15,555 Topics
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I am working on printing a loop statement. I worked on this to try the concept: [code=cplus] #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" int main() { int times,num; for (times=1; times<3; times++) { for (num=1; num<5; num++) { printf("%d",num); } printf("\n"); } return 0; } [/code] What I need is to print … | |
Can anyone tell me why I'm getting "number 1" as my output when i enter arguments 1, 2, 3. It seems like its always 1 and I don't know why. [CODE]int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argv[1] = "1"){ printf("number 1"); }else if(argv[1] = "2"){ printf("number 2"); }else if(argv[1] … | |
Hellow.......! I need a help for: How will you declare [B]an array of three function pointers[/B] where each function receives two integers and returns a float? | |
Hi, I have a query regarding to the storage of program that: Where dose [B]c-program instructions get stored[/B]? And where dose [B]local variables get stored in memory[/B]? | |
Hello Everybody, I need help. I have found some problem with my code and I could not seem to make it right. I need to sort data in a text file. this is my data in the text file Hitachi Ariff 12/5/08 12.567 2 Motorola Raju 12/5/08 15.658 2 Siemens … | |
Hi I need one example on regression. Also tell between recursion and regression which one is faster? | |
I have the following code, the arrays are global variables. [CODE] #define MEMORY 64000; #define NUMFRAMES 6400; int mem[MEMORY]; int frames[NUMFRAMES]; [/CODE] I was pretty sure this should work as I don't see why it shouldn't but I am getting "parse error before ';' token" for both array declarations. Although … | |
I'm a C novice, require help on parsing text files and storing in an array or another text file: Below is the data which are partly pipe delimited values and part of it are name-value pairs, for instance the "cma{PL}Ind{1}man{6}gal{0}cif{}" mentioned below cma is the field name and PL is … | |
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman]Hello, my name is kerry and i just sign up .Well, my question is how do reverse a number input by user using recersive function.Thanks for the help. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] | |
Can someone tell me how the series is to be implemented in c 1,1,1 2,1 2 3,1 2 3 4 5, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 here is my code but i am not able to get the answer [code] #include<stdio.h> int i,n1=0,n2=1,n3,n; void main() { printf("\n … | |
i am pretty new to assembly language and i wonder what is difference between the final binary output of the same program written in c and written in an assembly if they do exactly the same thing. if the binary output is the same then why use assembly language? if … | |
see buddies i make a program in c but it take enter 1st number then ask for opearator and then directly tell that wrong opearator iam tired but i cant find where is problem here it is ::::: [ICODE] #include <conio.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #define PI 3.14159265 int main() … | |
Hi All, I'm trying to figure out how I canFirst, enter the number of salaries to process: 4 Now enter the 4 salaries to be averaged. Enter salary #1: 10000 Enter salary #2: 8000 Enter salary #3: -20000 *** Invalid entry. Salary must be positive. *** Enter salary #3: 25000 … | |
Hi, I keep getting an undefined identifier error when I try to do this: [Code=C] typedef char bool; // Make a bool type char false = 0, true = 1; // Make true and false void foo() { switch (something) { case 1: bool aaaaa; break; } } [/Code] It … | |
The following program should take 4 numbers but it takes 5 numbers and prints first 4 number entered. How to correct the problem??? [ICODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a1,a2,a3,a4; printf("Enter 4 numbers \n"); scanf_s("%d %d %d %d ", &a1,&a2, &a3, &a4); printf("The 4 numbers entered are %d %d %d … | |
#include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" [code=cplus] void swap (int a, int b); int main (void) { int a,b; printf("enter 2 positive integers"); scanf("%d",&a,&b); swap (a,b); printf("d%d,a,b\n"); } void swap (int a, int b) { int swap (a,b); } [/code] I have one error (20) : error C2078: too many initializers | |
I'm very very new to C so I'm having some trouble with this (and pointers): I'm trying to pass four parameters into a function: birthdayFunction(char birthday, int month, int day, int year); The birthday is the string input from the user (with "/" separating each field, ex. 7/23/76) and I … | |
hi to everyone !!! anny here ,. i want to make a program using c which can calculate following functions :: [COLOR="red"][B][I]sin,cos,tan,+,-,*,/,iverse,log,ln,exp,sqrt,raise to power 100,10,2[/I][/B][/COLOR] plz plz if anyone can help me by giving me some idea about it and which is somthing of beginners level !! thanxx alot ! | |
I'm trying to add a username, password, firstname and lastname on a text file. Everytime I run the program, it only accepts one username, password, etc. Can anyone please help? here's my code. [code=csharp] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct { char UName[50]; char PWord[50]; char FName[50]; char … | |
[code=c] void main() { int i,j; /*input values of i and j*/ while(i*j<0&&++i!=7&&j++!=9) { do something; } [/code] | |
Hello....everyone I want to ask you for your advice on what problem I'm gonna do.... So my teacher grouped us and make a program that we ourselves would make.... we can do that but what kind of program do we have to make, any suggestions???? My teacher said that the … | |
![]() | :) Hi, Ive written a program that is supposed to count the number of people of different ages and calculate the average of valid ages. We exclude ages entered as 0, over 130 or negative. The program does run but I sometimes don't have the right number in the different … |
Iam meant to implement 3 methods that do the same thing differently to read in a string and the string that is read from the keyboard must be terminated with an end-of-string character. Also, it should not contain any new line character. iam supposed to use fgets(), getchar() and scanf(); … | |
this is my code I am using in Unix machine, using cc compiler: [code=c] #include<stdlib.h> main() { int nr=0,nc=0; printf("Enter number of coulmns:"); scanf("%d",&nc); printf("Enter number of rows:"); scanf("%d",&nr); int *x,temp; printf("Enter the matrix:\n"); for(int i=0;i<nr;i++) { for(int j=0;j<nc;j++) { scanf("%d",&temp); *(x+i*nc+j)=temp; } } for(int i=0;i<nr;i++) { for(int j=0;j<nc;j++) { … | |
Hi, I want to write a simple code to change the mouse pointer position.Like I enter the value of X and Y and the mouse pointer should get positioned to that co-ordinates.What are the specific functions that I need to use to set mouse position and get mouse position?I searched … | |
I'm looking for the header file of shm.h , although i've seen some on the web but when i use it the prototype methods are not implemented.... where can i download the full shm.h? | |
why we use different libararies in C can some one PM me all Libararies ? | |
Hi, iam writing a pig latin program with 3 different methods i dont knw understand the error that iam gettin in the code here's the code: [code=c] #include <stdio.h> /*Include the standard I/0 header file */ #include <string.h> /*Include the standard I/0 header file string library */ //The functions that … | |
i need to get a printout of a c program running using dos-redirection. Does anyone know how i can redirect the output to a texfile so i can print it? | |
attempt to display an electricity bill that looks, for example, like this: ********************************* Present meter reading 6015 previous meter reading 5899 Units used 116 Rate per unit 6.73 pence Standing charge £7.78 The sum due is £15.59 ********************************* This program displays an electricity bill, given a present meter reading and … |
The End.