49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for mani_singh

hey guys, i need help with understandind this code-actually just some parts of it. can you explain to me what the purpose of this is: *(float*) variable = 34; i can understand the variable = 34 part just not the *(float*) part. what does it do? also what is the …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for rasheed1984

Respected Users. I am implementing a kind of hash table in my simulations. I have a message which contains (Timestamp, Random Number, and Location (x,y)) information. Now i need to calculate [B]H(Timestamp||Random Number||Location). [/B] I have no idea how to do that and need some starting point and help in …

Member Avatar for vishy1618

Well, I am currently learning Qt and I develop on two systems, a Mac OSX 10.5 and Ubuntu. I decided to make a small app with the default template in QtCreator (Qt4 GUI app). I put some menubar entries, and the last entry "Exit" is separated by a separator. While …

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Member Avatar for miskeen

Hello, I have a file where the data layout is known. Suppose it's like this: image1 SomeData ... image1000 SomeData ... I want to get an access to the line I want without the necessity to move across all the lines. Let's say I wanna access directly to the line …

Member Avatar for miskeen
Member Avatar for artikapri

I wanted to know if there is a function in visual studio C++ 2005, that is called on if your mouse hovers over something, and how to use it?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for spdbump08

Hello, I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to get C++ to output something to a text file. Any help would be very appreciated. Here is the code: [code] //THIS PROGRAM IS INTENDED TO GENERATE THE SQUARE ROOT OF AN INPUTTED NUMBER USING A WHILE LOOP AND A …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for soapyillusion

Hey guys I have a almost seemingly trivial problem yet its probally so simple. No matter how hard i try I can never seem to get the format of the cout statements to look they way i want. I always use the setw command and set precsion, even the left …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for JohnPhilipps

Good evening everyone, I have been working on a base\derived class C++ program in which I am trying to compare the areas of a couple of Rectangles, and once I get past the errors I am currently having, I wouldn't mind comparing the Square to the rectangle, but first things …

Member Avatar for vbx_wx

i know there are many ways to hide a console window,but all of them that i test ,they all pop for a second and disapear,how can i do so its doesnt pop at all ???

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Schottenhemir

I'm supposed to output a program that comes out like this: [URL="http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/4135/screen3t.jpg"]http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/4135/screen3t.jpg[/URL] And here is the top part of the code. It is supposed to read a .txt file that has the numbers of the: flight; passengers; and miles; [CODE]int flight, passengers, miles; float income, cost, profit, base, fuel; ifstream …

Member Avatar for Schottenhemir
Member Avatar for apo

how can a make the floating variable show just 4 digits i mean : 8.6540098 to just 8.654 i guess what i'm trying to say is "less decimals" :D

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for moqbel

[CODE] #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { //decleration ifstream source; ofstream target; char * box; int width, height, numlevel; string s; int amount= 100; //-------------------- source.open("1.ppm",ios::binary); while(source.fail()) { cout<<"can not open the file"<<endl; // to make sure the file is opened } source>> s; if ( s …

Member Avatar for moqbel
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

heelllo i am trying to upload a file to a ftp server,here i smy code: [CODE] HINTERNET internet; HINTERNET ftp; internet = InternetOpen(NULL , INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT , NULL , NULL , 0); ftp = InternetConnect(internet , "" , INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT , NULL , NULL , INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP , 0 , 0); bool x …

Member Avatar for vbx_wx
Member Avatar for gregarion

Hey guys, i am having a problem in getting to store data in a text file. I have a certain text file which contains data in this format... [CODE]Jimeno Rames James Kimon[/CODE] what i am tryng to do is to store each line into a seperate value. The problem i …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for jeffmt1234

I can't seem to wrap my head around what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to create an N-ARY tree. I'm pretty sure I'm close. But the nodes are filling wrong. I have used cout to output the nodes as they fill and sometimes the nodes are filling with the same …

Member Avatar for some

Hello everyone, I have a question regarding advanced file manipulation. I am trying to make a function that will take in a number which will be the number of a record and basically take that record out and display its contents and let the user edit it. Here is the …

Member Avatar for SCarlisle
Member Avatar for johndoe444

[CODE]map<string, int> Employees; Employees.insert(map<string,int>::value_type("John A.",7582)); [/CODE] what does the value_type do? what is the difference between pair() and make_pair()

Member Avatar for johndoe444
Member Avatar for Priyanka88

hi I am having VC++ 2008 express edition downloaded few days before....will you please help me how to compile c++ source file,debug and run it....pls....hv no time to read dat help topics...pls help me out!!

