725 Topics

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Member Avatar for Seswing142

The program is supposed to ask the user for the range of the guesing game (1-10), ask them how many guesses they want, and then ask them for a guess. Then it prints out Cold if he guess is greater than 25% of the answer, print WARM if its between …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for terrymodular

I want to make a call list for sales person from the companies table. Want to start with a certain companyid = say 1002 and add 50 records to call. Stumped as to assign companyid as firstrow? and lastrow=companyid + 50 ? I know how to assign it to the …

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for wmhintz

Hello geniuses, I have inherited a ColdFusion application which uses four lines of AJAX in order to populate a drop-down based upon the selection made in a previous drop-down. The first drop-down is a list of car "makes", for example: Ford, Chevrolet, etc. The second drop-down is to be populated …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for raul prakash

I am trying to decrypt a CSV using Coldfusion. The CSV has been encrypted using gpg4win. I have created a scheduled task in CF Admin which checks a folder for the encrypted file and if found, decrypts it and stores the result in another folder as a CSV file (Which …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for yankeefan24

Im working on a form that I need to break in sections. example form.cfm?section=A, form.cfm?section=B and form.cfm?section=C. When employee access form.cfm?section=A, form.cfm?section=B and C need to be disable only section A will available for user to add input. when section B is accessed by supervisor section A and C are …

Member Avatar for yankeefan24
Member Avatar for mikerock

I am working on an application based on flex and ColdFusion while setup application in flex and ColdFusion, Gateway 500 errors has occurred. I am trying to resolve the problem but still unable. I am looking for solution. Does anyone have same experience please share?

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for joshi_6in

Dear sir or madam, I am Joshi Thomas, currently working as a system analyst with INSEAD Business School, Singapore. I have 8 years of work experience in developing and implementing Content Management Systems (CMS), Engineering Procurement Commissioning business systems (EPC), Commercial web applications, multilingual sites and SEO enabled websites using …

Member Avatar for joshi_6in
Member Avatar for mikerock

Hi, I am working on flex based project and want to integrate ColdFusion within. Does anyone have any idea how to integrate ColdFusion with flex? Any resource or step by step guideline is welcome

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mikerock

I want to implement payment gateway in flex. Can anyone throw some light on Payment Gateway implementation methods with Flex or ColdFusion?. Any ideas or links are welcome. Thanks

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for jencinas69

Is it possible to display a text box next to a cfselect upon selection in the cfselect. If someone selects an option from the dropdown I need a date type field to be display. Is this possible perhaps with coldfuision and ajax?

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

I believe it is sort of ironic that my name is TechSupportGeek, since I only seem to be asking questions for the greater part of the last year and a half. :) Anyway, on to the problem now, during a cold boot, my computer screen starts flickering like crazy at …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for RickCJ7

I'm not a ColdFusion expert, but am supporting what few ColdFusion pages we have left after our previous developer left. I'm trying to figure out how to get a text file downloaded with a click instead of right-click and selecing "save Target as". Here's the code I have: `<p> - …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for zoid777

Hello friends, I am sorry I have to ask this question but does anybody know where to get a flightbooking application writen in coldfusion. I don't know how it works so it is making it hard for me to code. Please if you have written flight booking software that runs …

Member Avatar for zoid777
Member Avatar for kendaop

Hi, I'm pretty new to ColdFusion, and I was wondering if someone could give me a little help. I'm getting the following CF error: **Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'DATE_FORMAT'** Here's the code that's producing it. <cfquery name="qryGetDateName" datasource="DATABASE" result="RESULT"> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(Events.event_date,"%W") AS "Date" FROM Events …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for danarashad

I am some reports I am using google charts for, but when I create a pdf the charts are not being created in the pdf. Is there away around this, or has anyone ran into this issue. I am using google charts because CF charts gives me a image expired …

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for r14aul
Member Avatar for r14aul

My site has just been hacked and I suspect that it was a remote file inclusion attack. These are my server specs: Windows Server 2008 R2 running ColdFusion 9 ( and IIS 7.5 This is the source code of the page that appeared after my site was hacked: <!-- # …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ziggydog

Hi Everyone I am building a site that requires multiple listings each with their own shopping cart. Items can be ordered only from that business(1)and i need a way to stop surfers from going to another business and adding items from their business to the cart of business(1) At the …

Member Avatar for CutterBlades
Member Avatar for danarashad

Is there a way to change the mail spool location? The location is on the c drive. Is there a way I could change the location to another drive?

