49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for aleX_X

Keeping getting into errors in my code...this looks to be the wierdest so far... [CODE]class bug: public living{ protected: bool ate; int energy; public: virtual void moveToFood(point hunter, point food); bool eatIt(point hunter, point food){ int hx, hy, fx, fy; hx=hunter.getx(); hy=hunter.gety(); fx=food.getx(); fy=food.gety(); if((hy==fy)&&(hx==fx)) ate=true; else ate=false; return ate; …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for rohan1020

Hello.. I am an intermediate c++ programmer and currently using Visual C++. I want to write a program which could receive real-time information from the currently running applications and process that information to perform its respective task. for example: How can I receive the characters written on the title bar …

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for timb89

i am trying to read the following information: [CODE]Carlingford,Epping,3 Epping,Marsfield,6.5 Marsfield,North Ryde,2.4 North Ryde,Epping,5 Carlingford,North Ryde, 3.5 Carlingford,Marsfield, 4.7 North Rocks,Epping,4.8 Carlingford,North Rocks,2.4 North Ryde,Ryde,2.1 [/CODE] so i will be able to store the information into a 2 strings and a float (obviously excluding the comma. eg: string station1 = …

Member Avatar for timb89
Member Avatar for nageshkore

// File : Suitors.h #ifndef SUITORSLIST_H #define SUITORSLIST_H #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; class SuitorsList { private: struct ListNode { int value; ListNode * next; }; ListNode * head; public: SuitorsList() { head = NULL; } void appendNode(int num); void deleteNode(int num); void displayList() const; }; #endif; // File …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for paycity

Hello daniweb members, How can I use gtkmm with MinGW (g++) without MSYS? Here is the story of my problem: I installed MinGW offline with all required packages (full install). I installed Apache Server and I copied all .tar.gz files and I created a website called sourceforge.org [localhost] and I …

Member Avatar for paycity
Member Avatar for drt_t1gg3r

I am building a text adventure and hit a snag. I have classes PERSON, PLAYER, COP, & ENEMY. Now PERSON is the main class, and PLAYER, COP, and ENEMY are all sub classes of PERSON all of the function prototypes and definitions work except (2). [CODE]public: WEAPON* GetWeapon(); void SetWeapon(WEAPON …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for maryam ahmad

this is a program to change the case of all letters input by the user to small. im getting the right output with this coding. the problem is that its giving some staircase type structure as the output as well. HOW DO I GET RID OF THIS EXTRA STUFF? [code] …

Member Avatar for maryam ahmad
Member Avatar for Zcool31

Hey all! I'm writing a simple fluid game in C++, and I've come across a strange issue. I allocate a whole bunch of arrays of float for use in simulations. During the course of the program, nothing goes wrong. But when I try to delete the arrays, I get a …

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Member Avatar for doolsta111

Hi Guys, Here's the situation that im stuck in. I have 2 Header files which cannot be changed named bintree and bindnode. These define tree structure, aswell as several other functions eg inserting node, printing node etc I have 2 Classes. 1 Class is : [CODE]class mazePoint {int x; char …

Member Avatar for doolsta111
Member Avatar for fellixombc

Everything else works fine, but for some reason, it only receives once. (note, the recv function starts at line 49) function is at code: [CODE=C++]/* * File: Bot.cpp * Author: fellixombc * * Created on May 20, 2010, 6:25 PM */ #include "bot.h" /** Constructs the Bot * @param set …

Member Avatar for fellixombc
Member Avatar for albanosali

To write a C language program that implements the main functions of maintenance of student information. To maintain student information must be used on a list of njedrejtimore. Each node of the list will be used to store the data of only one student: Name, Student No, average. Your program …

Member Avatar for tkud
Member Avatar for albanosali

please halp me!!!!! do do this program..... <EMAIL SNIPPED> /// To write a C language program that implements the main functions of maintenance of student information. To maintain student information must be used on a list of njedrejtimore. Each node of the list will be used to store the data …

Member Avatar for albanosali
Member Avatar for dflatt

hi i'm trying to write a program that compares and manipulates certain characters from a string. heres the bit i'm having trouble with. [CODE] char c; if(c <= a && c >= x)//obvious error //do something [/CODE] is there anyway i can get this to check if 'char c' lies …

Member Avatar for dflatt
Member Avatar for iammfa

Hi, Here is an example made by 'C++' and 'SDL' library, this example load an image with format .PNG, because I'm beginner in c++, I'm asking some questions: [CODE]/*This source code copyrighted by Lazy Foo' Productions (2004-2009) and may not be redestributed without written permission.*/ //The headers #include "SDL.h" #include …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for dgr231