Member Avatar for Priyanka88
Member Avatar for aroma7
Member Avatar for gnarlyskim
Member Avatar for MVB

Hey guys. I'm having some issues with my Visual Studio 2008 Pro. I'm trying to compile the following code, included in the link [url]http://pastebin.com/r6WsG5r7;[/url] but, whenever I try compiling the code, I get like 5 erros: The errors are listed below. Why is it that moving certain declarations around changes …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for sana zafar

Hi all, I need to write a program that will first read a file and then 1. Output all the words that appear in a file. 2. Treat only sequences of letters and digits as words, i.e., all other characters such as punctuation marks should be used as word delimiters, …

Member Avatar for gnarlyskim
Member Avatar for wale89

[QUOTE]Hello..can anyone help me in order to solve this problem regarding the collision that happend.. I use the modulo-division hash function and intended to use the chaining solution method to resolve this collision but i got stuck.. because i dont really have the full knowledge in link list..Can someone that …

Member Avatar for craig_ka
Member Avatar for buzzykerbox

Hey,have been having a problem with this code,dont no what to do here,trying to find the letter in the secret word in hangman.when the user inputs their choice how do i compare it with the secret word.was using a for loop but not sure [CODE] cout<<"\n\t\t *********** H A N …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for biggie_smalls

Hey all, I got interested in using smart pointers and tried to implement the following solution: [URL="http://www.davethehat.com/articles/smartp.htm"]http://www.davethehat.com/articles/smartp.htm[/URL] It's probably far from perfect but this is mainly a learning experience. It's a non intrusive reference counted implementation of a smart ptr. And somewhere in the article the assignment operator is defined: …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for amirdragon

Hi everyone I am a C# programmer but recently I faced a problem which i guess it would be solved using C++ ( still not sure!!!) I want to have the list of data type definitions existing in native windows kernel module. I would be appreciated if anyone could give …

Member Avatar for vbx_wx

i have the following code: [CODE] HWND window; char name[MAX_PATH]; while(1) { window = GetForegroundWindow(); GetWindowText(window,name,sizeof(name)); strcat(name , "\n"); WriteToFile(name); } [/CODE] i just want to print it once,and if i open a new window,print that too,once....and so on.....and i dont know what condition to put to work corectly :(

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Fenlevi

Hi guys, In my lab I was given a source code and was tasked to write the function to compute the largest value of a vector, and a for loop to show how elements does the vector has.But the output is now right,it gives me the largest element is zero,and …

Member Avatar for MyrtleTurtle
Member Avatar for Falmarri

It's been about a year since I've used C++, and I'm having a weird error that I can't remember why it does this, or if there's actually something wrong. My destructor gets called twice when I declare my object via the first method, and only once (correctly) when it declare …

Member Avatar for webs1987
Member Avatar for aa_day90

I haven't got any luck finding why this program wouldn't work. Here's the code. [CODE]int main (void) { ifstream file; char *streamer = NULL; file.open("now.txt", ios::in | ios::binary); if (file.is_open()) { while (!file.eof()) { streamer = new char[33]; cout << "Prestream: " << streamer << endl; file.read(streamer, 32); cout << …

Member Avatar for aa_day90
Member Avatar for a4aadi

here is code[ [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; struct book_dtail { int copies; char title[50]; char author[50]; int year; char **bn; }; void main() { int size; ifstream indata; book_dtail user_book[5]; indata.open("file path to be added here"); for(int count=0;count<5;count++) { indata>>size; user_book[count].copies=size;//2D array initialized. user_book[count].bn=new char*[size]; for(int temp=0;temp<size;temp++) { …

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The End.