Member Avatar for CutterBlades
Member Avatar for ng5

I am trying to make a guessing game that lies one-third of the time that the guess is too high (it says it is too low when it is actually too high). And it never lies about the guess being too low, nor does it lie twice in a row …

Member Avatar for bguild
Member Avatar for danarashad

I am having a problem installing CF 10. I keep getting an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. Detailed Error Information **Module:** IsapiModule **Notification:** ExecuteRequestHandler **Handler ** cfmHandler **Error Code:** 0x80004005 ** Requested URL** **Physical Path** C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\index.cfm **Logon Method** Anonymous **Logon User** Anonymous

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for mmonclair

I'm working on securing a form that is used for gathering info for online insurance quotes. The problem we've been having is that some insurance agents and rating services have been stealing our form and trying to use it on their sites. Well, there is info that we use to …

Member Avatar for mmonclair
Member Avatar for bennyboy1989

Hi I really need some help! Recently one of my sites have been hit with an iframe injection: `<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src="the source changes but normally htttp://collegefun4u.com/" width="0" height="1"></iframe>` It happens at random times and gets inserted in random include files. We have clean scanned all computers + server for …

Member Avatar for samh90
Member Avatar for ziggydog

Hi everybody I am populating an array of structures with info for a product enquiry. <!--- ADD PRODUCT TO CART ARRAY ROUTINE---> <cfif IsDefined("btn_add")> <a href="%5C"> <cfset temp = arrayAppend(session.enquirycontents, structNew())> <cfset session.enquirycontents[arrayLen(session.enquirycontents)].ID = #form.ID#> <cfset session.enquirycontents[arrayLen(session.enquirycontents)].product = #productdetail.product#> <cfset session.enquirycontents[arrayLen(session.enquirycontents)].prodnum = #productdetail.prodnum#> <cfset session.enquirycontents[arrayLen(session.enquirycontents)].quantity = #form.Quantity#> <cfset session.enquirycontents[arrayLen(session.enquirycontents)].dimensions = …

Member Avatar for ziggydog
Member Avatar for mmonclair

I have a form handling component I'm working on where I want to set up a SELECT statement that will take, in its WHERE clause, a line of text entered from a form and check it against a table with records of regular expressions. The regular expression contains a stub …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for RickCJ7

I am rewriting an internal Coldfusion app that stores passwords in the database using Encrypt and Decrypt into C#. My Coldfusion code is using two parameters like this: `<cfset strDecrypted = decrypt(ToString(toBinary(strBase64Value)),"keycode") />` Where strDecrypted is the decrypted string returned, strBase64Value is the encrypted string in the database and "keycode" …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for cee.gee.50

Hi everyone. I have not done any type of coding in some years and can use some help with a simple yet frustrating task. I am trying to allow registered users to upload a "profile" photo to the server and insert the path into the database. I would like to …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

I have a form field that should contain a number only. How can validate so that is doesn't take letters. For example I dont want it s accept aydhasdsiFGGS when I submit the form. <CFIF (find([A-Z],Telephone)) gte "1"> <CFLOCATION URL="error.cfm?PassedError=Possible%Spam."> <CFABORT> </CFIF> Please help

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Hi, I am used to HTML. What is Coldfusion? Why do people use it? What are the circumstances you would use it. Does it require proprietary software? What are the advantages and disadvantages to using it over HTML? Is it compatible with CSS,Javascript, PHP, and MySQL? What are personal opinions …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

Hi Guys I have a number and I only want to display the first 3 digits could you please help. Thanks <cfset mytour=885879><cfoutput>#Left(#mytour#, 3)#</cfoutput> How can I make the result into a global variable to use later. Forgive me am a noob to coldfusion

Member Avatar for arrgh

The End.