49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for set4u

You are required to write a program for Movie Rental Store. The basic idea is that user/reader will provide customer information, movie name, and number of days. Upon this information your program will calculate the charged amount for that movie. Detailed Description: 1. The program should display Please provide customer …

Member Avatar for K0ns3rv
Member Avatar for Gaiety

Hi, i tired the following code in c & c++ [CODE]int main() { struct dum { // nothing here } printf("%d",sizeof(struct dum)); return 0; }[/CODE]the out put is 0 [CODE]int main() { struct dum { // nothing here } cout<<sizeof(struct dum); return 0; }[/CODE]the out put is 1. i dont …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for jalalsad

this is a complicate situation: i have A class by type Base { Btype* m_b; }; and a class DerivBtype:public Btype { .. } and this class class derived :public base { } and i want to behave m_b as a derived class i used this approach m_b=new derived ; …

Member Avatar for jalalsad
Member Avatar for invinci

Hi, i am new to Visual C++ and facing problem in integrating two combo boxes. Here is what i need: Combobox1 - Material of Plate: Choice: Metal or Plastic Combobox2 - Thickness of Plate: Choice: if Metal in Combobox1: 2,3,4,5,6 Choice: if Plastic in Combobox1: 8,10,15 I am unable to …

Member Avatar for Aamit

I want to read the registry of usb [COLOR="Red"]HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR[/COLOR] in this Name Type Data start REG_DWORD 0x00000003(3) when double click it gives value in Hex 3 How to read this value 3 or data 0x00000003(3) How to create this code in c language??? How to do it guys If any …

Member Avatar for dipakdesaid
Member Avatar for nirveshverma

HEy:) Buddies in early morning i want to calculate that exchange during download & you very well known that it is shown in byte so just i am g with c++ and play a game for writing this. thanks enjoy it. It's very easy and handy with simple logic.

Member Avatar for tkud
Member Avatar for Lamya Shammary

[B]Good Evening everybody I'm decide to implemant software that saves data and the user adding and searching for this data on it It's for college employee And This Is Te OUTPUT:[/B] Please Press the number of your choice: [LIST=1] [*]1) Inserting data of new student. [*]2) searching by: [/LIST] a.Name …

Member Avatar for Lamya Shammary
Member Avatar for ekkh90

I'm totally lost in my c++ class.. can someone guide me or help me?? Problem 1 Write a C++ program that writes all binary sequences of length 15 into a file binary15.txt. -The sequences must be in increasing lexicographic order. The output filestream must be created with the command ofstream …

Member Avatar for AirGear
Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi.. How do I check the data type in an input file ? Suppose my text file looks like this. Tab separated :- [CODE] 123 456 ABCD 789 890 EFGH 298 764 IUHJ [/CODE] Now I read the file like char or string in my while loop using getline. So …

Member Avatar for Web_Sailor
Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi I was trying to count rows and columns in a tab delimited flat file. Like here in example below i should be able to detect automatically the no of rows and columns. So I should get 5 columns and 6 rows. Something like that. [CODE]one two three four five …

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Member Avatar for pspwxp fan

K, so i decided that i'm fed up of VC++. It was throwing me lots of stupid errors. Anyway, i'd heard that Code::blocks is much better, and a bargain for 30 MB. Installed it and stuff with ease, and decided to test it with a helloworld program. Thing is, when …

Member Avatar for pspwxp fan
Member Avatar for hla3mi

suppose that each of the four edges of a thin metal plate is maintained at a constant temperature and that we wish to detrmine the steady state temperature at each interior point . to do this we divide the plate to squares the corners of which are called nodes. and …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

I am creating a diamond but I am having problem. Right now, my output prints out 2 triangles underneath each other (is not displaying in the post correctly). I want to flip the 2nd triangle around to create a diamond shape. However, when I try to mess up with counters …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for calypso&noname

Thanks ahead of time for reading, and any help you give. Basically I have a integer "numExs" that is initialized by user input. Then, I use a [B]for[/B] loop to output the appropriate number of X's, as dictated by the "numExs" integer. However, I get a C4700 warning that "numExs" …

Member Avatar for calypso&noname
Member Avatar for valkerye

I'm having an issue with a program that prompts a user for a date and then validates it. It requires a switch statement to validate the day and at least 2 Boolean variables. My problem is with either of those or possibly both. I'm honestly guessing both since I'm still …

