49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for Yardood

Can someone please recommend me on a right way of working with codes? how should i plan it? how should i arrange it? every time i start a project i find myself later struggling with the difficulties of an unplanned project. how do YOU do it?

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Member Avatar for JustinCpE

Good Day Sir, I am practicing on how to program something using do...while loop. I want to make a program that will ask for the Prelim, Midterm, Finals and Semestral Grade. 70% is the passing rate in our University. What are the codes that I have to put in C++?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for marcelmarcelmarcelmarcelmarcelmarcelmarcelmarcel

Hello, for a school assignment I was supposed to write an insertion sort algorithm for a doubly linked list. As the feedback system of this particular course is rather weak (actually non-existent) I would like to ask you for your honest opinion about how well this is implemented, what could …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Yara Emad

Why it keeps giving me a zero answer ?!!! even though there IS a text file to search in it !! //a C++ project that reads a text from an input file and writes the same text into an output and find how much symbols are there #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Nanyo

Hi does anyone know if it is possible to use bruteforce to check for a username and a password in a website using C++? If yes please provide some code. Thanks! (Oh, and I am going to use that with educational purposes only) :D

Member Avatar for Nanyo
Member Avatar for Christina_3

Hi, I was assigned a project to write a user information program to help create and maintain user data. One of the parts of the project I am completely stumped on is how to validate the password a user would input... Tasks are... Evaluate Password - If either of the …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for bidisha_1

question related to C++ 1) Find the sum of natural numbers from 1 to 10. 2) Accept n numbers and find total of divisible by 5 and not by 10.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for SwtNemesis

Hello, I need to write a program that calculates how many days from year January 1, 0000 to any specified date including leap years. When I run the program that I have, I am off by a few days for any given date. Can someone please check out my code …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for NoobCoder85

The tools Hal’s sells are: Hammers: $10.99 Wrenches: $10.99 Levels: $19.99 Tape Measures: $4.99 Screwdrivers: $8.99 In order to make things easier in the long run you have decided to make a c++ program that takes in all the orders for each register and tallies them at the end of …

Member Avatar for NoobCoder85
Member Avatar for Piotr_13

I hope it's right place for it, if no - sorry, please tell me where I should place it. I wrote simple time class, could you review it, tell me what I did good, what wrong, and how I can fix it? I excluded things like include guards, namespaces, include …

Member Avatar for Piotr_13
Member Avatar for TObannion

So I was given a stack program to convert from int to char. I converted it but the output is...not expected. Wanting someone to point me in the right direction. I will post the header and driver program of the int stack and then the header and driver of the …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

This tutorial is the first time I write about coding techniques for improving the performance of software. This is going to be a step-by-step journey through a real example, with real benchmark results at every step so that you can see the effect of the different optimization techniques. And as …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Jazmine_1

Hey everyone so here's a new code and it compiles but it won't let me separate the data and add more questions for the user. Please help me and thanks in advance! I need it to enter 3 elements after list2 header file #ifndef H_myArray #define H_myArray class myArray { …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for senait.kifle.127

Hello Guys, I am trying to implement a coparison operator == into a try catch block to compare to clocks. I defined my comparator as friend bool operator ==(Clock&c1,Clock&c2) { return(c1.get_hour()==c2.get_hour() && c1.get_minute()==c2.get_minute()); } and my try catch block as Clock *clock3; try{ int hour,minute; cout<<"Hour: "; cin>>hour; cout<<"Minute: "; …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for surya777

#include<iostream.h> void main() { int i=o; i=400*400/400; cout<<i; } i am getting a wrong output

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for kellnerq

Hi together i need your help... again for my lab work. The question is the following: Use a single-subscripted array to solve the following problem. A company pays its salespeople on a commission basis. The salespeople receive £200 per week plus 9 percent of their gross sales for that week. …

