mattiapdo

It doesn't run! Can you help me please? Devc++ compiles it, and also launch the exe file, but it stops after the second for cycle! Why? :D [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int N,i,z; cout<<"Digitare il umero di caratteri che contengono il nome "; cin>>N; …

Member Avatar for LdaXy
Member Avatar for BillyD282

I am receiving the following error messages and I can't figure out why, I'm guessing there's just some syntax rule or something I am just unaware of... there errors are: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl validateWidgets(int &)" (?validateWidgets@@YAXAAH@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl manager(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" …

Member Avatar for MandrewP
Member Avatar for triumphost

How can I make my DLL constantly check for hotkeys but without affecting other functions in it? If I put a loop, it will not be able to get any other calls to functions.. Do I create a thread and pass my functions to the thread upon attachment? My silly …

Member Avatar for LdaXy
Member Avatar for triumphost

I'm trying to convert this (Pascal) to C++.. My attempt is below this.. [CODE] function CompressString(const Str: string): string; var Destlen:longword; begin result := ''; Destlen :=BufferLen; if length(str) < 1 then exit; if compress(BufferString,destlen,PChar(Str),length(str)) = Z_OK then begin setlength(result,Destlen + SizeOf(Integer)); PInteger(@result[1])^ := Length(str); Move(bufferstring[0],result[5],Destlen); end; end; [/CODE] [CODE] …

Member Avatar for tom12

HEY guys i have a question, i have a program that takes a string and then it gives three levels of encryption 1 to 3. i have no problem with the code as its working. its just when i compile it, if i choose option 1, i need to recompile …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I recently looked at [URL="http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_vbo.html"]this[/URL] description of VBOs and a sample implementation of them. When I ran the executable, it was significantly faster with no VBOs than with them. I don't understand why it should be slower with the VBOs than without. Can anybody explain why?

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for triumphost

My code is: [CODE] #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct ReplacementFlags { public: bool rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase; ReplacementFlags(bool ReplaceAll = false, bool IgnoreCase = false) : rfReplaceAll(ReplaceAll), rfIgnoreCase(IgnoreCase) {} ~ReplacementFlags() {} ReplacementFlags& operator ()(bool ReplaceAll = false, bool IgnoreCase = false) { if((rfReplaceAll != ReplaceAll) && (rfIgnoreCase != IgnoreCase)) …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for TheWind147

Hello! Below is a function exhibiting a simple stopwatch mechanism. It stops when the user presses any key and goes back to the main menu. My question is, is there anyway I can pause the time and continue it as desired by the user? I would like to use "P" …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for nuclear

Example code: [CODE]HWND CreateButton(const HWND hParent,const HINSTANCE hInst,DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rc,const int id,const ustring& caption) { dwStyle|=WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE; return CreateWindowEx(0, _T("button"), caption.c_str(), dwStyle, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom, hParent, reinterpret_cast<HMENU>(static_cast<INT_PTR>(id)), hInst, 0); }[/CODE] The part I dont get is: [CODE]dwStyle|=WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE;[/CODE] So the question would be why do we use '|' and …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for tj104

hey what's up guys, I'm writing some C++ code used to do math operations on polynomials that are contained in a input file. Right now I'm stuck on the actual streaming in of the files. The .txt input file is in the format as follows 1 1 2 2 3 …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for alanso

hey guys can u help me to solve this program have to do 4 function , call the following functions by passing the array: (i) A function to input all information. (ii) A function to calculate the average score for each student and the average score for the class. Find …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Programmer!!!

Hi! I'm writing a program in C++ where the user is asked to enter a list of ten names and cities of residence in the format <firstname> <Surname> <city>. I then have to sort the list by city and then in each city group alphabetically by name, using Bubblesort. I'm …

Member Avatar for Damian Dalton
Member Avatar for AdamLad3

Hi, I'm writing a program in C++ to ask the user for a list of ten names and cities of residence in the format <firstname> <Surname> <city>. The amount of spaces between each doesn't matter as I will be using isspace. then i have to sort the list by city …

Member Avatar for Damian Dalton
Member Avatar for animeocarl

can you help me with these a little problem of mine.. we are having a pair project where the program is all about enrollment system. in this program, we need to add a record, view, and search records. now. my problem is... i cannot add another record within this code... …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for availalble4you

Can you please help me out on my project?, its like a phonebook on cellphone it should be display the ADD CONTACTS, DELETE, EDIT, SAVE, VIEW, SEARCH. I sunno how to edit and delete the contacts can you help me on this.. i came out on this,.. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

The End.