15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for HLA91

Hi all My bro rang me up, and for some reason he asked me to make him a "simple" program that creates a folder and the user enters the name for that folder then it acopies pre set files in to that new folder. The folder will be created in …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for kxh29

Hello All! I would like to create a message box from one of my "C" applications. I have looked at prior posts and received a snippet such as this one: [code] #include windows.h MessageBox(hwnd, "You have bla bla", buffer, MB_OK);char buffer[100]; [/code] Well, the problem is that during the build …

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Member Avatar for CompSec

Hi everyone. My friends recommended me to this site. Hopefully someone out there knows a bit about the Socket Api. ... I am trying to transfer a text file from one folder to another (all on the same machine). On the server side, I am able to put the entire …

Member Avatar for zhelih
Member Avatar for kamathmahendra

Hello All, I have very basic knowledge of C and I'm trying to write a program to read a single line from an ASCII data file which has following format " 1337936.4550 6070317.1261 1427876.7852 APPROX POSITION XYZ" The problem is the position of line is not fixed. Its different in …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello, I want to make a message box which would show me how many points have I earned. So I have: [CODE]unsigned int points; //code points++; MessageBox(hwnd, "You have bla bla", "Total points /*HERE I WANT TO DISPLAY CONTENTS OF points VARIABLE*/, MB_OK);[/CODE] Is possible to do that?

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for shaikh_mshariq

I want to develop process viewer for windows in c or c++. Is there any api or any information so i can start from that. Anyone know about this please help. Thanx in advance.

Member Avatar for shaikh_mshariq
Member Avatar for gallantmon1

I'm making this program and keeps telling me these errors: 35 expected `;' before ':' token 35 expected primary-expression before ':' token 35 expected `;' before ':' token 17 label `ins' used but not defined I can't seem to find what the error is, it may only be a simple …

Member Avatar for gallantmon1
Member Avatar for prakash.kudreka

Hello, Can anyone provide me the optimized and with low complexity program to remove the repeated elements in an single linked list program?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Villanmac

I have a similar program to reun although its a bit different with no histograms or anything and its on c++ Could i ask, where the vlaues in the array size 20 below come from?? int range[SIZE]={0}; int sales[20]= { 267, 359, 468, 525, 678, 710, 856, 867, 920, 1067, …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for kv79

Hi all. I need to copy file (like C:\home.exe to C:\windows) I need to do it for C or C++ compiler so i do not know the command . I was looking in the reference but i did not find anything about this. Thank you all for reading . I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

Hello! I'm a web developer who is taking on the creation of a desktop application as a side project. I need to hire someone to cerate the application. Knowing little, I want to make sure I'm choosing the right developer and language. All I know about Java is that it …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for nnobakht

Hey guys, So im working on this project which is create a shell in C using fork() and execve() commands in POSIX. The main things is a read_command() functions and a main which just has a while loop with fork and execve with an if statement that takes out the …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ankita_ribose

Q:The genome of an organism is inscribed in DNA, or in some viruses RNA. The portion of the genome that codes for a protein or an RNA is referred to as a gene. Those genes that code for proteins are composed of tri-nucleotide units called codons, each coding for a …

Member Avatar for paurik

Hi, is there any1 who has tried to read the SMBIOS using C. If yes, then i m having some problems in it. If possible help me out. As a starting to extracting Hardware information from SMBIOS, i hv written this code to find out the Structure Table Address. First …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for joomy

To Narue: Iam understant what you tell me,we are not a homework service. and i want now why you speake with me like this , what iam do for you to speak like this??? i want tell you evry body sign in this web you give the solution. Thank you …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for missileh

If i have 4 contiguos bytes (Example: 78h, F2h, 43h, A0h) in memory that refer to a 32-bit physical address. Then how can i form a 32-bit physical address out of these? After forming the physical address how can i read contiguous data (1byte at a time) from that address …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for joomy

Hi: please why you did not tell me the solution,becaues i want this solution. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese...... realy i want this solution fast. Thanks so much for any one want help me. ioomy...

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for rmd

hey there, i want to write a c program to read array from a text file .....which looks something like this ex.txt 123 245 465 12 37 84 984 i want to write a program to read these values and subtract each value from the next one(like 245-123,465-245,....and so on …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for joomy

please: I want algorithm the job of this algorithm is transfer from post fix to tree. and pre fix to tree.......... please help me quicly..... dont forget me.. from: joomy. Thanks so much.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for smiles

Hi ! I am trying to write C program for a microcontroller (CCS compiler software), here is the part that I get error "Expect a close paren" [CODE] void Speech(char words); void main() { //INTRO OR GUIDED WORDS char hello[]="HELLO WORLD!\n"; Speech(hello,0xC0); [COLOR="Red"]//it says error here[/COLOR] } void Speech(char words,int …

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Member Avatar for kv79

[code=c] struct CircleStruct { int x ; int y ; int width ; int hight ; }; struct CircleStruct CreateCordinate = {40,0,80,40}; //this is the global declaration maybe void Draw(); void newfunction(); [/code] And can i do this ? Why? [code=c] void newfunction() { CreateCordinate = {40 ,40 ,40 ,40}; …

Member Avatar for Paul.Esson
Member Avatar for zeiken
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for toboto

please somebody run this program i have problem with #include <graphics.h> [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> Void DrawFunction (int Npoint, double data[], double H) ;/* Display results */ Void MakePotential (int Npoint, double x0, double dx, double V0, double v[], double vd[]) ; /*potential*/ Void MakePacket …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for bobei89

okay, here is the code my teacher gave...but i do not understand some part... [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> void printfAll(int size, int ary[]) { int a; for(a=0; a< size; a++) { if(!(a%10)) //why a%10 and what not equal to it// printf("\n"); printf("%5d", ary[a]); } printf("\n"); } void …

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Member Avatar for Matt You

I'm trying to make a function that can scan a char array, and finish it's business when it comes to a '\0'. so here is the for loop i came up with: [CODE]for( i=0 ; charArray[i] != '\0' ; i++ )[/CODE] But here is an example of entered data: "1234 …

Member Avatar for Matt You
Member Avatar for gallantmon1

Does anyone know how to put a whitespace or a newline in a .txt file??? By this I mean, I have this long string, and I have to put whitespaces and new lines to make it understandable. To summarize, I just want to know what functions will be effective to …

Member Avatar for gallantmon1
Member Avatar for stackOverflow

Hi :) I am using TurboC++ IDE 3.0. I need to open a file and display the contents of this file on the screen. My problem is simple... i need to open a file and display its contents in graphics mode.. so that i can display it using outtextxy() ...is …

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Member Avatar for divyasoman20

i am a Btech pre-final year student ..i would like to get guidence from any of u for selecting a good mini project for tis year...hope that som of u vl help me...

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for zeiken

I would like to ask about the strcpy or string how to use when the inputs:i like to play baseball then the output: i like to play baseball I hope there is recommendable code for that programs

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for antlu

We were supposed too make a program that would connect the given 2 points of a line. My program has a problem if the slope of the line is not 1. I'm just a noob in programing and still don't know how to clear the screen using system(); [code] #include<stdio.h> …

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The End.