Member Avatar for valkerye
Member Avatar for jhanthem

hello, I have to write a program that takes floating point numbers from another file and prints out the average. The problem is the other file submits three columns so I don't know how to do the average for the three separate columns. This code is terrible and I can't …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for maricor

PROBLEM ANALYSIS 1. To calculate how many liters per vehicle fueled and convert it to price. 2. To calculate the sales of the fuel from beginning to ending of one shift. 3. To calculate sales inventory. 4. All the consumer purchase diesel and unleaded must be recorded and save for …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for babaijeet_123

Hey guys... I am working on a program which converts infix to postfix. My coversion to postfix works perfectly. I am using dynamic char array for data storage. The problem arrises while evaluation. I am wondering how to evaluate. I have been able to seperate out the terms by inserting …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for haven_u

iam trying to extract a individual character. for example, during run time the user enters 110111 as input. can any 1 help me with the code to extract these input and store them in an array as individual elements.

Member Avatar for haven_u
Member Avatar for Dewey1040

What i have to do is read a string into a vector, then cop that vector into an array of character pointers, then for each element in the vector i have to allocate a new character array andcopy the data from the vector element into that character array. Then finally …

Member Avatar for Zjarek
Member Avatar for babaijeet_123

Header File: struct BitmapHeader { unsigned char type[2]; unsigned int size;// unsigned int reserved; unsigned int offset;// unsigned int header; unsigned int width;// unsigned int height;// unsigned short planes; unsigned short bits; unsigned int compression; unsigned int dataSize; unsigned int horizontalResolution; unsigned int verticalResolution; unsigned int colors; unsigned int importantColors; …

Member Avatar for mohamed07

Write the pseudocode for a modular computer program which will read a file of pumpkin weights, one number(in pounds) for each record. the program will print the weight of each pumpkin, count the number of pumpkins, determine the largest pumpkin of all pumpkin records processed, and compute the average weight …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for lancevo3

Hey guys I am writing code that uses a dynamic casts then prints out some objects. What I am having trouble with is my code test as null when it isn't suppose to. Here is what I got and the dynamic cast code looks dead on to me. Maybe not …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for Tvirusx1

Hello I am new to DaniWeb and this is my first Thread. I am currently trying to develop a bot for the Game DarkOrbit. I used WPE Pro and I found out that I could controll the Spaceship by sending specific Packets (I have some Packet codes already). Well heres …

Member Avatar for Tvirusx1
Member Avatar for realchamp

Hello! I was wondering if it were possible for me to have a PHP script which would send a line of charactors to my C++ program. The C++ program needs to run all the time to recieve the inputs from PHP. Both the C++ program and my webserver is on …

Member Avatar for realchamp
Member Avatar for neithan

[CODE] unsigned longitud; cin >> longitud; vector<char> palabra(longitud); for (unsigned i = 0; i < palabra.size(); i++, letra += 1) { palabra[i].push_back ('a') << " "; }[/CODE] The error i get: [CODE]error: request for member `push_back' in `(&palabra)->std::vector<_Tp, _Alloc>::operator[] [with _Tp = char, _Alloc = std::allocator<char>](i)', which is of non-class …

Member Avatar for neithan
Member Avatar for lipun4u

I was trying to implement operator overloading in c-string in the following code [CODE=cpp]#include <cstring> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class string { char *st; int len; public: string():st(NULL), len(0) {} string(const char *s); string(const string & s); ~string(); friend string operator+(const string &s1, const string & s2); friend int …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for DeadJustice

I'm having a small problem. I've created a binary tree that represents an n-ary tree using the left-child and right sibling syntax. I know that preorder on the binary tree gives you the same result as if the tree weren't binary. But, how do you change postorder and levelorder so …

Member Avatar for DeadJustice
Member Avatar for countrygirl1970

Hello everyone, I am having a slight problem in my function "startGame". My code works on Bloodshed and the code does compile. I am trying to refine the part on making sure that only a number gets input and not a letter or any other key gets input. I have …

Member Avatar for countrygirl1970
Member Avatar for hla3mi

suppose that each of the four edges of a thin metal plate is maintained at a constant temperature and that we wish to detrmine the steady state temperature at each interior point . to do this we divide the plate to squares the corners of which are called nodes. and …

Member Avatar for hla3mi

The End.