49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for clue.less

I am very naive at programming...n very new to it too..pls helpwith the following problem: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int side; cout << "Enter a number: "; cin >> side; for (int i = 0; i < side; i++) { int j = 0; while (j …

Member Avatar for Phil++
Member Avatar for rhukia
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello I have created a simple linked list that allows me to do 3 things; create a linked list, calculate the size of the linked list & print the contents of the linked list. Although my program crashes when I use the functions: - int len(node *L); // return length …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for pocku

I want to use the string class in my program but I keep getting the following errors: process.cpp:10: error: 'string' has not been declared process.cpp:10: error: prototype for 'Process:: Process(int, int, int)' does not match any in class 'Process' process.h:14: error: candidates are: Process:: Process(const Process&) process.h:16: error: Process:: Process(int, …

Member Avatar for pocku
Member Avatar for ENCHTERP

Hello I have created a 2d-vector I have no problems filing this vector. But the issue I am having is that I want to extract a specific row of this 2D vector (say the 2nd) and store it as a 1d vector. What would be the best way to do …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for seraph_harim

Hello all, just hoping for a bit of understanding of new[]. I'm writing an insertion sort program for school (of course) and I've got most of it done; I have the program asking for a filename, and asking for file "size" (or how many numbers are in the file), and …

Member Avatar for Campbel
Member Avatar for mauryoung

Question Write a program that accepts three even integers and determine the largest of the three numbers. The program should also compute the average of the numbers entered. The program should only compute the average and find the largest if all numbers entered are even. Note that the program should …

Member Avatar for necrolin
Member Avatar for program900

HELPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! ANY CLUE WHAT I HAVE TO DO!!!!!!!!! In the NHL, players are often rated according to how many goals they score per game.In a regular season, the players play 82 games.If a player does not score in more than 7 games, they are often considered to be in a …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for minex

Hi! I would like to know what's the way to convert a double to its char[8] (even better string) representation, and vice versa (Char[8] to double) i.e EXAMPLES -> 1.3e-15 (made up that number) In VS debugger you can cast double variables with ",s" to get their representation as string …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for JungWoo

i am working on the output from the stack and list but i got 2 errors and i dont know how to fix it, hope some1 can help me to figure it out thank you header.h [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Lexeme { private: string …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for EngneerNitemare

I have the following code which I have been trying get to output ALL capital letters using the toupper function. My code will build successfully, however all the letters are still lower case when ever I type. PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM DOING WRONG! The following is the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

Hi, I wonder if C++ has any inbuilt function where you can convert Minutes to time like this example: [code] 70 minutes in time would be: [B]01:10[/B] [/code]

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for pocku

The codes our instructor provided for us has been giving me a "no such file" error message for the line #include <mutex.h> in the following code: [CODE]/* * mutex.cpp * scheduling * */ #include <mutex.h> Mutex::Mutex() { } Mutex::~Mutex() { } int Mutex::Lock() { } int Mutex::Unlock() { }[/CODE] The …

Member Avatar for pocku
Member Avatar for jkiefer

OMG I need help! I have spent so much time on this. I have to make a mortgage calculator in c++ oop. WTF am I doing wrong, please help.[code]// Mortgage2.cpp // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <string> //#include <stdafx.h> using namespace std; class mortgagePayment { public: double m_principle; …

Member Avatar for bunnyboy

Hey, For my assignment I have to create a dialog with 6 radio buttons and one picture control. Radio buttons serves for setting the background color of picture control. Whenever the radio button selection is changed, background color is set to to its color settings. So I created Group Box, …

Member Avatar for ENCHTERP

vector< vector<char> > VecGrid; vector< vector<char> > VecGrid(3, vector<char>(15,'O'));[code]Hello I have created a 2d-vector I have no problems filing this vector. But the issue I am having is that I want to extract a specific row of this 2D vector (say the 2nd) and store it as a 1d vector. …

Member Avatar for VBNick

Hello! I am trying to read a value from the registry, but I can't get it to work. Everything compiles, but RegQueryValueEx keeps producing an error. this is the code: [code lang="cplusplus"] #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { HKEY hKey = …

Member Avatar for VBNick
Member Avatar for wanted08

hey .. how are u all ?? I have c++ problem .. i tried to solve it but i couldnt get the same input .. [COLOR="Green"]here is the problem:[/COLOR] Given the following file called “input.txt” which contains the freezing and boiling points of several substances. Note: the title is not …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for hopeful man

hi everyone ,,, i have done this coding in C++, i want to change it from pseudocode to flow chart,,, here is the coding: int main(void) { int a, b, b2, a2, b3, b4; {for (a=4; a>=1; a--) { for (b=1; b<=a; b++) { cout<<a; } for (b2=1; b2<=a; b2++) …

Member Avatar for Phil++
Member Avatar for froggy1976

The program should: Accept a series of names and addresses from the console. The user's input should be written to a text file in the CSV format described in the lecture. But, do not include the field names in the first row of the file. Read the records from the …

Member Avatar for shashanderson
Member Avatar for aamaikusa

create two class DM and DB which store the value of distances DM store the value in meter and centimeter, DB store the vlaue in feet and inches. write a program that can read value for the class object and add one object Use friend function to carry out the …

Member Avatar for puranchandra248
Member Avatar for merse

The following code is working! function and function pointer are defined I defined two probe function: mysin1 and mysin2 both works with myfunc with in first argument but I dont't understand, because mysin2 wait for a function_pointer not a function [CODE] #include <math.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef double …

Member Avatar for puranchandra248
Member Avatar for vinodadi

can anybody mail me the source code for scientific calculator which includes all the functions using all data types class,structures,file handling if possible

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for dangutdavid

C++ you have purchased a stereo system that cost RM1000 on the following credit plan (no down payment, an interest rate of 18% per year (and hence 1.5% per month) and monthly payments of RM50. the monthly payment of RM50% is used to pay the interest and whatever is left …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for fearthisguy

Im a beginner in c++ and i want to know how to use system() in c++ I know how to check whether a cmd processor exists. i want to know how to execute commands in the processor. I want its syntax and if anyone can explain with an xample well …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for hdquang

one of my class is already declaring the variable to open the file, now that i need to called it in main class. I couldn't find a way to do so, can someone please give me some hint to call it. Here is what it declare in the class. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for hdquang
Member Avatar for frn

How to create a program that will accept 5 unique numbers. If you enter negative no. It will sink, and if you enter same no. The program will not accept it and delete it automatically. Thanx.. Asap

Member Avatar for Phil++
Member Avatar for doll parts

Hello. I am having problems with a program I've written to find the roots of a cubic equation using Newton's Method. The user inputs the coefficients in the expression (real) and an initial guess (real or complex), and the program is supposed to return a root of the function. However, …

Member Avatar for huss_584
Member Avatar for umairyee

Detailed Description: 1. The program should display Please provide customer Name: Please provide Movie Description. Enter ‘R’ for Regular Movie. Enter ‘C’ for children Movie. Enter ‘N’ for New Released Movie. Enter ‘E’ for English Movie. Then your program should take these inputs, 2. Depending upon the choices that user …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sheharyar

Problem Statement: Movie Rental Store You are required to write a program for Movie Rental Store. The basic idea is that user/reader will provide customer information, movie name, and number of days. Upon this information your program will calculate the charged amount for that movie. Detailed Description: 1. The program …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.