726 Topics

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Member Avatar for Walyer

Hey all, I’ve created a register form that includes some Dreamweaver generated code and code of my own. What I did was within the main query that handles the insert of the userID I added another query within the <cfif> to see if the userID already exists. The problem is …

Member Avatar for paulbaylis
Member Avatar for kakumeii

Hey, I'm new here, so I have a question. I did a form in coldfusion that creates tables of data of students when they submit their info, but when a dates comes the superadmin can purge the old dates of the data and this deletes the entries with this date. …

Member Avatar for paulbaylis
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings. I would like to know if there's any way that I could throw errors within a cfscript block. I have checked the Coldfusion manual, but there are only the try and catch block stated, not the throw function. Please advise.

Member Avatar for guy_richardson
Member Avatar for Eiolon

I made an online registration form using ColdFusion MX and Access 2003. I want to be able to make it so when there are 20 entries into the database it will stop accepting signups. Does anyone know of any code that I could put on the page that checks for …

Member Avatar for Walyer
Member Avatar for MDNunnally

- Recently Unemployed Proficient Web/CF Developer/.NET Looking for telecommuting opportunities. Proficient with most all databases and equipped to work at home in test environment. - I have developed some sample applications and posted resume for review: - MS SQL 2000/2005, MS Reporting - ColdFusion MX6,6.1,7 - ColdFusion Reporting [URL=http://www.michaelnunnally.com:9050/Resume/]http://www.michaelnunnally.com:9050/Resume/[/URL] If …

Member Avatar for red_evolve

Greetings. Here, I'd like to search for any input tags in a specific folder. I have this line:- [code]<input type([:space:]){0,1}=([:space]){0,1}("){0,1}text[B][^>|(style)]+[/B]width[/code] I'd like to ask if the bolded part [B][^>|(style)]+[/B] sounds okay. My intention is to search for any text input tags that has a width attribute, considering that the 'width' …

Member Avatar for krazykrisi

This is not working for some reason it is telling me that ds_products does not exist. here is the code... <CFQUERY NAME="products" DATASOURCE="ds_products"> SELECT ProductName FROM tblProducts </CFQUERY> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <h1>Product Listing</h1> <ul><li><CFOUTPUT QUERY="products"> #ProductName# </CFOUTPUT></li></ul> </body> </html>

Member Avatar for Walyer
Member Avatar for jmprattmba

We're hosting our own web servers running Microsoft IIS. Some servers have FrontPage extensions installed and others have SharePoint installed. Now we want to do a new website with Cold Fusion database access to Microsoft SQL 2000. Must I build another server, or can Cold Fusion co-exist with either FrontPage …

Member Avatar for bkendall

I have a cfmail script that sends a daily summary of orders. It basically grabs all of the orders from the db, uses DateFormat(Now() and then uses the query to generate the rport. The cf scheduler send the page daily. Now I need to send a report on a weekly …

Member Avatar for bkendall
Member Avatar for Metro

Hi I was wondering if someone can add me to msn [email]s_a_w_2@hotmail.com[/email] and help me with a problem I have doing a small cf project. I have a few questions and my project I would like to show you so someone can give me feedback etc. If anyone could help …

Member Avatar for Metro
Member Avatar for junglefish

MM say that you can't use cfchart inside cfdocument. Most people agree. However, you can. I have a fairly basic cfchart, format="jpg", nested inside cfdocument tags, format="PDF", and it renders lovely! The problem I have is that when I move the code to my live server, it doesn't show the …

Member Avatar for harvco

There's finally a solution for those merchants who can't qualify for a traditional merchant account or have to put up a reserve. Check out the demo [url]www.ezybondsglobal.com/payment_demo[/url] They can accept Visa/MC with No chargebacks, no reserves, no offshore corporation set-up, no underwriting. For more info call 800-973-9155.

Member Avatar for aarya

i have site in which wheN people fill the form all rhe information get faxed and i should recive it.i registered with efax.can i code using CF_eFax. any body help me

Member Avatar for e3computer
Member Avatar for Lightninghawk

The output that I'm looking for is: ---Site ------Session ---------Class ........... students in class ---------Class ........... students in class ------Session ---------Class ........... students in class ---Site ect ect.... ~~~~~~~~~~~ The current outcome : ---Site ---------Class ........... students in class or sometimes ---Site ------Session ---Site... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's almost like it has …

Member Avatar for e3computer
Member Avatar for nitinmenon

hey, I just realised I dont have access to the cold fusion administrative page and im trying to figure out the tables that exist on the database. I understand this can be done through the cfquery and cfgrid tags but i was hoping somebody could give me insight into what …

Member Avatar for e3computer
Member Avatar for HostChart

We have a cold fusion website that uses an include file for the header. In that header file the page title field is set. This header file is included in every page of the website. So, every page has the same title. Without doing something real fancy, how can I …

