49,762 Topics
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hi, I develloping an engine but I have an small error and can't find it... I want the user the say with icon he wants to use for his program : [CODE] WNDCLASSEX wndclass; // ... wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(m_hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(GetIcon())); wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(m_hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(GetIconSmall())); // ... void SetIcon(WORD icon) { m_wIcon = … | |
main.cpp [CODE] #include <windows.h> #include "Resource.h" HWND hWnd; LRESULT CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { DialogBox(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_Main), hWnd, reinterpret_cast<DLGPROC>(DlgProc)); return FALSE; } LRESULT CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hWndDlg, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwStart, hwServer, … | |
Hello, I have a CListCtrl and a button to modify the selected row in the CListCtrl. My problem is that my list has several columns and I want to be able to select a row by clicking on any column of the row that I want selected. Now I can … | |
I'm trying to call this function requested times. All functions and variables are members of one class, access is public. So, I'm calling like this: [code] void MultiReader::CreateThreads() { unsigned int nThreadNo; for( nThreadNo = 0; nThreadNo < vDirectories.size(); nThreadNo++) { CreateThread( NULL, 0, &MultiReader::ReaderThread, vDirectories.at(nThreadNo).sDirectoryName, 0, NULL); } } … | |
I am studying stacks, queues, and heaps at the moment but i dont know how i can apply this in real life. Well my question is how can these may i say operations helpful and when are they really needed as opposed to others. I hope you can get my … | |
I want to find server Ip. Server and clients are connected in Lan ..... how to do this?? | |
//help please to solve this problem for multiple programs //with arrays. //The purpose of this program is to calculate the car charges //in a parking lot. this program is working for 1 car. //My assignment is to make a program that works for multiple cars //at the same time. //to … | |
I have a function inside another function that is called by main(). Inside the innermost function a vector is created, which I would like to return to the first function, which I would further like to return to main(). I suppose that I could create the vector in main and … | |
I am having a compiling issue because of some syntax errors while trying to return an array. You can probably ignore most of the code below; I am only concerned with the call and return of the CreateBoard[][] array. As I understand a pointer might be necessary to do this. … | |
Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I am only posting here under the most extreme circumstances because I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make my save function for RPG game to work. So for it will only save in the first room. So … | |
I need help where it say /* write code to withdrawal money from account1 */.. i think the member function is written right but im not sure. Im a true begginer taking this online course and I think i have most of it right, can someone please help guide me.. … | |
I have a function Scan.MakeLinearGrid() which returns a vector<vector<Vector3> > I have another function that is made to accept this type of thing: Scan.setAngleList(vector<vector<Vector3> >); But if I call it like this: [code] Scan.setAngleList(Scan.MakeLinearGrid()); [/code] it says [code] error: initial value of reference to non-const must be an lvalue Scan.setAngleList(Scan.MakeLinearGrid()); … | |
Hi everyone, I am a just beginning Win32 Application Programming for C++. I really couldnt find any site that didnt confuse the heck out of me. Alrighty, I'm not here to ask you questions about acutally learning Win32, but i would like to know if you could recommned me a … | |
Need help! supposed to take in 6 project grades and 2 test grades... multiply each by %50 and add together for final average. however, i cant figure out how to add the integers in the array much less compute the average... any help is highly appreciated!!! heres the code: #include … | |
Hello everyone, can anyone please suggest some problems (intermediate) which could be implemented in both C++ and java bringing me back on the track. i studied C++ 4 years back and java 2 years back. i was quite comfortable with the concepts and logic. but for now about 2 years, … | |
THIS IS MY QUESTION........PLEASE SOLVE IT........... Write a complete program to read 15 numbers type of integer and calculate the number of the same number. (Use : loop, array, function) Example: Please enter 15 numbers : 2 4 5 6 2 2 7 5 5 2 2 2 4 4 … | |
I am working on this code and everything is working but for some reason when i go and do case 3 for remove it removes the code but continually asks for me to remmove and no matter what i type it will not go back to default options for me … | |
Hi, I have been asked to write C++ program to calculate the factorial for numbers from 1 until 255, the problem is that no variable exist as far as I know that can handle the result for calculating 140! And greater “I am not sure about the number but it … | |
I posted here about 2 weeks ago discussing what library I should use for my text based RPG game in c++ console development. I talked to my teacher about it, and he said that plagiarism was a huge concern, so I have to document nearly every aspect of my program … | |
Hi mates So i have a big project for my school...and the bad news are that i am a noob in C++.. In VCL enviroment i try to take an AnsiString Text from a listbox or EditBox and convert it into a integer array in order to do some calculatos … | |
please if yuo have graphics.h for microsoft visual.net 2003 c++ can you send it to me thanks | |
What i'm trying to do is, basically, link one C++ File, to another. For example, first i have a cpp file, like, main. And I want to have a part where the user chooses something then the other cpp file opens. | |
Hello, Sorry if this is a basic basic question. I am familiar with doing console projects, but I am trying to do a gui project and the rules just don't seem to be the same. I have two basic questions. 1) Why can I not include fstream and/or string headers … | |
I supposed to make in memory linked list. I thought I did it perfectly. My teacher is kind of the teacher that won't teach you but let you figure it out.. I couldn't figure it out!!! I supposed to make one like this but to manipulated the list. I am … | |
i have here a code..... can anybody tell me how to:-O change the '*' to 'X' when a user will input his desired seat..... :( #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iomanip.h> int userInput(); int main() { clrscr(); int x,y; const int row= 12,seat= 5; char plane[row][seat]; cout<<"\t\tAirplane Seat Arrangement"<<endl; cout<<"\tA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF"<<endl; {for (y=1;y<=13;y++) { … | |
How do we create a thread with visual studio for windows. I would like to know how can we manipulate thread in a windows program using Visual Studio Ver 6 and Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 for windows 98, XP and Vista. I know how to play with threads using … | |
I have two 2d vectors. Both have a column of strings. I have to match both columns based on number of characters matched counted in an order. All the Elements in both the columns are compared first. Then character by character comparison is done in such a way that, if … | |
Hallo friends i have particular number of nodes in a box. I need to connect all these nodes as a teravalent network. I have no idea how to proceed for this task. Please give me,atleast, idea to proceed. Thanks for your help, | |
Hello everyone, I have a project to do which involves reading each line of text from an input file which holds integers. Each line represents a polynomial, and I have to rearrange it in canonical form which is sorted by powers. I was wondering if there is a string tokenizer … | |
I am trying to get my code for when it gets to the delete option i can type the name of the game it deletes it unfortunately it ony deletes when the number of the game is type not the name. Here is my code please help me i cant … |
The End.