15,555 Topics

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Member Avatar for Himanshu Chawla

**Construct a binary tree using the following pre - order and in - order trasversals : Pre-order:ABGHMCDEF In-order:BHMGADFEC ** I Just Need a Diagram of Binary Tree . I have tried a lot with youtube tutorials but not getting the answer plz help.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for shanmukharao
Member Avatar for PornimaKolte
Member Avatar for necrovore
Member Avatar for akuma_reen

hi i'm having trouble in sorting the text file in inorder traversal can anyone help me out? code: #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> struct TreeNode; typedef struct TreeNode *node; typedef char ElementType; struct TreeNode{ char element; node left, right; } *root; node insert(ElementType x,node t){ …

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Member Avatar for ajabbar92

I want start on driver development, but I am not getting any beginer tutorial or book, where I can some sample app. If any body have any good resource kindly share.. Thanks in advance.

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Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am working on a little project of mine. Nothing major, just messing around with encryption etc... I have problem thoug. My methods do not change the values of my data. Meaning that the pointer that I pass to hold my encrypted data, doesn't get the data assigned to its …

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Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I am just a newbie trying to explore areas into game developement using .Net (may be XNA studio) though I am not familier with the same. Could you please suggest some tutorials, ebooks for this so that I can start as a beginner and then later on, may …

Member Avatar for janissantony
Member Avatar for zahra123

hi i'm writting a program by lex and yacc. i want to add some invariants in some special of an input file. my expected output is the same input file while some invaraints are place through statements.how can i do it? i can transfor the input file to output in …

Member Avatar for zahra123
Member Avatar for akuma_reen

hello i had trouble in finding out whats wrong with my code I want to sort the data's from my text file and it somehow did but some of the words did not appear. word.txt hello apple hi banana mango the output I get is : hello hello hi hi …

Member Avatar for akuma_reen
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I recently read about the Ackerman Function and thought I would do my own implementation of it: #include <stdio.h> long long int ackermann(long long int m, long long int n) { if (m == 0) return n + 1; if (n == 0) return ackermann(m - 1, 1); return ackermann(m …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Adami

I'm trying to code a program that categorized a series to be one of the following for example: 1. "demo" ; "abc" - are both hard ascending series. 2. "aabc" ; "aa" ; "zz" - are an ascending series. 3. "zzabcd" - is a non-ordered series. I wrote the following: …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for fanabanana

hi i am tryin to create an academic schedule were i would enter some data to create it. The algorithm has to have a basic structure were i can put the names of the proffesor, the names of the subjects and some other information. If you can tell me how …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for pintukennady31
Member Avatar for Shutout180

I have tried to understand writing C code and I've struggled to grasp this. I'm looking for any help I can get at this point. Below is a problem I need to write the C code for. Is there anyone that can help me? Design a program that will allow …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

If you want to set an entire array to -1 is better to cycle through it with a for loop like this? for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i){ array[i] = -1; } Or use memset like this? memset (array,-1,100);

Member Avatar for Maritimo
Member Avatar for coding101
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Member Avatar for pooja.singh.3950

The Interviewer Candidate Problem It is a walk-in-interview setup having an interview room with one chair and a waiting room with a number of chairs. The interviewer interviews candidates in the interview room. When the interviewer finishes interviewing a candidate, he dismisses the candidate and goes to the waiting room …

Member Avatar for pooja.singh.3950
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello friends i finally started programmation at school, we use ubuntu, at home i installed eclipse with MinGW i tried simple helllo world and it works but when i start mutiple exercices under same same project i get a compiler errormultiple definition of 'main' in c i tried `int main …

Member Avatar for chrisschristou
Member Avatar for Tahmidsanjid
Member Avatar for jmwalloh

Hi everyone, I'm a bit new to c programming but familiar with the buffer overflow concept in general terms. I just wanted someone to take me through a code sample i came over the web disccusing this topic. The URL to this article is:http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/3154/. Any help will be appreciated. Thank …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Adrossii

Can you help me please? I don't know how to do this. How can I declare an array with an unsigned value? The only way I know is to specify the size first then the user can input his values. How to do this? Please.

Member Avatar for sunktugg
Member Avatar for hiiiiii@

hi i want to get character like 'a','c','b' etc as input from user and before geting the character first i need to get how many character should be entered if it is 5 then i will get 5 times input as character from user.and i want to asign some value …

Member Avatar for sunktugg
Member Avatar for saurav_panda

hi every one. i want some help in writing the code to find out shortest word in a string. i am posting a code on longest word. can somebody help me in writing this code? this is the code for longest word in a string without any built in function …

Member Avatar for sunktugg
Member Avatar for harshchandra
Member Avatar for veljko

I need a maze solver that uses queue type breadth first search to find a way out of the maze and print it out. I already made a dfs one but i cant seem to figure out how to make a bfs one. Here it is: #include <stdio.h> #define red …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Where are the c programming variable name rules defined? I usually use these two websites for figuring out these kind of things but I don't see it anywhere. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_scanf.htm http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/scanf/

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Why am I not getting a segmentation fault or at least weird results with this array out of bounds? I'm a bit disappointed. One of the few times I actually want it to happen it won't happen. int i = 0; int j = 0; int n = 0; int …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for saurav_panda

hi everybody, i want to write a program to print the longest word in a sentence but without using any built in function. can anybody please help me write this code in c language.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

I very new to C Shell. I am trying to read a file from the command line, and determine whether it's a zip file, a .txt, a symbloic link, a pipe, or whatever ("unknown"). Then I'd like to execute a few instructions depending on the type. For instance, if it's …

Member Avatar for aradicev
Member Avatar for muhd.hadziq

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void main() { int salaryIn = 0.0; int years = 3; float salaryOut = 0.0; printf ("\nWhat is your salary (0 to stop)? RM" ,salaryIn) ; scanf ( "salaryIn" , salaryIn) ; do { do { printf ("\nYear " , years); for (double rate = .03; …

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The End.