15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for shivam_ng

I have the following file as the input APPLE 0 118 1 110 1 125 1 135 2 110 3 107 3 115 3 126 ORANGE 0 112 1 119 2 109 2 119 3 112 4 109 4 128 MANGO 0 136 1 143 2 143 3 143 4 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for arfmal

Can somebody show me how to search and count for the string. If i have a set of data,i.e. "0012", "0034", "0055"' "0099" "0013", "0032", "0012","0099" let's say i chose the 1st string(at the 1st line),"0012", and based on this string, i would like to [B][U]search and count[/U][/B] that string …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for musicmancanora4

Hi just wondering how i can convert ascii to binary then into hex then print it to the screen. The user will input 5 chars then do the conversion and print

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for erode

hi, i am very new to pointer concepts.how to declare the pointer and how to use it

Member Avatar for erode
Member Avatar for kkx123

can anyone help me with this? i can get it to run but when i run it, the matrix doesnt execute correctly...i am writing it in "C"..this should be a 4x4 magic square...thanks~ [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #define R 4 #define C 4 void Same(int []); int main() { int array[R][C], …

Member Avatar for kkx123
Member Avatar for boujibabe

I need a function that will populate a multidimensional array with a fixed amount of elements. So that only some of the locations contain a distinguishing number for identification.

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for Sacky

I was having some compile errors with my code, along the lines of this: [CODE]Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class _CD3D * __cdecl GetD3DClass(void)" (?GetD3DClass@@YAPAV_CD3D@@XZ) DLLBot.obj[/CODE] After some reasearch i found that the problem was directly due to this line: [CODE]class _CD3D { public: void __stdcall CustomSetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE State, …

Member Avatar for Sacky
Member Avatar for fulyaoner

Hi to everyone... I am to write a code about finding the least coins number to make up an amount that is given by user. It is a trivial question for a programmer and I did code well. In Canada, there are 2 more currencies, Loonie = 1$ and Twonie …

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Member Avatar for tan_vir
Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for tan_vir
Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for mailsteam

Is there any way to get the cuurent time using C in LINUX. I tried with clock_get time(). But i'm getting the same time for a particular amout of function call. The code i've used is given below. Is there any way to get the time in an higher resolution. …

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for spacecowboy123

Hi All, The program I am writing is throwing up an error when it runs on this line [code] runArray[counter]++; [/code] i am trying to increment the number at location counter in the array. Is this the correct way to do this? Thanks

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for mailsteam

1.I'm Using Posix Timers. I Would Like To Kno Whether It Is Possible To Fire Two Timers With Same Signum. The Signal Event Function Is Different. 2. Is there any way to send an argument to the signal event function other than signum. the functions i used for timer are …

Member Avatar for mailsteam
Member Avatar for stringgader

can somebody help us in our problem in C language,, im a frend of stringgader,, this is my problem: write an interactive C program that will convert a date,entered in the form mm-dd-yy(example: 4-12-99)into an integer that indicates the numbers of days beyond January 1, 1980. If the year not …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for SHWOO

I am writing a program which has these require ments 1.Program must be command-line based and interactive, allowing the user to control its operation by entering commands. 2. ability to accept new data 3. ability to search for specific previously entered data 4. ability to save data to a file …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Savage221

Hello. I'm stuck on a part in my program. Some numbers are adding up properly, others aren't. I assume the problem is that I'm using integers instead of doubles, however, how would you format the following in C? How to describe it, it's like a chain. I have to take …

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for alaaharb

You are to write a numerical base converter. This application will present the user with a menu to select the originating base and a subsequent menu to select the destination base. You will loop through these menus until the user wishes to quit. You are required to break the code …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for jnabeel

i am trying to write a program to take a string and arrange in alphabetic order but iam totally fail to do it please help me

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for nelly12

this is the code( not a complete code) [code=c] int master(int argc, char *argv[]) { int slaves_count = 0; m_host_t *slaves = NULL; m_task_t *todo = NULL; int number_of_tasks = 0; double task_comp_size = 0; double task_comm_size = 0; int i; xbt_assert1(sscanf(argv[1],"%d", &number_of_tasks), "Invalid argument %s\n",argv[1]); xbt_assert1(sscanf(argv[2],"%lg", &task_comp_size), "Invalid argument …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Marauder_Pilot

Alright, here's what I'm working on now. It's supposed to go through an inputted list of words, pick out actual words and create a numbered list of them, then, where it finds a number in the list, go back in the list from that number, replace it with a word, …

Member Avatar for underjack
Member Avatar for stringgader

hi, nu member hir, just hav some question regarding this output: [code] 1 232 34543 4567654 567898765 67890109876 7890123210987 890123454321098 90123456765432109 0123456789876543210 [/code] numbers that are alligned with 1 are 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 these are the middle numbers... does anybody know how to do …

Member Avatar for stringgader
Member Avatar for nayrb

I have 3 files that i have included in a project(class,implementation,program) The program will not compile. it says system can not find specified file. Should i save all these files in the project folder or ... . It's my first time using project to write a class and all that.

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for ctrohana

Hi all, I need ur help.. Actually I have to read the data file which containing character and digits. I need to converts some characters into digit. The data file is like: A11111 B22222 B33333 B4444 A55555B66666 B77777 So far my programming is like this: [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for flageolet

Hi I have a sequence that I want to put into a seperate function: The variables I want to take into that function and back to the main function are declared globally. declaring the function and the testing variable: [code]void sanction (); int test[10];[/code] my main function: [code] int main(int …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for daddeh

hi am new member here... can anyone give the code of this..i've tried to figure out the code to finish this but i cant......pls help me..... here is the output of my case study Enter amount of Loan: 5000 Enter Interest: .10 Enter terms(month):10 550 445 440 435 430 425 …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for SHWOO

I am coding a class project where I will have a basketball league. The league will include 3 divisions and each division will have 5 teams. Each team will have a number of players and one coach. I must have 5 seperate classes. I already have two classes called person …

Member Avatar for Lazaro Claiborn
Member Avatar for Shaabangbang

Hello, my prof gave us a problem from the ACM programming contest, we are supposed to write a program that takes a compressed file as input and generates a reproduction of the original uncompressed file as output, the compression scheme requires making a list of the words in the uncompressed …

Member Avatar for Shaabangbang
Member Avatar for mapaputsi

Can anyboby help me i really dont get the feeling of big o notation, i just want to understand it.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for fightfox06

ok need a bit of help. got a program to set up football league table and input all the scores etc etc just tryin to figure a way to add scores and that from there, also the display code seems a bit messy anyway i can put it into a …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for donaldunca

I have some problem with linked list FIFO(first in first out). This is my code: [CODE] typedef int datatype; typedef struct node *nodep; struct node *first,*last,*p; struct node { datatype data; nodep *next; }; void create(); void list(); void create() { char *tl; do { p=(struct node*)calloc(5,sizeof(struct node)); p->data=random(100); p->next=NULL; …

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The End.