49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for djnstuff

Okay, what I'm trying to do here is set up a some-what simple battle system for a text based game... I'm having some trouble getting it to work correctly though. I want the Player's attack and the Monster's defense to be random each time the program loops (which is also …

Member Avatar for Shinedevil
Member Avatar for restrictment

Hello, I am trying to make an rpg, and I am having troubles with functions. I am currently working on the 'potion' aspect of my rpg, which I have highlighted in red. My question is this: Is it possible to make the function return money, potion number, potion size, etc? …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for kadji.kahn

I'm trying to make a program that will read two txt files, with GPA information (one for females and one for males) arranged like this: M 4.0 M 3.7 M 2.9 I've been instructed to used pass by reference void functions with no global variables. My major issue is how …

Member Avatar for kadji.kahn
Member Avatar for Shaitan00

My system has a service (Serv.exe) which starts as LocalSystem and should be running at all time, additionally on startup of the PC (auto logon) the user has a STARTUP application (App.exe) which runs. Sadly I've found that sometimes App.exe starts to run before Serv.exe has finished starting, and one …

Member Avatar for skarocks47

So i am just starting out learning C ++ and i was trying to make a BMI calculator. When ever i run the program and it prints the BMI number its a weird number. Not one it should get. Please can u help me out with my source? #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for asxoliastos

Hello I am new to this forum so be patient.. I am currently having an issue with a map iterator well the code i am talking about: [CODE] leafnode<LeafEntry<recno_t> ,blocknum,char*,recno_t>* descend(Object<dimensionality,Type>& ob,nonleafnode<NonLeafEntry<dimensionality,Type>,dimensionality,Type>* rt,blocknum* leafblocknum){ std::map< int,NonLeafEntry<dimensionality,Type>* >* entries; std::map< int,NonLeafEntry<dimensionality,Type>* >::iterator it; leafnode<LeafEntry<recno_t> ,blocknum,char*,recno_t>* L; int i,elements; if(rt == NULL) …

Member Avatar for asxoliastos
Member Avatar for tararengan

hello, I am interested in implementing the push relabel max flow algorithm in C++. I see an implementation at [url]http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/libs/graph/doc/push_relabel_max_flow.html[/url] and don;t understand a good bit of it. I am in a position to describe my graph and if someone could explain how I can use this piece of code, …

Member Avatar for rkulp

I am trying to overload the Comparison Operators, to have them compare the RMR of two fitness trackers. I need to change the RMR from a double to an int for the comparison. How would I do this when the RMR is calculated by a function. Here is my code. …

Member Avatar for AdRock

I have a string which i can break down into tokens but what i want it to do is if it reaches a '//' it breaks out of the loop so no more tokens are added I have tried using this but it doesn't work [CODE]while (p!=NULL) { if(p=="//") { …

Member Avatar for AdRock
Member Avatar for xfreebornx

How can i sort this array pls.. [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int prompt(int x[]); void printreverse(int x[]); int main() { int x[5]; prompt(x); printreverse(x); system("pause"); return 0; } int prompt(int x[]) { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { cout <<"Enter integers:"; cin >>x[i]; } } void printreverse(int x[]) { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for teddyg18

So i am writing a simple prgm in which you enter the values of 2 matrices and multiplies them. [code] #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int i, j , k , l, m , n , o, p; cout<<"Enter The Rows And Cloumns And Of The …

Member Avatar for asxoliastos
Member Avatar for RonW56

Can someone help me with this problem I've been trying to do an else statement but it doesn't work here is the code.... for(int c=0;c<student_max;c++){ if(search_id==id[c]){ location=binary_search(id,student_max,search_id); cout<<"Student ID \tTotal \tGrade"<<endl; cout<<"-----------------------------"<<endl; cout<<search_id<<" \t\t"<<total[location]<<" \t"<<determine_grade(total[location])<<endl; //break; } //} else{ cout<<"Incorrect id entered"<<endl; break; } } }

Member Avatar for boblied
Member Avatar for rookanga

my assignment says to "Finish the header block on the function. " What is the header block? Is it the // (write information) or is it something else?

