15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for boujibabe

I have this program to write thats a guessing game. the user specifies the amount of rounds and only 5 attempts per round is allowed a round is over when the user guesses correctly or the number of attempts are up. A Message is displayed to inform the user whether …

Member Avatar for boujibabe
Member Avatar for saintlysav

I have a complicated problem at hand, and im open to any suggestions for solving it. Im working with a program called Psi which is written in C and has the GUI in Tcl/tk. A guy working on this earlier added 2 functions to get and set some properties of …

Member Avatar for saintlysav
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

I just wanted to ask what is [INLINECODE]bioskey()[/INLINECODE], what does it do, and how to use it?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Harshita_garg

Hi! can somebody please tell me how to avoid floating point overflow error? Mine is a very big program that uses double data type. Is there any way in which I can roundoff double numbers to upto certain digit?

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for amt_muk

Hello friends, I'm trying to write a program to check the status of a process (specified by its process-id), ie, the process is presently running or not. Can you pls give me some idea to solve it? Thanks in advance. Amit

Member Avatar for amt_muk
Member Avatar for Frohdoh

hello, we use an async. socket for message handling: [code] WSAAsyncSelect(s, g_iohwnd, SOCKET_IO_MESSAGE, (FD_ACCEPT | FD_CONNECT | FD_READ | FD_CLOSE | FD_WRITE)); [/code] socket messages are directly handled in the g_iohwnd window message loop. Everything works fine beside: [code] status = recv( m_clsocket, ([COLOR=#0000FF][COLOR=#0000FF]char[/COLOR][/COLOR] *)(InputData.m_buffer + InputData.m_buffer_size), RECV_SIZE, [COLOR=#800000]0[/COLOR]); [COLOR=#0000FF][COLOR=#0000FF]if[/COLOR][/COLOR](status …

Member Avatar for cusado

how to turn a user input into a text file for example user inputs 100 and the program creates a text file named 100.txt? I have tried to work it out but it still doesnt work properly. i used [code=c] getc(stdin); char filename[80]; sprintf(filename,"%d.txt", stdin); [/code] and then i also …

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for Aia

I'm at the point of learning how to write to a file. I created these lines as a test. My concern is that it doesn't look right that I have to write the same sentences for displaying it to screen and to put it in file. [code=c] /* * data.c …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for evilsilver

ok here is the deal, i am making a role playing game that has a step by step battle system. it was working until i decided to make a new function called gameplaychoice. now whenever i call to the battle function the progam just skips that line and goes to …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for chubbywubba

How do I make the console window go full screen? right now when you run the program i made it comes up as a small box, but what code would i use to make it go full screen every time a user runs my program?

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for ghostfacelz

Hi, just have a question regarding classes/inheritance and a variable. ive been trying to work out the best way to do it, but would like some outside input. ok..here goes: i have a base class Ship. classes will inherit from this class. i also have a class tinyShip (and later …

Member Avatar for ghostfacelz
Member Avatar for lai_flipper

:) can u pls help me in my project....it i about programming of basketball game using array..?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for WhYuLoOkIn

Can any one please explain the for statement in this code, I understand the initialization of i=2 and the increment of i=i+1, but I dont understand the conditional test of i<(num/2)+1. The program displays all the factors of a number entered by the user. I don't understand why you need …

Member Avatar for WhYuLoOkIn
Member Avatar for Dude02

[COLOR=black]Is there a relationship between the maximum queue length and the flexibility in topological ordering? Explain.[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for rwagnes

Hey, I am trying to open a file with a relative pathname: e.g. file=fopen("/files/index.html"); where the files directory is in the same location as the executable. For some reason the executable cannot locate the file. Why? Thanks, Elise [Edit] OK it works without the initial slash in the path name …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for cusado

im making a program that: -asks a user for their studentID and stores it as a string. -opens questions.txt for reading -prints to screen the question followed by each answer on a seperate line -accepts an answer from user in letter for i.e. a,b,c,d -writes the answer into a file …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for monishamahna
Member Avatar for cusado

writing part of a program where user inputs an ID and the program generates a .txt file with the ID name(numerical ID). [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define INFILE "config.txt" #define OUTFILE "studentans.ans" #define IDFILE "stdin" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fout; fout = fopen(IDFILE, "w"); …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for rwagnes

Quick Question: Is there a way in c to read an entire file into a string or char buffer? Thanks, Elise

Member Avatar for rwagnes
Member Avatar for Aia

I think one of the reasons authors of books about programming in C make heavily use of the function scanf() is that is readily available and easy to use for the new learner. That's all good and dandy, however when writers of this books get to the more advanced topics, …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for gaurav seth

/*how to swap two variables without using third variable in c*/ /*program to plot sign of angles from 0degree to 180 degree with increment of 10 degree*/

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rwagnes

hi, I am using the header file cnaiapi.h. The c files which include it do not compile because await_contact_mutex, cname_mutex, and appname_mutex are undefined. These are defined in the header file as extern HANDLEs. Any ideas? Thanks[COLOR=#808080] [/COLOR]

Member Avatar for rwagnes
Member Avatar for ahmadocx

Hi how to use the MapPoint Control in Visual C ++ 6.0 please any body reply me soon Hafeez

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Virii

So I'm looking into colleges and I see that ITT Tech has a Software Engineering program, and I'm just curious if you guys think this degree is worth the $70,000 or if it's not even worth the paper it's printed on. I want to program video games, websites or software …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Aia

May I impose on you guys again? I'm trying to learn how to write to disk into a file. I think I got that down, however I would like to be able to display to screen the same text is being written to file. What's a way of doing that?. …

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for charmee

this is a program on pay roll.. [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> #define MAX 5 //#define DATAFILE "c211" typedef struct { char ID[6]; char firstname[10] char civilstatus; int dependents; float netpay; float grosspay; float taxwithheld; float sss; } employee; /*---------------------------------*/ char Menu(char choice){ do{ printf("\n<< CS …

Member Avatar for kenjutsuka
Member Avatar for hariza

Hi Guys, I have written the below code but still need to remove the null terminator at the end of each string but don't know how. I've try strtcpy , srtcncpy but doesn't work. Any ideas would be highly appreaciated. thanks. [code=c] while (!feof(fp)) { fgets(line,LINE_BUF,fp); count++; strcat(string1,line); printf( " …

Member Avatar for hariza
Member Avatar for Laughs Galore
Member Avatar for MattEvans

Relevant header definitions are as: [code] class XMLChain { private: Segment root; std::vector<XMLOpen*> chain; Segment * immediate; std::vector<XMLOpen> openers; [/code] The function in question is: [code] void XMLChain::open(std::string tag) { Segment * last_immediate = immediate; openers.push_back( XMLOpen ( tag ) ); XMLOpen * cast_immediate = &(openers.back()); (*last_immediate).setNext( cast_immediate ); immediate …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for Tauren

Hi! The gems programming Series Can I just start off with Gems programming 9 or do I have to start off with 1 and work my way up?

Member Avatar for John A

The End.