15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for SHWOO

I was given an assignment to write a recursive function to print a diamond comprised of astrisks (less the dashes) such as: ---* --* * -* * * * * * * -* * * --* * ---* The parameter is the number of astricks in the largest row. I …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for RisTar

I need to create a function the gets a source string pointer and a destination string pointer , so if the source string will contain - "aaaabbbbbbcccdd" the function will return a destination string that contains "4a6b3c2d" This is my code , but its not working and for some reason …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for donaldunca

I'm learning linked list. I have a question: How can I connect 2 linked list ? Thank you!:)

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for RisTar

Hi, im trying to create a function that gets two strings , the first string its the source , and the seconed is an understring . the function should return an int with the value of the position that the understring starts in the source string . so that if …

Member Avatar for RisTar
Member Avatar for nadith_cs

this is my prob. i used goto as follows [code=c] int main() { l1: int x-9; goto l1; return 0; } [/code] this works as infinite unconditional loop is'nt it? this compiles well.which means there isnt an error. so can you explain how this variable declaration works when it get …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Clinton Portis

I am going through some book assignments.. and I am running into some terminology that doesn't make sense to me.. [quote] Impelement this class... Class Cis Float Cisfloat a("325.12315"); a+b a * b [b]14 (exp # bits) 113 (sigment # bits)[/b] 10000........0 bias[/quote] what does the author mean by, "exp …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Tauren

Does anyone know any Winsock books I need them so I can learn about the functions and the coding about it. So if anyone has any books that They can post about that would help me out ty

Member Avatar for Tauren
Member Avatar for MiloTN

Hey there everyone^^ Im almost finished on my mighty code of mighty... urm, -ness :mrgreen: The finished code is actually to calcuate displacement thicknesses of various velocity profiles (read from flies as floats) using the trapezium rule. Its sooo close, ive got a few little bugs remaining tho. Firstly, the …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for RisTar

Is there a function that draw 2d objects like boxes and circles . I remember that in qbasic there was a few 2dobjects functions so i thought that there is a chance c will have some too. Thanks .

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ajay kandari

[code] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void values(int a[4]); void main() { int x[4],i; clrscr(); printf(" enter 1st number "); scanf("%d",&x[0]); printf(" enter remaining values "); for(i=1;i<4;i++) scanf("%d",x[i]); values(x[4]); [COLOR=red](cannot convert int to int* and type mismatch in[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]parameter 'a' in call to'value(int *)[/COLOR]' getch(); } void values(int a[4]) { int m,max,min,j; max=m; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for endsamsara

i need a program , that receives an input file with words and a puzzle and gives an output file, with the words and their coordenates in the puzzle. input has the number of words (3 in this case), the words to be found, and the text where the words …

Member Avatar for endsamsara
Member Avatar for manjurekha

[main() float a=0.7; while(a<0.7) { printf("true statement"); } } how this is a true statement??? though i got some explanation, i'm not satisfied can any1 giv me a exact reason???

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for livingsword

I've got an assignment which says "Write a program to find complex numbers". Could someone explain the question ...what do i need to do? do i need to check the user input for complex no. ?? im not asking for codes, just the logic. Please help :sad: thanx for reading …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for MiloTN

Hi there^^ Its my first post on these forums, and as much as I hate it to be a shout for help ive got a problem I could really use someone with a bit of knowledge to help me out with =) My scenario being ive got to write a …

Member Avatar for MiloTN
Member Avatar for tirengarfio

Hello, at the third post of this thread: [URL]http://gpwiki.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4164[/URL] you can see these two sentences: "if you go to properties and put in as linker dependancies SDL.lib and OpenGL.lib". "and make sure the paths to both the .lib files are in the linker input directory value" Can someone tell me …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for torbecire

I would like to make this first function work as the one were i opened it from a file. In this first one i am using arrays the second one uses strings. ignore the masking of the password in the first one i want it to do that and then …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ajay kandari

[code=c] /*factirial*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n,s=1,i; clrscr(); printf("enter n "); for(i=1;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&n); } for(i=1;i<n;i++) { s=s*i; } printf("factorial is %d",s); getch(); }[/code]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for developer4321

Hey, for part of my project, I have to implement a Hash Table template. I had to implement several other classes too, and I finished them. But I really don't know much at all about hash tables and templates, and am not sure how to go about this at all... …

Member Avatar for developer4321
Member Avatar for bigben09

how do you print an array out in reverse order? lets say the program prints out the sum of a problem and that sum is 51. how do i get it to say 15, beccause thatwould be the reverse order?

Member Avatar for kansmish82
Member Avatar for amirwan

hi i use wattcp to program network Dos programs but when i use the received function in pcpkt.c library it always give me null in spite of that there are many packets are received and i do not know why that function do not gve me any packet

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for torbecire

I want to type a word in, but i do not want to see the characters. Example: If i type "What" i want to see "****", but the words have to be stored in the '*' any ideas. I know they is a way to clear the stream after i …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for boujibabe

I have a function called rounds that that carries out a round for a two player guessing game the score is calculated based on the time taken and the attempts used [code] void rounds(int rand, int guess) { int attempts=1; const int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5; int score; long int timetaken; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for belhifet

I want to implement tab completion to my program, similar to a unix shell's. Like if the user types comp and hits <tab>, completion would appear (suppose there's a file named "completion" in the current directory). Someone suggested using the readline library, but it seems too difficult to use that. …

Member Avatar for WaltP
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Member Avatar for Sturm

I have a debian base install system and am having problems with performance via allegro. I made a pong game and when I ran it on windows it ran fine but on linux it lags soooo much. Whats the problem?

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for n.aggel

hi, i want to binary write the fields of class to a file.Mainly i want to serialize only the public fields not the private ones or the functions.... [code] class a { public: int a; int b; protected: void function1(); void function2(); private: int c } [/code]

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Beshur

Hi! Sorry, if something like this was published, but I still have a question. I'm not a C developer at all, so may it's not a correct place for the topic, but... I have many MP3s without any ID3 tags, but I would like to add some. All of the …

Member Avatar for Beshur
Member Avatar for atilla

I am encountering some problems in turboC v2.01....whenever I compile a prog. and error says that " the compiler is unable to include the library stdio.h and math.h" Please help!!

Member Avatar for goutham_see
Member Avatar for donaldunca

I have a question: I have a file named "data.inp". This file have numbers: 6 3 5 4 5 2 5 3 1 5 8 7 9 2 5 6 3 5 8 4 6 If I want more line of numbers, I will add numbers. But I don't know …

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Member Avatar for srinath33

The End.