Hey everyone, I've been working on learning the Win32 API for C++ so that I can start programming windows programs. I haven't run into any issues until last night when I tried to include a menu in my basic window through resources. I'm using Visual C++ Express 2010 which doesn't …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for keeda

I am using a solaris machine to run my c++ code I have written the following code in the mentioned files classclock.h [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; class classclock { private: int min; int hour; int sec; //member function for the operations public: void SetTime(int a,int b,int c); };[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for younas khan

Write a program that defines a template function named add(). This function takes two arguments, add two variables and then return the sum. In main function, define two variables of type int, two variables of type float and two objects of type ‘String’. Now call the add() function three times …

Member Avatar for amrith92
Member Avatar for psdao1102

So im in a collage c++ class, and i missed my last class, so my teacher told me to try lab 5, i think i have templates down but im getting a compiler error saying that my function is ambigious.. the exact error is Error 1 error C2782: 'T searchArray(T,T,int)' …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for nu2cpp

Hi Guys, I am using visual studio 2009 using vc++. I am reading from a text file using a streamReader one line at a time. The data is tab delimited. I am trying to split the data and then stuff all the strings into struct. Here's what I am doing …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for blovatt

Hello - I need to create a utility using C/C++ to parse information from a XML audit log file that is continuously being appended by a separate process I need to read the information in and process it, then when I reach the EOF I need to wait/monitor for more …

Member Avatar for blovatt
Member Avatar for maryam ahmad

im a beginner and using C++ 2008 edition and this pow function isnt working on it although its working perfectly ob C++6. please help. THIS IS PART OF THE CODE: [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int det (int **oldray,int order) { int deter=0,i,k; int **newray; newray=new int*[order-1]; for( i=0;i<order;i++) newray[i]=new …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for phummon

Hi everyone, I'm a moderately experienced C++ programmer working on code which must do the following: (a) Import data from a lot of little CSV files (b) Load that data into various objects (c) Do stuff with that data The code I've written does (a), (b), and (c) pretty well, …

Member Avatar for phummon
Member Avatar for em-kay

Hello FirstPerson First of all, Im not an openGL expert but Im trying to write a code of a movng object and Im facing some problems. So i need your help please here is the code [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <windows.h> #include <gl/Gl.h> #include <gl/Glu.h> #include <gl/glut.h> double r=600/4,delta=1/r; …

Member Avatar for em-kay
Member Avatar for unity

hi i want some good question c/c++ for practice can anyone suggest me some website or any good book

Member Avatar for suze_eq
Member Avatar for elexender

Hi all, I want to make a string like this: [QUOTE]SELECT * FROM "Alexander de Groot"[/QUOTE]. So i can later execute that sql statment. Im only having a problem creating the string. Let me show you: [CODE]string sTableName; char *SqlTableName; sTableName = DBLookupComboBox1->Text.c_str(); SqlTableName = new char[sTableName.size()+ 20]; strcpy(SqlTableName,"SELECT * …

Member Avatar for elexender
Member Avatar for cswenson1

How, in C++, can i convert a video from 1 format to another? Currently the only way i know how is by using an external exe called FFmpeg and using the function [code=c++]system("ffmpeg -i file.avi file.mp4");[/code]

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mani_singh

hello to all, i am learning c++ and while looking at some code, i came upon this: *(float*) and *(DWORD*). for example [ICODE]#define adress_1 0x00AA8B20 *(float*) adress_1 = 5000000; [/ICODE] so can you explain what the *(float*) and *(DWORD*) do. and i did try and search on google but didnt …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for f11691

hi please help me.i wrote a program for student now i want rewrite with classes but i dont know how. :( my program: [code] #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> struct student { char fname[30]; char lname[30]; long ID; float avg; };typedef struct student t1; void getinfo(t1 s[],int n) { int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { …

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for carrythe1

Hi, I am new to this website (and C++) so pls forgive any newb errors / convention mistakes. I have a project that contains both a normal source file (PB.cpp), associated header (PB.h) and a windows form (GUI.h). I'm trying to pass a variable from the form to a function …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for rohitn

Hi, I want to perform find and replace (like the one in MS word) on a group of files. Can somebody guide me on how to do that using regular expressions?is there any tool available to automate such task for any number of files? Thanks in advance.

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The End.