49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

I am able to build a logic which does exactly how I want it to work but when I add more records there are some problems in flagging. Here is the example:- when my input is : [CODE] mymm.insert(pair<char,int>('a',50)); mymm.insert(pair<char,int>('b',100)); mymm.insert(pair<char,int>('b',150)); mymm.insert(pair<char,int>('b',200)); mymm.insert(pair<char,int>('c',250)); mymm.insert(pair<char,int>('c',300)); mymm.insert(pair<char,int>('d',300));[/CODE] output is correct :- [CODE]single …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I am trying to compile some code (Example.cpp from here: [url]http://www.rpi.edu/~doriad/Daniweb/maxflow/[/url]). I am getting [code] Example.cpp:(.text+0x38): undefined reference to `Graph<int, int, int>::Graph(int, int, void (*)(char*))' [/code] This is clearly a template instantiation problem. I see that there is a file called instances.inc that defines the <int,int,int> class, do I need …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for domenzup

Hi, I have some problems aka how to bring value of type double (or even array of double values) through socket from C++ server to Java applet client. I tried two possibilities. For example: [LIST=1] [*] Doesn't work, but I think it could be ok while working In c++ my …

Member Avatar for domenzup
Member Avatar for karen_CSE

Hi, I'm supposed to make a program that asks the user how many integers they want to input, then prompt them to enter those integers. and then I'm supposed to put those integer into ascending order. How do I do that? this is my code so far [code] #include <iostream.h> …

Member Avatar for damz1919
Member Avatar for yozo

Heya, When I run this code, it spits out the minimum value 200, when I want it to spit out the minimum value from the function. Any pointers? [CODE] #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include <stdio.h> // You can assume no inputs will exceed these values: #define MAX_BOXES 50 #define MAX_PARCELS 50 int …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for koban_alche

I am trying to make a postfix evaluation and i can't solve the problem about my program. Thanks ahead. here is the C++ Code. [code=c]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; string postfix; int Top, capacity, a; char token; void construct (); bool empty (); void push (char …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for sonaxi

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Item No. Cost Quantity Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 40.00 1 40.00 2 150.00 10 1500.00 3 2000.00 20 40000.00 4 10.00 10 100.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 41640.00 i want to print this in c++ help me..i m new in programming...

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for DCV

I have an assignment in which I am supposed to manage a linked list of "players" in a hockey "roster." That's not the issue... problem is, I'm trying to make the function in which a new player is added, and I can't even call it. It results in a LNK2019 …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for killerqb

I'm creating an expression tree that reads in postfix notation and converts it and prints it out into infix notation. I was wondering how would I go about correctly distributing parentheses and balancing them properly.

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for newbie2c++

Hi all! THis is the program I am supposed to write: Modify the program so it displays a menu allowing the user to select an addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problem. The final selection on the menu should let the user quit the program. After the user has finished the …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for Kuroshi

I was trying to make a function to take the square root of a number (which does not work completely, yet), but while I was coding it, I found an strange "error", this is the code: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { double number; cin …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for hoolr

I'm trying to implement a Visitor Pattern in c++, but I'm having problems with the elements being visited in turn having their children visited. For example I have a class Element, which has a vector of Nodes (can be elements or any classes that inherit from node): [CODE] class Element …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for jdam7459

I'm having trouble getting my dynamic 2d array to work consistantly in my program. Here's the code: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "DisjSet.h" using namespace std; struct cell { bool nWall; bool sWall; bool wWall; bool eWall; }; void CreateMaze(cell** &maze, int x, int y); void LoadMaze(cell** &maze, int …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for surfer2009
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Member Avatar for itzaaron

I am trying to write a program that can figure change. Something that might be used in a fast food setting. The Employee is simply prompted to enter the amount to be returned to the costumer and the program would tell how many dollars, quarters, dimes, ect. to be returned. …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Fragmad

Hi. I have a class named Product, each object of this class holds one product in a "store". The class also has a static int member to keep track of how many products there are. iProducts is static member. Constructor: [CODE]Product::Product(std::string name, int price, std::string description) { sName = name; …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for shakunni

So I have to read data from a text file into a [50][50] array and Im not really sure which commands I can use to do that and to write back some data into another file. Would really appreciate some help on this.

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for jaycel

write a program that uses a for statement to find the smallest of several integers. Assume that the first value read specifies the number of values remaining and the first number is not one of the intergers to compare.pls help me i need it now!

Member Avatar for scantraXx-

Hey guys. This is really frustrating because it seems easy but I can't seem to find the correct function to remove this element of my string. [code] void set::display() const // pre : none // post : displays the elements of this set enclosed in braces and // separated by …

Member Avatar for Poincarre
Member Avatar for smartness

Can someone help me to solve this algorithm, I tried our school book but can't understand it. I'm not good at math! Should be simple, but i just can't understand it! [IMG]http://i38.tinypic.com/5wdau.jpg[/IMG]

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for pinsickle

Ok guys, i'll say this first. I got it 99% working (100 % working if I test it with the much shorter name list that we are suppose to use for the homework.) For some reason the code skips the very last name. Honestly, I think I am over thinking …

Member Avatar for dotnabox

Recently I was assigned a program for class and I've been having some problems. At my old school, the teacher worded the instructions differently, so I am not entirely sure how to translate the following lines of instruction into the proper setup for my structs, arrays, and shorts. Instructions: 1. …

Member Avatar for Peppercat101
Member Avatar for lancevo3

I am working on a doubly linked list assignment for my class and I am getting a segmentation fault on my test for the copy constructor. I don't know if the problem lies within my copyList method or my copy constructor logic. Any assistance be great. Here is my header …

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Member Avatar for rsampath

Write a C program that can be used as a database of student’s information for the statistics and computer science department. Populate the database with 10 records. The program should be able to dynamically allocate or deallocate storage for the student’s records using linked lists. The database should have the …

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for Dixtosa
Member Avatar for axed

#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; class PriceFeed { public: PriceFeed(vector<string>& tickers) { // init(tickers); } } int main () { vector<string> tickers; tickers.push_back("AAPL"); tickers.push_back("XOM"); //PriceFeed(tickers); PriceFeed pf = new PriceFeed(tickers); [COLOR="Red"]// Error on this line[/COLOR] system("pause"); //return 0; } Can you please …

Member Avatar for axed
Member Avatar for ahsanmujtaba

hi everyone...can any one tell 10 advanteges and disadvanteges of c-language plzz urgent

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for dwith
Member Avatar for dwith
Member Avatar for royalbow

I have a calculator program and I want to add a progress bar. The progress bar is for visual effects only; I want it to animate for just enough time so that it will be noticed everytime I hit the "=" button. I'm a newbie in making forms and actually, …

Member Avatar for royalbow
Member Avatar for brant_chen

[B]Why I can't compile a helloworld with Unicode supported by wxDevC++? [/B] I made a test programm. But I can only compile it by GCC compiler (library type is static lib) without wxwidgets Unicode support. If I checked the Unicode support at compiling setttings, it said ld error, can't find …


The End.