Member Avatar for e3computer
Member Avatar for phijim

help im trying to create a conditional database query this is what i have <CFQUERY name="qget_by_date" datasource="log"> Select * FROM productioninfo WHERE ((txtdate =#LSDateFormat(Now(), "d/m/yy")#)) </CFQUERY> <cfif qget_by_date.recordcount GT 0 > <cflocation url="poductioninfo_entryform.cfm"> <cfelse> <cflocation url="main.asp"> </cfif> this works but i need to check date=now and username="txt" an date= now …

Member Avatar for Shaun Hannah
Member Avatar for sweetyp

I have write javascript to create form field when button is click. function addEvent(myTable){ var lastRow = myTable.rows.length; var x1=myTable.insertRow(lastRow); var a=x1.insertCell(0); var a1=x1.insertCell(1); var x2=myTable.insertRow(lastRow+1); var b=x2.insertCell(0); var b1=x2.insertCell(1); var x3=myTable.insertRow(lastRow+2); var c=x3.insertCell(0); var c1=x3.insertCell(1); var x4=myTable.insertRow(lastRow+3); var d=x4.insertCell(0); var d1=x4.insertCell(1); var x5=myTable.insertRow(lastRow+4); var e=x5.insertCell(0); var e1=x5.insertCell(1); var x6=myTable.insertRow(lastRow+5); …

Member Avatar for Shaun Hannah
Member Avatar for senexom

I've been doing web dev for the past few years and have gotten to a few languages, but not CF. To be honest it always interested me to know, but I just never had the will or the opportunity to learn it. Coming from a Java background I'm interested because …

Member Avatar for Shaun Hannah
Member Avatar for jamba

Hi Folks! Wonder if you can help?? I need to know a way of updating a column in Oracle (datatype: long) but keep the existing data so like an append. Am using Coldfusion to write to Oracle and I know that you can only write 4000 chars at a time, …

Member Avatar for jamba
Member Avatar for bugsferg

i have a table with data that i am trying to display with 4 td's and then create a new row. i will eventually set the row limit, but for now this is what i have: <cfquery name="get_stuff" datasource="#dsn#"> SELECT * FROM item WHERE item_type_id = 1 ORDER BY item_name …

Member Avatar for Torch7
Member Avatar for NewVBguy

Hi Everyone, I am really new to cf and I am trying to understand this software. I am trying to setup my dsn. now when i try to go to cf administrator and select data source option, it pops up an error message that there is no java virtual machine …

Member Avatar for jamba
Member Avatar for samaru

Here's a thread I posted on previous forum regarding the three: I've used PHP, ASP, and ColdFusion, and out of the three, ColdFusion is probably the most fun to play with. Of course, this is a very biased question to begin with. If you ask a C++ programmer what the …

Member Avatar for chrisranjana
Member Avatar for MikeReed

I am looking for a system written in ColdFusion for all the accounting modules. I saw a package a couple of years ago that included source code and now can not remember the name of it. If any of you know of one please forward information to me thru this …

Member Avatar for ijwk
Member Avatar for sam1981

Hi, can anybody out there tell me how to set up a datasource in the cfadmin and use the datasource attribute instead of the connectstring attribute? I need to do this because it happens to be that my client for which i have developed a web based database for is …

Member Avatar for sam1981
Member Avatar for pulses

Hi. Is there an issue installing ColdFusion on Windows XP 64 bit edition? After Ia install ColdFusion, the berowser opens to show the admin page and set up completion steps. but I receive an error 404 (page not found). I tried it a few times and I am sure that …

Member Avatar for ProFreelance
Member Avatar for nitinmenon

im not quite sure what this means, ive got this sample code that im trying to figure out: <FORM ACTION ="QUIZ_RESULTS.CFM" METHOD="POST"> <P><HR><B> QUESTION ###CURRENTROW# IS:</B> <BR><I> #QUESTION#> the second line is really what i dont understand. I understand that it is the value of the variable between the hash …

Member Avatar for ProFreelance
Member Avatar for sam1981

Hi, I have a two week deadline to complete a new project which I have little experience in. I have been asked to create a database accessible through a web application. The web application will be used to update, delete and add new data to the database. A maximum of …

Member Avatar for ProFreelance
Member Avatar for pgesel

I am trying to create a report with Report Builder MX 7.0 containing subreports. I want to allow a subreport to continue onto another page in the main report, but it cuts off when the page ends. If I select the option "Print when Detail Overflows" it gets stuck in …

Member Avatar for Ember Saar
Member Avatar for red_evolve

I know that after doing a query, I can use cfoutput to output the results of the query by applying the query attribute like the one below:- [code] <cfquery name="query1" datasource="mySource"> select * from users </cfquery> <cfoutput query="query1"> #username# </cfoutput> [/code] Is there any way that I could jump to …

Member Avatar for red_evolve

The End.