49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for SpiritualMadMan

I have a 3rd party DLL interface to a program that I need to interface to. I have C++ Example code that does what it says it does. But, even though it is very bare bones, I really don't understand it at all. The example is written for and I …

Member Avatar for restrictment

Hello all, I need help with a scientific notation problem. I am to create a program where the user enters a 5 digit number, and it is displayed in scientific notation. This part is easy, however I am trying to take it to the next step and make it so …

Member Avatar for burcin erek
Member Avatar for amare_de

Hello: Was trying to assign a function pointer to a struct member and am getting compile errors. The .h file I have to use has defined the struct: [code] typedef void(*callback)(bool, char*, int, unsigned long, void *); struct CallbackInfo { callback func; void* stuff; }; [/code] What I have in …

Member Avatar for amare_de
Member Avatar for genext.brite

A C code is written: int i=-1 , j=-1 ,k=0 ,l=2 ,m; m=i++ && j++ && k++ || l++; //Line 3 printf("%d%d%d%d%d",i,j,k,l,m); O/p= 00131. I figured out that the Last variable in Line 3 is incremented only if it is preceeded by || else if preceeded by && it is …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for aman rathi

hello everyone i am a student of computer app. from last 4 months i was using turbo c++. but by the advice of some people yesterday i installed codelite. i wrote a simple c++ program but i am not receiving any output i pressed ctrl+f9 as in turbo c++ but …

Member Avatar for usagi
Member Avatar for ryathegr8

i want to write a code in C++ in which when i Press a key...it displays the letter which i have set in my code for dat key.....it means a program that changes the ascii code of a keyboard.....tell me the logic how can i do that??????

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

I am reading the first chapter on graphics in the Stroustrup book. He explains that we students will need to download the files of a GUI toolkit in order to run programs containing graphics. He recommends the "Fast Light Tool Kit, FLTK" because the book's programs are based on that …

Member Avatar for usagi
Member Avatar for amt@

given [3][3] array it's requried to fill it's elements as following: first row will acccept only even number. second row will accept only odd number. third row will accept only prime number.

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for Supriyo

Hello. Apart from practice and books (like C++ coding standards by Sutter and Alexandrescu) what is the fastest and surest way to acheive coding standards in c++? Supriyo

Member Avatar for xtrmR
Member Avatar for malvi

Hello everyone, I have done my programm with visual studio 2010 MFC. In my programm there is 2 timers. and 4 edit controls. My problam is, i cann't change edit control value when timer is running, suppose currently edit box is empty, but i want to write some numbers, but …

Member Avatar for malvi
Member Avatar for yeungn

I'm getting a segmentation fault when I try to search a linkedlist using the following description: [CODE] //! Searches for the first occurrence of value v that appears in the list //! after node n //! //! @param v The value being searched for //! @param n The node in …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr449
Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17350[/ATTACH]Since the release of the second edition of Parallel Studio this month, I've spent a good amount of time with it, trying out the new features. First, what's Parallel Studio? It's an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio that gives you a large set of features for writing parallel code that …

Member Avatar for saahiloberoy
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

What is the best way to convert a message that windows sends me to a printable ascii character?

Member Avatar for DSalas91

Hi guys! I'm having a problem with a project in which I analize a .cpp file for certain reasons and I need to create a ifstream Class Variable but I can't! Here in the header I declare the variable, look: [CODE] #ifndef ANALIZADOR2702010 #define ANALIZADOR2702010 #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include …

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Member Avatar for corby

Hi guys. For some reason I cannot get the linked list to print. I want to copy it(which works) but I cannot get the list to print after copying it. Any suggestions? [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int info; node* next; }; int main() { node* list; …

Member Avatar for chiwawa10
Member Avatar for jeffpro

hey guys, I need this Var1 = 0; Sleep(500); Var1 = 1; My problem is that the Sleep makes all my threads sleep. I want only the one thread I'm in sleep. Thanks, Jeff

Member Avatar for chiwawa10
Member Avatar for burcin erek

hello it is easy program but there is a mistake in void application while printing the birthday, pt pointer gives a mistake why? [CODE]#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; struct Date { int day; int month; int year; }; void printdate(Date* pt) { cout << "\nbirthday= "<<*pt->day<<"."<<*pt->month<<"."<<*pt->year; …

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Member Avatar for rgutierrez1014

Hey everyone, So in a few of my programs, when I have the user enter input, which then gets stored in a list, there seems to be some error. I use a while loop to allow for continuous input, like [CODE] while (!cin.eof()) { cin >> value; list.insert(value); } [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for chiwawa10
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

Hi, I have a problem with a random number generating function. This function works great on windows XP but when I run the function in Windows VISTA and Windows 7, I receive an error message that displays: [B]"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that …

Member Avatar for Milton Neal
Member Avatar for jtylerboy222

Creating a program with a circle class that has 3 private variables and 3 public functions and then have accessor & mutator functions. I know this isn't right, but I've gone through the book and my notes and I feel like I've mixed up a few ways of doing it …

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Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi all. I recently began to give C++ a go again after failing on the first attempt. I quickly ran into the same problem that led me to C# the first time around. Strings, damn strings. I simply cannot get my head around arrays of charactors, they stress me out, …

Member Avatar for Suzie999
Member Avatar for parrishnewbie

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out this issue I am having with a program I have written. The problem is after you type in the number of days you want to rent the car for if it is less than 0 or greater than …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for NewLegend

Hello I use 2 linked list ===> Doctor ===>student the First doctor A, has three students Student_1, Student_2 and Student_3. the second doctor B, has one students Student_4. the Third doctor C, has one students Student_5. to linked student, i using this function: [CODE] Doctor * Doct; student *st1, *st2; …

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Member Avatar for kakaliki

Stuck in this question .I cant spot where i am doing the mistake. Can somebody help me please. thanks. this is the question: ----------------------------------------------- The number of combinations (C) from M items taken N at a time is given by C= fac(M) / [fac(N) * fac (M – N)] where …

Member Avatar for kakaliki
Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

I am doing an exercise from Stroustrup's book. It is the drill from chapter 10 on input and output streams. The program I wrote compiles but crashes when it reaches the prompt for the output file name. My IDE (VC++ Express) simply says there is an unhandled exception yielding a …

Member Avatar for Nathaniel10
Member Avatar for gozlemci

Hi there; I hope I post this message in true place.My question is about modules in oop. In Code complete, author Mr Steve McConnell mentioned "module" in page 89. [QUOTE] Semantic coupling The most insidious kind of coupling occurs when one module makes use not of some syntactic element of …

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Member Avatar for s080072

i am required to program a remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) that will navigate a given terrain and determine the number of craters and their locations in that terrain.I have a skeleton program....need help finishing it.. [B][U]code:[/U][/B] [CODE]Position class class Position { private: int row; int column; public: Position(); void SetRow(int …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for daviddoria

Can anyone explain why the last line works? It seems like it is trying to cast a CRectangle as a CTriangle (which I imagine should fail?) but it outputs "5" as the function should. [code] // virtual members #include <iostream> using namespace std; class CPolygon { protected: int width, height; …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for DeShadow

Where can I find the best tutorial for teaching myself all there is to know about programming in C++? I have no money to spend on it and I am extremely new to programming (haven't written a program since BASIC, if you can count that). Any information you can provide …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for nolife

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol hi everybody i'm working under visualstudio2005 and i create a new namespase with some fonction ; after i have another class in a different file and when i call myfonction og my namespace i have this erreurs error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl mynamespace::myfonction() …

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The End.