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for isabellegagnier

I need to create a triangle in C++ that will take the user inputted letter (capital) and then create a triangle that will look like. I can only use nested loops NO arrays or strings Enter a letter: F F FE FED FEDC FEDCB FEDCBA here is the code i …

Member Avatar for isabellegagnier
Member Avatar for gtrippleb

I'm trying to write a c++ program that first asks how may people are in a party, then it takes that number to calculate how many times to ask what the next person wants to order. This is what I have so far. I can get the program to recognize …

Member Avatar for gtrippleb
Member Avatar for discovery-power

Hi All, I am trying to write a small program to better understand and practise writing blocks of code, I have written the one below but get the error message : "Linker Error undefined reference to WinMain@16 ld returned 1 exit status" // This program demonstrates a block of code …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for gedas

Hi everyone, Well I come to a point that I have run out of ideas and time and I’m going to ask for help from anyone that can help. I hope that there will be someone that could give me a hint how to solve my problem. About my problem …

Member Avatar for abraham james

May somebody pliz help explain to me line by line of this c++ coding cause I can't seem to understand it:- #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define SIZE 50 #define pi 3.14 void push(int i); int pop(void); void sort(int stack[SIZE],int numbers); int *pointer, stack[SIZE],numbers; void main(void) { int value,numbers,num,num2,num3,num4,array[5],num6,num7,num8; float num5,num9; …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for Kaotic07

Hello, I have to write a program that merges 2 seperate files and then outputs to a single file. Each input file is to have numbers in ascending order and the output is supposed to compare these and then put them in ascending order. ex.: input1 = 1 3 5 …

Member Avatar for Kaotic07
Member Avatar for nalasimbha

I have the following struct [CODE]struct A { int a, *b, *c, *d; };[/CODE] I would be creating an array of A and then populating the member variable for each of struct in the array. The members b,c,d are allocated dynamically based on the value of A.a. To assign the …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for guguman

Hi guys, Sorry to ask a question as my first post. I'm totally new with c++ and I couldn't understand much about vectors. [CODE] case 1: { cout<<"Enter [S]avings Account , [C]hecking Account,[G]eneral Account"<<endl; cin>>selection; if ((selection == 'G') || (selection == 'g')) { acc.push_back(newAccount); cout<<"New account added"<<flush<<endl; break; }//end …

Member Avatar for SVR
Member Avatar for Excizted

Hi. I have a problem I cant find a solution to, since I am unable to describe the problem in a searchable way. I make a hWnd for each contact the user has: [CODE=C++]contact[atoi(rowC[0])].hWnd = CreateDialog(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG4), hWnd, messengerBox);[/CODE] messengerBox is defined like this. [CODE=C++]BOOL CALLBACK messengerBox(HWND hWnd, UINT message, …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for UKmason

[CODE]double distance (double angle, int mps, double earth_gravity) { double earth_distance; double speed_sqr = mps * mps; earth_distance = speed_sqr * sin(2*angle) / earth_gravity; return earth_distance; }[/CODE] its supposed to come out at = 3831.57 intead it ends up being =3155.52 anyone know what im doing wrong?

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for discovery-power

Hi All, I have just started learning how to write C++, I have written my very first very simple program using notepad and saved the file as simple.cpp. So my question is how do I compile or build my program into an executable file, I understand I have to use …

Member Avatar for discovery-power
Member Avatar for discovery-power

Hi All, I am currently learning C++ and i have started to write some small programs that explain operators, integers and values, my question is this. How do I make my programs stay on screen, at the moment I run my program it displays the message on screen for about …

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Member Avatar for Raghusys

I have been told to write a c or c++ program for TCP server client program with some conditions that is listed below: You are to implement a synchronization server managing barriers. Your synchronization server should be a stand-alone single threaded process that continuously awaits requests from other processes (the …

Member Avatar for sibobo

im newbies in c++... my task is to translate code Morse into alphabet an count the word i use... the problem is i dont know how to use the ifstream to read and use the code Morse that must be kept in .text file i only manage to write the …

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Member Avatar for mevkurray

Hi all. Before you all scream "search the forum", i already have, this and many others. cant seem to find the problem with my code. Basically, i have a fairly large text file, each line consisting of 20 fields seperated by a `. i have got my program to split …

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Member Avatar for just4why

I would like to automatically generated staff number before generated the staff number i would like to check the staff.txt is the staff number exist. If exist then it will get the last's staff number and continue to adding. But the code that i creating it wont work. Please help …

Member Avatar for just4why
Member Avatar for amar singh

[code]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int a,i,fact=1; clrscr(); printf("Enter a number "); scanf("%d",&a); for(i=1;i<=a;i++) { fact=fact*i; } printf("Fact of %d is %d",fact,a); getch(); }[/code]


The End.