Member Avatar for Victim_1
Member Avatar for akane.mikazuki

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main () { clrscr(); int a=1,b,sum; while (a<=100) { sum=0; for (b=1; b<=a+9; b++) { sum=sum+b; printf("Sum is %d.\n", sum); } a=a+20; b=a; } getch(); return(0); } -This code is supposed to print the sum of the first 100 words. Getting the sum of the first ten, skipping …

Member Avatar for jaduong
Member Avatar for tentrabyte

Enter five scores and display the lowest score and the difference of each score from the highest score. I'm so confused. I don't know if i'll use array or looping. Need you help. Thanks

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for toneranger

Hi, I'm new to APIs. Got the code below to compile (with 3 warnings C4129) but it won't output to the designated path. I created the txt file ahead of time, nqquotes.txt, but after the code compiles, that file stays empty. Thanks for your help, TR #include "stdafx.h" #include <tchar.h> …

Member Avatar for toneranger
Member Avatar for pdk123

I have a approximate following class class ClassA : public ClassB { void HandleMessages(const u8 *pP, const u16 nMsgBodyLen); static std::map<std::pair<u32, u32>, CreateSessInfo> m_mSessionId2CCRNum2DefaultBearerId; }; When trying to access the map from the HandleMessage, I am getting the linker error, saying the undefined reference to m_mSessionId2CCRNum2DefaultBearerId; Could some c++ experts …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for saxon84

Hi, I'm new to c++ but I'm having a go trying to create a jagged array int** DATA = new int*[10]; DATA[0] = new int[100]; //this works DATA[1] = new int[100][5]; //but this don't DATA[1][100][1] = 1; Thanks

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for MamaTina21

I have this assignment: Write a program with three functions: upper, lower, and reverse. The upper function will accept a pointer to a string or C-string as an argument. It will step through each character in the string converting it (where necessary) to uppercase. The lower function will accept a …

Member Avatar for ZZMike
Member Avatar for lewashby

[Linux] I have had a hard time understanding pointers beyond a simple array step through and modifying one address at a time. When I get into pointers to C-structures, C++-objects and classes my head starts to hurt. And that's just to name a few. I find the C syntax `*++p` …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for fnk88

Hi, I need your help please..I am given the following data and I need to write C++ commands to get the array filled... a[source][destination]=some value how to write C++ code for the following? loop condition can be used a[0][0]=0; a[0][1]=1; a[0][2]=1; a[0][3]=1; a[0][4]=3; a[0][5]=2; a[0][6]=3; a[0][7]=3;

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for Edward16
Member Avatar for markdean1989

My main issue here actually is Visual Studio installer (just could not find a specific category above). So here is my poblem. Visual Studio won't progress installing. Once it reaches the Visual Studio C++ Runtime version (and some numbers), it does not progress any further. I even tried leaving my …

Member Avatar for markdean1989
Member Avatar for tom.lynd.39

How does this code work?? I am at a loss how the tail recursion works here? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void back(void); void main(void) { cout<<"Enter a sentence: "; back(); getch(); } void back(void) { char ch; ch=getche(); if (ch!='\r') {back(); cout<<ch;//Read a character, print the rest of the input in reverse, …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Hafiz_2

write a c++ program to declare an array named marks of ten elements.

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for cambalinho

finally i have the static control transparent: //creating the form: hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0, classname, strCaption.c_str(),WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_TABSTOP, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, parent, NULL, mod, this); //sending a message for subclassing: case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: { return DefWindowProc(HandleWindow, msg, wParam, lParam); } break; //heres how i create a static control with ownerdraw style: …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for cambalinho

heres my image class: class image { private: ULONG_PTR m_gdiplusToken; Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput; HDC hdcimage=CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HGDIOBJ obj=NULL; HBITMAP btBitmap=NULL; Image *img; bool isimgused=false; int imageheight=0; int imageweight=0; int framecount=0; int intSelectFrame=0; int framedelay=0; string strfilename=""; Gdiplus::Color clrBackColor=Gdiplus::Color::Transparent; HDC hdcwindow; bool blnTransparent=true; HICON HICONFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP bitmap) { BITMAP bmp; GetObject(bitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp); HBITMAP …

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The End.