49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for RobBrown

Hello, I have a program that decodes a substitution cypher one character at a time and then prints it on the screen. I need to save this text into a output file on disk. I am having hard time figuring out how to get the decoded text from the screen …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Deadmon

Hello all, Let's say I have a vector like so: [CODE]vector < char *>rlist;[/CODE] and [CODE]char* word;[/CODE] Let's say char* word was pointing to a 9 character word, like "statement". If I were to do [CODE]rlist.push_back(word)[/CODE] I would get a seg fault. I believe this is because push_back expects a …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for restrictment

I really want to add sounds to my programs, but all of the codes I use fail! I am using an empty project in visual c++, if anyone could find a snippet that would work for this, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks! Here is my current code that doesn't …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

[QUOTE]Win32++ is a small C++ library used to build windows applications. It has been designed to be easy to use, and simple to understand. It is an ideal starting point for anyone learning to program for windows using C++. Win32++ also has the added advantage of running on a wide …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for jennwenn25

Hello, I am trying to create a time conversion calculator and I think I have it down but I do not know how to get it to display just one answer per selection. Like I can select 1 and it shows results for 1 and 2 . . or I …

Member Avatar for mikiurban
Member Avatar for gedas

hi guys im creating a dictionary which would show the word and the meaning of the word this is what i have done so far, i created a class called meaning which stores the meaning of the word [code] #ifndef MEANING #define MEANING #include<string> class Meaning { public: Meaning(); ~Meaning(); …

Member Avatar for power_computer
Member Avatar for Nate.Sam

Hello, I'm Nathan, I'm a 3D Animation student and know very basic C++, but haven't touched it in a good 6 years. Here's my problem: I have data from some video footage I shot, and the data is in 3 folders: An Audio Folder, a Video Folder, and a XML …

Member Avatar for Nate.Sam
Member Avatar for richman0829

I got not one but two good answers to my last question, which was how to make a function that would both create an array and fill it. I was surprised to find that the first one of them was so simple - I had been making it harder than …

Member Avatar for richman0829
Member Avatar for C++ Obliviator

Hi! I've installed Windows 7 (64-bit, DX11), MS Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition and DirectX SDK aug 2009. Now I'm trying to program with DirectX 10, with help from "Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10". Even if I include all include- and lib-files from the SDK directory, I …

Member Avatar for mrnutty

The function adds two large numeric string together, like "12345667" + "12345678" = ? It does not have complete error checking, I'll leave that up to you. It should work but I am prone to bugs, so do advise if bugs are found. Included are also helper function that helps …

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Member Avatar for squigworm

Hello and thank You in advance, I have been struggling quite a bit with this so any help is greatly appreciated. I need to add 3 global variables with an unknown amount of elements to a program. As far as I know and as far as I can find in …

Member Avatar for squigworm
Member Avatar for dagohbah

I'm having horrible trouble trying to get this converter to work. If more code is needed, please feel free to let me know. The function I'm having trouble with getting the numbers to convert right is OctalIntoDecimal. The number it is trying to convert is a 9 in decimal...which should …

Member Avatar for gauravkr

#ifndef _READFILE_H_ #define _READFILE_H_ #include<string> #include<vector> #include<map> using namespace std; class Readfile{ private: string str; vector <string> goArray; vector <string> strArray; vector <string> phyIntArray; vector <string> subArray; vector <string> proArray; /* member function */ void processString(string str); void processGoId(string); void processPhysicalInt(string); // void processMetabolicInt(string); public: typedef struct Info{ string uniprotID; …

Member Avatar for gauravkr
Member Avatar for rag84dec

Hi all, I am trying to write code to loop through the windows registry till i find the leaf , meaning the key value pair exists . Each time i get the key , i want to know whether it is parent of some key-value pair. If yes , loop …

Member Avatar for dinamit875

does anyone know how to convert c program code into c++ program code? I have program written in c code, but need the same program and its functions in c++. I can post code if needed. Thanks.

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Member Avatar for roger.hungchan

I don't know how to write a c++ program to execute the following operations. could anyone help me?? Write a C++ program that opens a comma-separated values file and performs various functions on it. The first line is a header containing the names of the fields. The available fields are …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Rudolfovich

Hi2all! What better use for working with databases in C + + and win32api? (static lib with source code, classes or simple source code, examples)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for roon01xpro

Hello i am a musician and not a programmer. i assume this is completely obvious to you by now. do listen to my music if you please. something to do while you read my long enquiry. [URL="http://roon-salzman.com/MP3/tracking/JewellerySpot/Samantha_WIlls.mp3"]samantha.mp3[/URL] I am attempting my first c++ program to create a program for a …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for may i ask u?

hi every body(tis is my first post here) i have been experiencing compatibility problems with visual basic 6 and 8.0....(coz i have vista) .now i have installed vs 2008 express but the problem is that i am much used to vs 6.0 enviroment...now i just cant understand how to open …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for metalclunch

Hello, I'm developing a small game in SDL, but I have a problem. Here is my code: [code] //Initialize Resources bool InitResources() { bossShip = Load_Image( "leadership.png" ); spaceShip = Load_Image( "spaceship.png" ); ammo = Load_Image( "ammo.png" ); welcomeBackground = Load_Image( "welcomebackground.png" ); background = Load_Image( "background.png" ); if( bossShip …

Member Avatar for debasishgang7

how to send email via smtp server like gmail with c++??????? i want the code if any web resources available pls provide..

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for SgtMe

Now I must explain that I am a noob. I would like to write my own header file, and use the functions from it in a program. When I get Dev-C++ to compile, it says that it is an invalid function, and I need to put that before the main. …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for Jannelle5

Hi, I am writing this code for a class I am taking. It works fine as long as i do not use more 9 digits in length, but my teacher wants the user to be able to be able to input a number of any length. The warning when i …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for LadyZombie

I'm taking a beginning C++ class right now, and we're supposed to make a program that allows the user to enter as many numbers as they like and when they're done, display the largest and smallest of the numbers entered. However, I can't figure out how to make it display …

Member Avatar for LadyZombie
Member Avatar for BosByte

Hello, Please take a look at this well-known 'problem': [CODE]class A{ B * foo(); }; class B{ A * foo(); };[/CODE] Its solution is simple: add "class B;" above A. But I've got a smilar, but more complex, problem: [CODE]class A_1 { virtual B_1 * foo(); }; class B_1{ virtual …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for book_worm

[code=c++] /*I have coded this but it is not working fine it kept saying "Segmentation fault" and i can't track it down, can someone help me on this i want it badly!*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; int k=0; void gcd(int a, int b); void gcd(int a, int b) { static …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for jigglymig

everything works except I need it to give me the max and min month (i.e. 1,2,3..12) instead of the number entered into the array. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const int SIZE = 12; double months[SIZE]; int count; double sum = 0; double totalRainfall; double averageMonthlyRainfall; double …

Member Avatar for donaldw
Member Avatar for msc1004

I've been trying to figure out this problem for a week. I've searched all sites for if else statements, and I can't figure out why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's wrong with my statements ?? Help me out !!!!!!!!!!! please. #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { char hsg; //Highschool Graduate char …

Member Avatar for donaldw
Member Avatar for PDB1982

How do I get this output to a file.....I can get it to print on the screen, but I can't figure it out for the life of me.... [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; void abc(ifstream&); void main() { ifstream inFile; ofstream outFile; double …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for aznballerlee

I'm also working on a game project, and I'm stuck. I guess I'll have to post the specs so you guys can see what I have to do. Here are the specs: [quote] The valley floor can be viewed as a 10 by 10 grid. The northwest corner (upper left …

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The End.