15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for LieAfterLie

For some reason, newline characters seem to be using 2 bytes in text files instead of one. Is this normal? When I open a text file and look at the size, I get one more for every character I add, except for newlines, which add 2 bytes.

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for addicted

:rolleyes: I need some one to define prime numbers for me A full definition, I am trying to write a program to determine wether a number is prime, print all prime numbers in a specific range ... e.t.c so i need a full definition of prime numbers, i know prime …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for hbk619

I've posted my C code below for a card game (yep, i'm still on it). Now the neg() function is called from the turn() function. so using return; sends it back there, but i want it to go back to the start of the main function (basicaly start again). As …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for emr

hi i am a new member of daniweb and i have problem i wrote a program in c that finds the numbers which are like that abc...=pow(a,3)+pow(b,3)+pow(c,3)... there are 5 number like that these are 1,153,370,371,407 but my program doesnt show 371 please look this [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for LieAfterLie

I'm making a program that compresses text files using the LZW compression algorithm and creates a seperate compressed file. I made a file type and extension and icon for this file type (.nct), and set up 2 actions for it - one that calls the program and passes the .nct …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Manzar

Write a Fibonacci function then takes an input from the user in main program and pass to function which prints Fibonacci series up to this number. Hints: Enter the value up to which you want to print the series : 5 0 1 1 2 3 5

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for muadh jamal

:confused: please some1 can help me in writing a random number generator funtion......generates number from 1-10000...explain it..plz

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for RisTar

Well im trying to find a string in a textfile but i have some problems : When im trying to create a string called temp in the Compare function using the length of the string that was typed in to main to compiler gives me an error , and even …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Senel

I have started to solve them but no use, im a beginner :o with easy solution please,i will be greatful.. I hope that im didn't ask to much. Q1)Write a program that read two integer and determined and prints if the first is a multiple of the second? {Hint: Use …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for gamodg
Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for RisTar

Im trying to read some integers values from a text file. The problem is that first lines of the text files contains some text and only then theres the values that i want to read into variables , and i dont know how to get down three lines and then …

Member Avatar for RisTar
Member Avatar for Tales

I need to find a way to convert char[] to TCHAR[] I did my best to find it, but all I could find was char[] to wchar_t[] using... int swprintf( wchar_t *buffer, const wchar_t *format [, argument] ... ); Help please!

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shmay

I want to get really good at c programming. I'm in the middle of a C class at the moment so I know the basics. What are some good assignments that are tough, but if finished will help one greatly? Thank you.

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for CRD

Is there any place that I can find what functions are available in what headder files? Dick

Member Avatar for CRD
Member Avatar for mathgirl

Leap Years Def: A year is a century year if it is divisible by 100. Def: A year is a non-century year if it is not a century year. Def: A year is a leap year if it is a non-century year that is divisible by 4, or a century …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for wujianwei

if you type "123e1" in the command line, the system may read "123" and save the value. but how can we tell the computer that it's an wrong input?:-|

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for satish.paluvai

Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is ------ a) Allocated in RAM b) Allocated in ROM c) Allocated in stack d) Assigned in registers. which one is correct please tell me the answer in 24 hrs...

Member Avatar for desijays
Member Avatar for s1lang

Here is my problem I have a league system, however to input a teams score, I select the team via input of an int ID number (int) however I need to enter a the Team name (String) from the array. I cannot get it to work. Can someone please help …

Member Avatar for s1lang
Member Avatar for Matt Tacular

I am making a tic tac toe game, and for the grid, I had originally made 9 variables to represent the grid's spaces, but instead, I would now like to use a single char array. I can make the array and print certain parts, but I can't change them. For …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for galmca

i've written a code for insertion in a linked list for all the 3 cases that is ...at the end,in the beginning & in between.....when i run this code then it runs successfully for insertion at end and in the beginning ,it is also showing no errors while compiling the …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for shmay

For my C class, I have to write a program where the user enters how many fahrenheits he will be entering, but the fahrenheits have to be in an array. So a dynamic array seems the obvious choice. In main, we can only have initializations and function calls. For example, …

Member Avatar for ft3ssgeek
Member Avatar for kevinmscs

I have this error but cant seem to see why. This code compiled would give 1 error. Anyone please advise, thanks. [code] #include <string> using namespace std; class Beverage{ protected: Beverage *beverage; string desc; public: friend class Bev_Iterator; Beverage(){ beverage = 0; desc = "unknown beverage"; } virtual string getdesc(){ …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for pooja_singh

hi!!! this is pooja and i need some help desperately.... i have been told to submit my project in 15 days on airline reservation ..using graphics,filemanipulation,friend function,inheritance and all such features.... prob ic dat file manipulation is yet not taught and inheritance is still too new ..never d less i …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for XxBigxBossxX

I'm trying to code the game of Simon(try to mimic the computers choice of four buttons) for a project. I'm kind of stuck because the computer generates a random choice, but I need to completely halt and wait for the user to enter his choice.(Done with the aswd keys; either …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for jerryseinfeld

Hi I am a new c+ student. I can make only simple calculator or find some average number programmes.... But now I have though one for me :( I need a program to find word in nxm puzzle and print its location... words may have been located directions.. I mean …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Shaabangbang

hey guys, uhh ok remember the old addressbook problem? well i solved it :cheesy: ! but now my prof gave us the same assignment but we have to do it as linked lists.. and i dont know how to use linked lists quite well yet.. this is my original code …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for ATXFG

Here is the list of instructions on this assignment I am currently working on: [B]Implement a Base 7 or Base 21 InsertionSort algorithm[/B] [LIST] [*] Input: File containing a list of Base 21 numbers[LIST] [*]Name of this file is supplied on the command line [*]First element in file is number …

Member Avatar for tousifpk

plz write newfunc() . A TSR program that changes the background color of the screen to red whenever ‘Ctrl’ is pressed and white whenever ‘Left Shift’ is pressed. It should not modify the text displayed on the screen. Hint: Intercept Keyboard interrupt (0x09H) Use video text memory address 0xB000000H [code=c] …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for zaacze

hi! am supposed to make a program, where information are in a structure and should be able to store up to 100 records.. i was able to make the add and display feature.. but now, i am having a hard time with displaying a particular record given the kind.. well, …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for rowly

Hello guyz i'm trying to write a stack program in C... Push one character onto the stack. Your function should have the prototype: void push(POINTER *Top,stackitem a); 2. Push a string of characters into a stack. Your function should have the prototype: void push_string(POINTER *Top,char *string); Your implementation should make …

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The End.