49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Metalteeth9

Hey guys and girls, I am extremely new to coding, and I would appreciate some help. I am trying to write a code in which someone inputs a number, which is part of a file name, then I do stuff with the filename. Here is the part that I am …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for 2bit

Hey guys i seem to be having an issue with the following code: [CODE]// show solution to variable scope problem using "the heap" // a block of memory controlled by the programmer #include<iostream> using namespace std; double* Function() { double* dLocalVar = new double; return dLocalVar; // give address of …

Member Avatar for 2bit
Member Avatar for literal

I'm still interested if someone read this book since it's based upon standard C++?! Can one learn C++ over Visual... I mean what's difference anyway, except M$ is involved in Visual ?!

Member Avatar for alaukik
Member Avatar for zebra59

I have this problem that I can't figure out, I can't figure out the line statement that needs to go in. Here's the problem [code=c] struct NodeType { int data; NodeType* p; }; NodeType* p; NodeType* q; p = new NodeType; p->data = 18; q = new NodeType; q->data = …

Member Avatar for dohpaz42
Member Avatar for J.P.

Hi, i'm one of those annoying students here to ask questions :) this is what is asked for my assignment >(Invoice Class) Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store. An Invoice should include four pieces …

Member Avatar for mik334
Member Avatar for completehoax

Okay, so I'm basically trying to create a C++ program that determines the case of the letter. The program will basically ask for a letter input, uppercase or lowercase and then the program will say whether that letter the user inputted is an uppercase or a lowercase letter. Help is …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for kulotskii

please help! ineed a C++ program that will read and print the contents of a text file one character at the same time.. please please.. thank you..

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for isayas

#include <iostream.h> void main () { int i,j,temp,smallest; int list [10]; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"enter a number\n"; cin>>list[i]; } for (i=0;i<10;i++) { smallest=i; for (j=i+1;j<10;j++) { if(list[j]<list[smallest]) smallest=j; } temp=list[smallest]; list[smallest]=list[i] list[i]=temp; { for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout<<list[i]<<endl; getch(); }

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for altXerror

hey guys! i decided to make my own programing language. it is called tempestX. the beta is not ready yet but when it is, i will provide a link for any one who wants to try it. here is a brief explanation: i was used to programing in windows batch, …

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for avarionist

i realize the topic isnt much descriptive but i thought that my code was a bit strange so i hope dw can give me a bit of info this is the most random thing ive ever made. on windows it produces quite a bit of ruckus in the console but …

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for DelilahDemented

I'm doing this simple program that checks for number validation and I have an infinite loop in it. I can't figure out how to stop it. It's supposed to check for numeric digits only, but when it finds something other than the above, it hangs up in the loop. Could …

Member Avatar for DelilahDemented
Member Avatar for YasaminKh

Hi, I need help in converting a number which is written in scientific notation into the int. For example I have this number: 6.538e-5 and its format is string. Any suggestion how can I convert it to the integer?

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for dansnyderECE

I have several strings in a text file and I want to search each string for a word starting with "<" and ending with ">". I then want to replace everything from < to > with a new string. So here's a couple lines I want to convert: [CODE] 400110: …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Confu

i am using boost library.....and when compiling i am getting an error Error 1 fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_thread-vc90-mt-gd-1_43.lib' I have installed boost libraries.... any Help please.

Member Avatar for tundra010
Member Avatar for YasaminKh

Hi, I'm writing a code that takes a file name from user and opens it if it exist and if it doesn't asks for another file name. What i wrote is this: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int mani() { string input; cout<<"please …

Member Avatar for YasaminKh
Member Avatar for basics

I have written up a c++ program that will read from a file. The file consists of only numbers ( from 1 to 50) and spaces with no other special characters. The main aim of the program is to tell me how many times the numbers appeared in the file …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for EmilyKirby

I have an assignment for a class that wants me to read lines from a file and output a count of the vowels and whitespaces per line, and also count a total of characters in the entire document so I can calculate a % of vowels used overall. I did …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for bbman

Hey, I apologise for the noobishness of this question, but I am unable to move the form. [CODE] if (Screen::PrimaryScreen->Bounds.Top != Screen::PrimaryScreen->WorkingArea.Top) { this->Left = Screen::PrimaryScreen->Bounds.Right - this->Width; this->Top = Screen::PrimaryScreen->WorkingArea.Top; } else if (Screen::PrimaryScreen->Bounds.Left != Screen::PrimaryScreen->WorkingArea.Left) { this->Left = Screen::PrimaryScreen->WorkingArea.Left; this->Top = Screen::PrimaryScreen->WorkingArea.Bottom - this->Height; } else { this->Left …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for madzam

I'm took an fundamental of C++ . Here is my code, could you please help me to point out the error . Thanks [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::string; using std::fixed; using std::setprecision; int main() { int unit_of_desks = 0; …

Member Avatar for nbaztec
Member Avatar for emcyroyale

Hello everyone I post last night with this same code, and I got a lot of advice. But there are 3 more errors that persist after I changed the code a bit. Anyone know whats wrong? Here are the errors: 1>------ Build started: Project: circle, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling... …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for yottameter

I've run into linking problems before, so I thought I had them figured out. This one I'm using every tool I have, but I can't seem to identify what the issue is. Did a build from the yaml site yesterday, I keep getting this linking error at runtime. I set …

Member Avatar for Jason Butler
Member Avatar for dhruv_arora
Member Avatar for dhruv_arora
Member Avatar for sahasrara

Hi ladies and gentelmen Merge sort program has 3 function . 1-func that sorts first array ascending 2-func that sorts other array descending 3-func that merges these arrays together I wrote it by Borland 5.02 . Good Luck!

Member Avatar for sandros
Member Avatar for darksmokepunch

I'm creating a text-based rpg and I'm having some trouble... What I would like to do is implement a room type that would store description and among other things, have a navigation system (I.E. GO NORTH). Since I'm using c++, I've gone ahead and created a rooms class.. but that's …

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Member Avatar for Mena samy

Hello is there any open source can i use for OCR !! or any one have a tutorial to start a handwriting ocr detection thanks

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for RPA

Does Anybody know how to use C++ to get information from a database? I have this assignment due but , I do no know to incorporate a database into my program. My program is to allow a user to choose from NFL football teams,when the user picks the team , …

Member Avatar for rcorcs
Member Avatar for darelet

Hi all, I've been trying to work on solving this myself but failed short of new ideas. I am experiencing memory heap errors ever since I tried to transfer some functions (for calculating statistics i.e. getMode/getMean/getVariance) into a new class in the spirit of OOP. Compiler error is... --> This …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for memstick

I'm growing increasingly confused by the '^' symbol. I have been able to track it down on various sites but there is no real "definition" of it and its usage anywhere. I am creating a .NET project these days and I bumped into the symbol for the first time in …

Member Avatar for memstick
Member Avatar for sky_aeron

[code]#include<stdio.h> void main(); { clrscr(); char a,b,c; printf("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"); getch(); }[/code]

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for carrythe1

Hi, I know the code for this post is quite long, but I thought it would be best to be comprehensive about what i'm trying to do as i'm not exactly an expert in this area of programming. I'm stuck trying to work out how to get windows hook procedures …

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The End.