49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for bdgrlsrl

Hello everybody, I am having trouble with the following. In my code, I don't get the right results for my getAverage/ getLeastAmount/ getGreatestAmount function. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Could anybody give me some hints, please? [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cassert> #include <fstream> using namespace …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for alflash

Does anyone now how to create a game id for tictactoe,i.e each new game that is played is given a game id. help

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for llemes4011

Hi. I decided that I wanted to try something hard - write a program that allows 2 different mice to be used simultaneously by the same computer. I realize that this is going to be very difficult, and require not only C++, but probably some low level C, if not …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for DarthPJB

Howdy, those of you who remember me may be happy to know my 2D game engine was finished and I'm now working on a 3D engine. My engine has been going rather spiffingly well, after some battles with DirectX and OpenGL i managed to get them working side-by-side. Wrote a …

Member Avatar for DarthPJB
Member Avatar for EnjozLearniz..

[B]What I want to code:[/B] 1.Given: -A range of integers iRange from 1 up to iRange -A desired number of combinations 2.Find the # of all possible combinations and print it out. For example: Given: iRange = 5 and n = 3 # of combinations = iRange! / ((iRange!-n!)*n!) = …

Member Avatar for EnjozLearniz..
Member Avatar for kako13

Hi, I'm reading a line from a text_file.txt The line looks like: 1#Jonh#Smith#PO Box#4.9#5.0# The code being used: [CODE] fstream file; file.open("Tbl_cliente.txt", ios::in); // open a file for input file.unsetf(ios::skipws); getline(file, Cli_nombre, '#'); getline(file, Cli_apellido, '#'); getline(file, Cli_dirr, '#'); file >> Cli_total_compras; file >> Cli_balance;[/CODE] But when I look for …

Member Avatar for necrolin
Member Avatar for newbiec

Hello, I have an assignment to make a tic tac toe game using 1-9 in a grid (but without 1 l 2 l 3 and instead, 1 2 3 etc.). I'm having an impossible time figuring out how to redisplay the new x or o (see function comments). Is there …

Member Avatar for Jiwe
Member Avatar for mcap61

Hey guys, I have to write a program to check the ranking of the top 1000 boy and girl baby names using linked lists and pointers. The POINT of the PROGRAM is if you enter a name it will tell you what the name ranks among the list if it …

Member Avatar for programmersbook
Member Avatar for Spiderpig085

i have code which has a menu.. this code is for a tic tac toe game and i cant prevent the program from crashing . So......... when the user enters a variable e.g 'q' the program crashes. the happens whilst playing the game and whilst selecting a menu option. is …

Member Avatar for Spiderpig085
Member Avatar for aaash

i want some help about a program which displays all prime numbers between two numbers entered by the user. plz someone help me..... i m a 1st semester programing student thats why i am finding much difficulties....

Member Avatar for zobadof
Member Avatar for ihatestarch

There were a few book recommendations I saw on the web for c++. The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference -- I want to purchase this book, but it was published in 1999. Is there a more current book like this or is it one of those things that …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

Hello I have a sample program from a book, it's not working properly, when the function [icode]d3d10createdeviceandswapchain[/icode] is called the error checking causes the program to fail, after adding a few lines of code I found that the error code isn't one of the constants that the function is supposed …

Member Avatar for qwertymk

I have a line of code that looks like this: [code] _data = new (nothrow) T[_size]; [/code] This code is inside a classe's constuctor The problem is that it initializes each element to zero which I don't want it to do. Is there to just have it reserve the memory …

Member Avatar for qwertymk
Member Avatar for Snapster5

Hi im working on a function lab that was givin to use, there are compile erros on it im not sure how to fix, most likely caused by mistakes by me not wrinting correctly. If you can help me out on this would be appreciated. Discription: The purpose of the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for xyzt

