49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for aejr

Please help me, The question is: "Write a program to accomadate 10 integers. Print the variables at position 3,5 and 2 respectively." thank you!

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for lipun4u

Look at the following code... [CODE=cpp]#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class string { char *p; int len; public: string(char *); void show() { cout<<p<<endl; } }; string :: string(char *p) { len = strlen(p); this.p = new char[len+1]; strcpy(this.p, p); } int main() { string s1, s2; char …

Member Avatar for lipun4u
Member Avatar for sam d

please help me wright this program[code]use for loop to construct a program that displays a pyramid of x it should be 20 lines high[/code]

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hey, I'm confused... Are Static references the same as Static variables? Thanks

Member Avatar for Phil++
Member Avatar for NervousWreck

I am writing a fake banking program. In the function below I declare a dynamic array. [CODE]void trArr(int transactions) { int n; string* accUse = new string[transactions]; return; }[/CODE] I try to access the array in a later function but I get the error "not declared at this scope. I …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for atch

Hi everyone, I'm trying to compare list iterators: [code=c++] list<int> l; list<int>::iterator lb = l.begin(); list<int>::iterator le = l.end(); if (lb < le) //here I'm getting error - no operator match these operands: { //do something } [/code] And when I change this that instead of list I have vector …

Member Avatar for atch
Member Avatar for Triztian

Hi I think this is my first post, so here it goes: [B]Overview:[/B] [INDENT] This program declares global bidimensional array of 30 rows and 5 columns (not counting 0 in the rows) of floating type to save information of students, table is as follows: ID Partial1 Partial2 Partial3 Partial4 Average …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for jt241

Well I'm relatively new to the forums and to C++. I'd like to overload + and = to add two matrices by being able to use Z=X+Y format. Header file: [CODE] #ifndef HOMEWORK1_H #define HOMEWORK1_H class Matrix{ public: double **element; Matrix(int=3,int=3); ~Matrix(); double getelement(int,int); void setelement(int, int,double); Matrix & operator+(const …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for royalbow

I'm new to visual studio 2008. I'm trying to make another form be called by the first form by a button. Where and how do I create an instance of the 2nd form? I'm working with a CLR (Windows Forms Application). Please and thank you.

Member Avatar for unsure

I am taking an intro to cs class. I have written a simple program but dont know if it is correct. please help me. thank you!

Member Avatar for pspwxp fan
Member Avatar for merse

Hi! We can declare not just variables but functions or pointer to functions also in the main function like this: double my_f(double); double (*my_fp)(double); But what can we do with this? For example how can we give a value for my_f or my_fp? I try lots of variants with * …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for drjay1627

can someone please explain to me how read write work in sock programming. my assignment is to run a server and client. the client ask the server "who are you?" and the server replies with the servers name and date and time. i cannot post my whole code here as …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi I have written a program in c++ and I feel that it is a bit slow for very large datasets like > 1GB. Well I am not that confident in char* since I have just started coding in c++. So can anybody help me to make it more efficient …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I have a project that consist of 10 forms. When I compile this project I get this compile error. [I]1>Form6.obj : error LNK2011: precompiled object not linked in; image may not run 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '.\Debug\Form6.obj'[/I] In the debugfolder I can find these anyway but …

Member Avatar for Lukezzz
Member Avatar for dabeechman

I am new to programming, but I am trying to create two arrays, arrX and arrY. Then use scanf to insert intialnum amount of elements into each array. That is the easy part. Where I am having trouble is when I try to pull the first element in each array …

Member Avatar for dabeechman
Member Avatar for moneeka

Design Problem 1 1. Develop sigma and pie bonding and anti bonding molecular orbitals of 2s and 2p Using C or C++ programming language. Expected Outcome: I. Shape of molecular orbitals must be known in depth. II. Proper assignment of bonding and anti bonding molecular orbitals should be stated. III. …

Member Avatar for jqorso

Hi, I have some experience with C++ and FORTRAN. I would like to write software to help me visualize shapes in a GUI-based program. Where is a good place to start? Books, websites, etc that would help me get an idea of what is needed would be good. Thanks!

Member Avatar for K0ns3rv
Member Avatar for PennKen2009

I'm new at C++ and I'm trying to right a program that will generate random numbers from a range of 1-19. Here's how it should work, the program will generate 5 random numbers all ranged 1-19 and in random order. Once it chooses the first number, that number used for …

Member Avatar for zati
Member Avatar for ddashtrois

i'm a complete beginner to C++. its my fourth week learning it. we have this for a homework assignment: "This program outputs all prime numbers between 3 and 100 using a doubly-nested loop." first off, i've done a lot of research online and from what i've seen the most efficient …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for LaurenR

I need to write a function splitMid that will split a linked list into two sublists of equal size. I have written most of the functions that I need to achieve this and some other things, but I am having trouble getting started on this function. Can anyone point me …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for swolll

I need to compute the number of nonnegative numbers from an input file. Everything works fine (for good input files and bad input files) except when there is a no data file (with nothing in it). Then, the number of nonneg numbers reads 1, even though it should be 0. …

Member Avatar for Zjarek
Member Avatar for jdrei

i'm in a beginning c++ class and we have to write a program that finds all primes between 2 and 100 within a doubly nested loop. i feel like i'm really close but i think i've been doing it too long and can't figure out what i'm doing wrong...... help …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for hopeful man

Hi everybody, i am a new in c++ programming ,, and i am trying to answer this question to get the required result, but i could't till now .. i need your help in order to be able to answer this question correctly. the question is : write a program …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for saurabh gulati

how i could make calculator inc++ that do calculation in regular interval like it do calculation as same as the calculator

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for PDB1982

I am a beginner level C++ student, so please forgive me if I use the wrong terminology here....I need to create a program that takes a set of integers from a source file, tells whether the numbers are odd or even integers, and then adds the odds and the evens …

Member Avatar for PDB1982
Member Avatar for Phil++

What are instance variables please? Also, is this a good explanation for Encapsulation: Encapsulation or information hiding is all about hiding the details of the implementation of the interface. Encapsulation is used to prevent users from viewing the inner workings of the interface. A real life example of Encapsulation is …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for surfer2009

i am new in programming . i have a clock code. but want to modify it. when user press "0" it increment in time by 5min and when press "1" increment time by 10 min _______________ [CODE]//The complete program listing of the program that defines //and uses the class clockType …

Member Avatar for Kashaku
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hey, I'm just wondering if it's possible to run an if statement through a class? The thing is, I wanna store users details and then when you search for a user, i.e "Phill" it returns all the information on that user. I'm using something like: [CODE] c1.GetName(); [/CODE] So something …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for neithan

[ICODE] * Don't use system("pause") to pause your program if possible. Use getchar( ) if you are using C and cin.get( ) if you are using C++. [/ICODE] Why is that? A reasonable explanations for those tips would help to learn.

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for ChaosBG

Hey guys i've tryed to find how to do this the best way but it failed. So i want to ask the experts here: How to add a new line of text to a edit control. Example: I have alredy some text in the edibox and i want to add …

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The End.