725 Topics

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Member Avatar for Manoj kothari
Member Avatar for digi3e

Hello anybody who takes the time to read this! I am not new to CFM but have not hit it to deep as of this point. Here is my problem and I hope I can explain this well enough. I have a page that will be driven left to right …

Member Avatar for digi3e
Member Avatar for rameshsambu

Hi Folks I am in a difficult situation right now. Please help me. There are several stores and several employees. employees can work in multiple stores and stores have multiple employees the time they work are calculated based on the time they log in and log out. for this purpose …

Member Avatar for cfAllie
Member Avatar for DaniVee

I can't seem to figure out how to hide the dialog "window" for coldfusionmx7\runtime\bin\jrunsvc.exe. I have an installation of the Developers Version of CF (MX7) on two computers and on one it is hidden and oteh other it's in the way all the time!

Member Avatar for Shibunarayanan

Hi, My concern is about some of the design issues i have found in CF report. It has been a night mare for me. Hope you could address it for me. C, I need in the report a tabular format (bordered table) which will be having the same height and …

Member Avatar for cfmatt

Hi all, Just need some direction on this: I need to start applying and developing applications in French and English. What i mean is the GUIs that i develop need to translate to French or English not translating word for word just the complete text. For example "Part Number" would …

Member Avatar for Sorcerism
Member Avatar for RiskMgr

I am trying to setup scheduled tasks using the ColdFusion administrators page. These scheduled tasks send out email notifications. They work when I run them in IE, however not through the scheduled task. When I manually run the scheduled task, I am told it ran successfully, however I do dont …

Member Avatar for unibasic
Member Avatar for ValiantHero

I'm a high school student with very littlecoding experience. I was given an assignment without any real direction as to how to do this. I'd like to know exactly how i'm suppose to Create a page to allow users to give their first and last names along with their email, …

Member Avatar for unibasic
Member Avatar for luke nukem

Hi, I've just installed the version of coldfusion i got with the coldfusion mx bible, but when I launch the administrator i get this error message, [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j89/lukegamabomb/cfadmin.jpg[/IMG] any help would be great, thanks

Member Avatar for unibasic
Member Avatar for danarashad

[B]I am trying to setup scheduled tasks using the ColdFusion administrators page. These scheduled tasks send out email notifications. They work when I run them in IE, however not through the scheduled task. When I manually run the scheduled task, I am told it ran successfully, however I do dont …

Member Avatar for unibasic
Member Avatar for forumposters

I've found a script that does almost exactly what I need but it uses PHP - I know nothing about PHP. Anyone here want to help me convert the PHP to Coldfusion? It's not a whole lot of code. Here's a demo and the source code is below the demo: …

Member Avatar for forumposters
Member Avatar for forumposters

Can anyone give me some words of advice when it comes to this? Has anyone tried MailEnable? Or, have you found something else to work well for you? I'd prefer something low cost or free.

Member Avatar for kingzulu

I’m trying to insert movie data into my database using a cfloop. I have a movie which must be link to a number if venues i.e. 20. On my input form I have a list of all the venues together with a yes/no dropdown box. The purpose is to say …

Member Avatar for kingzulu
Member Avatar for shaggysc96

:rolleyes: I am trying to develope a simple [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread64526.html#"]application[/URL] that will record a teams miles per week and total miles I have the code working to accumulate the total, but the problem is how to I get it to accumulate just for the one team and not for all? How …

Member Avatar for Memento
Member Avatar for anyer_ast!g

Hi 2 all experts out there.... Im begging all of you to help me in my problem... Please... please... please.... my problem goes like this: if i have students having a grades of: [B]First Grading[/B] [COLOR=#000000]James Tan 88 [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Jaime Abba 85 [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Grace Sasa 78 [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Gerald Hulife 96[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for Memento
Member Avatar for theladycoder

I am trying to generate a report in asp that breaks down sales, credits, misc daily, weekly, month. Not sure how to do this. The date format in the db is yyyy-mm-dd.

Member Avatar for shaggysc96

I am trying to develope a simple application that will record a persons miles per week and total miles but for several different people. I have the code working to accumulate the total, but the problem is how to I get it to accumulate just for the one person and …

Member Avatar for shaggysc96
Member Avatar for Kmax Ultra

Just took over a site from a fellow who never finnished the job. Too bad, very nice clients who deserve better. Site is [url]http://www.sacredmountainlavender.com[/url] . Problem is that when one buys several products, tax calculations are only made for one product. Anyone out there have any ideas as to why …

Member Avatar for suddenmoves

My First Post here in the forums. I have to say this place is very informative. But unless you know what all the extentions mean you are going to be just as lost as me. I have read through many tutorials and even played around in all four of my …

Member Avatar for Kmax Ultra
Member Avatar for anyer_ast!g

Hi everyone, Im Reyn, i just want to ask for help. We are making now a project using coldfusion but we are having a problem. Can someone help me on how to compute the final grade. The situation is, a student has grades from first grading to fourth grading and …

Member Avatar for anyer_ast!g
Member Avatar for irotsenmar

When I try to add a new data source from MySQL I get this error: Connection verification failed for data source: entry java.sql.SQLException: Invalid authorization specification: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid authorization specification: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for smithproject

Hello Everyone. There is a new free java based ColdFusion engine available. If you are interested please check it out. Feedback is welcome as we consider to open source the engine. [URL="http://www.smithproject.org/"]http://www.smithproject.org[/URL] [email]contact@smithproject.org[/email]

Member Avatar for mayoline

Hello, :) experts out there. First of all, thanks for reading my threads. I am a junior developer using ColdFusion. I have some doubts here. When we passing the parameters which is numeric type, then use that variable in another page for query, sometimes will come out with error of …

Member Avatar for mayoline
Member Avatar for pArgus

Has anyone been able to get the valueList function to work in a calculated field within a .cfr? I constantly get errors stating that the specified field is not part of the referenced query (when it is). Any examples of this functioning would be greatly appreiated. I use valueList all …

Member Avatar for rameshsambu
Member Avatar for goaliemike

Ok me and our class were asked to re-build and update our schools web site. Now i wanted to see if i can implament a FTP service in the school`s site so the teachers can copy some files in a folder called FTP so when the students need to access …

Member Avatar for rameshsambu
Member Avatar for taya74

I have created a simple online form using Access with ColdFusion using Dreamweaver. It works perfectly while my testing server is on my computer but when I upload it to the server it comes up with error message: [B]'Error Executing Database Query. [/B] [COLOR=black][Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] …

Member Avatar for taya74
Member Avatar for thewhitezombie

Hey everyone this is my first post and im very stuck. I am new to web development and am currently undertaking a College course although i cannot get much help off of my lecturer. My website is a travel agency that allows online bookings. On my home page there is …

Member Avatar for rameshsambu
Member Avatar for amargautam

[B][COLOR=#505050]This is a F.T. position with a privately company located in mid-town NYC. I am the in-house recruiter and we've had a hard time finding strong enough ColdFusion candidates so I figured I'd try here. We've been in business for over 25 years and we have about 115 employees. We …

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for ismailc

Hi, I need help, please sruggling a bit. I have a cfselect with my option more than one value so i would like it to be displayed in column format, it displayes with the values right next to one another making it very untidy <select name="S_Selectfrombox" size="10" query="Q_CodeDescr"> <cfloop query="Q_CodeDescr"> …

Member Avatar for mosharraf

i am very new user of coldfusion. at that time i need some help , it is i am creating a html template .tpl and then want to use it various .cfm page upto now it is alright. now i want to call self pages on that .tpl file . …


The End.