Hello, I try to use POSIX Message Queue API and in the doc it says that: [CODE]#include <mqueue.h> int mq_send(mqd_t mqdes, const char *msg_ptr, size_t msg_len, unsigned msg_prio); [/CODE] [I]The mq_send() function shall add the message pointed to by the argument msg_ptr to the message queue specified by mqdes. The …

Member Avatar for kbatra
Member Avatar for StaticX

Hi Im having a problem when it comes to dynamic memory allocation.I have a program that lets me pick the size of my array,and then input numbers into it. That all works well,it is when I try to add another int to this array that im having problems with,could anyone …

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Member Avatar for ali8888

I have a question, and it is: How create win32 application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 ?? I do not want to select " Empty project " in " Additional options: ". i.e. I want use visual window for my program. Please help me. My language is C++.

Member Avatar for ali8888
Member Avatar for Hiromi

Hello i am trying to implement a wordPuzzle but i am having trouble with the last two functions that i need to implement. this is what i am doing. as i'm reading the dictionary from a text file i am checking the length of the word and according to its …

Member Avatar for amosda4183

I have to write a memory game, where the user gives a file name and that file reads in 8 strings that will be placed on the board. The code I have so far is down below, if anyone can help me fix it up I would appreciate it. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

I have seen an array struct in C that can hold data even if they are a different type. I forgot what that code was and I don't have the code on me at the moment. So I was wondering if anyone could show me how I would do this …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for buzzykerbox

Hey Guys and Gals,I'm writing a program to find the highest and lowest of 5 integers.I think i have the algorithm almost right but it doesn't work.I think its something simple.......as usual......... [CODE] include <iostream.h> include <conio.h> int main () { double total=0,num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,high,low; cout<<please enter number; cin>>num1; cout<<please enter number; …

Member Avatar for buzzykerbox
Member Avatar for StaticX

Hi, I am currently running on windows and have and issue when i try to read/write files,the problem being that it just doesn't happen. I know the code is correct because when I use a linux os and other windoze machines everything is ok..it just seems to be my computer. …

Member Avatar for StaticX
Member Avatar for qk00001

Hi people, Do you have any good sites for C++ MySQL.Especially how the 'query' part works in the C++. Thanks a lot!!!

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for javaStud

Hi, I am trying to transfer some numbers that I have generated inside an array,but I have some mistake that I am not 'seeing'. The array contents are not the same as those generated. Any help please.. Thanks a lot. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #define SIZE …

Member Avatar for javaStud
Member Avatar for merse

Lets have a class (called Class with capital C) have a class member data. But when we declare the class data in the body of the Class, we have to initialize it with something (default constructor or other constructor) however in c++ the initialization used to task to the Class …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for swolll

What does "->" do for vectors? And, how do you use the vector algorithms? And, also, when/why do you use #ifndef something_H, #define something_H, ..., #endif? Is there a difference between "vector" and "apvector"?

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for mcap61

I have to write a program to check the ranking of the top 1000 boy and girl baby names using linked lists and pointers. I have based most of my work off a tutorial from this website [URL="http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm"]http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm[/URL] And here is the link to the list of names. You probably …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for hao90

i think this part got problem..anyone can guide me? [CODE]ifstream BanKing; BanKing.open("BankData.txt"); while (!BanKing.eof()) { BanKing>>loginName; BanKing>>password; if(loginName == loginName1 && password == password1) { menu(); break; } else { cout<<"\tUnregistered ID or you have enter a wrong password !"<<endl; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); getchar(); return ; } BanKing.close(); } }[/CODE] i …

Member Avatar for hao90
Member Avatar for new programer

Hello, I want my program to repeat it self if the user entered a specific number and to terminate if he entered any other number or charcter the repeating part worked put the terminating part did not . it kept on doing an infinate loop how can I fix it …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Ryujin89

I have created a class that allows the user to input their mailing address, order date, type of cookie ordered and the quantity. I'm taking things step by step and have got the program running, but I can't get the comparing part to work. It will accept any string as …

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The End.