726 Topics

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Member Avatar for Cheesecake87

Anyone tell me why this Coldfusion code aint working ? I built the system on the Coldfusion 9 developer server locally then uploaded it to a Coldfusion 8 hosted server and I get this strange error. Error can be seen here:$sitepreview/ka-radio.co.uk Code where error is highlighed can be seen …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for mijorog

In my database I have a datediscontinued. When someone runs a a report they select a start date (FORM.StartDate) and an end date (FORM.EndDate). I need to find the records where date discontinued is between the start and end date. If the start date is NEQ to the end date …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for geraldselectric

Can someone please look at my code and tell me where I am going wrong. I need to compare 2 tables and need to sum up to columns (temp.quantity) and cart1 (quantityout). Both tables have a common column called barcode. The code works when the temp table does not have …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for jayst19143

I am trying to Bind the value of Qty and Price to the Linetotal field but I'm get an error [I]window:global: uncaught exception: [Exception... "'SyntaxError: parseJSON' when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult: "0x8057001c (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_JS_OBJECT)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://firebug/content/net/spy.js :: callPageHandler :: line 807" data: no] (, line 0)[/I] I'm calling …

Member Avatar for jayst19143
Member Avatar for jsmall26

So I know coldfusion, so I'll post it like this... Whats the best ASP.net example of this coldfusion code? [CODE]<cfset mylist="red,blue,yellow,green"> <cfloop list="#mylist#" index="i"> <cfoutput>#i#</cfoutput> <BR> </cfloop>[/CODE] I can't find this example anywhere on the web. Thanks guys!

Member Avatar for Antenka
Member Avatar for sgsingh

Hi Guys, I am getting problem in coldfusion pdf pages which are generated dynamically with multiple pages. The problem is i need a pdf report which have every page border like table and data will come in table and one condition is as the heading of page one will also …

Member Avatar for montjoile

hi! I need to populate a flex combobox with the result query of a oracle db, using coldfusion. I have this code, but it is not functioning: my flex webpage: [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"> <mx:Label x="230" y="36" text="Selecionar Consolas"/> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.events.*; import mx.collections.*; import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent; …

Member Avatar for montjoile
Member Avatar for mmonclair

Hello, I've been wrestling with a problem for a few days, and after trying to Google the answer, I need to pose the question. I would like to create a new datasource for use by an application I'm working on. However, I do not have administrator access to my ColdFusion …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for aksahoo17

Hi All, I am new to ColdFusion and i m using CF-8. I Want to create a Log file for error and i have done that, but the problem is that the text file "error.txt" content all the data retrieve by the CFERROR variables. But its store duplicate records as …

Member Avatar for aksahoo17
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

I have made a select statement with a date condition seems like its not reading the date condition please check the code below [CODE] Select * From tbltest WHERE (((Validity.ToDate)<><cfqueryPARAM value = "#31/8/2011#" CFSQLType = 'CF_SQL_DATE'>) [/CODE] Please help I don't want dates that are equal to 31/08/2011 its getting …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

I would like to hide a value in cfoutput and have the browser not show it but the value is needed. I have tried styling to have white text but it no working please help [CODE] <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true"> <cfparam name="q" default="" /> <cfquery name="qryGetCountry" datasource="dbtest"> select * from Cities Where …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

Downloaded autocomplete plugin. its not bring out results am using an access db. When I type in text it does the search but with no proposed results display in the drop down. Is there something missing? [CODE] <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true"> <cfparam name="q" default="" /> <cfquery name="qryGetCountry" datasource="dbtest"> SELECT DISTINCT Cities.RegionCity FROM …

Member Avatar for tapuwa2002
Member Avatar for danarashad

I am trying to figure out how to have a certain value as my selected value in a cfselect that is running a cfc? I am running a cfc, but when someone saves that answer in the database, when they go back into the form. I want the answer they …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for singharun

Hi, I am developing a small E-commerce site, but at one point i need your precious help. I want to print the order directly when the order will placed without clicking any print option. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards, Arun

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

I have created form where the values are taken from the form. I still get and an error when I put my form value in the statement. But when I run the statement separately it works but now when I combine it doesn't. [CODE] <cfif not isdefined("Form.frmpricerange")> <cfset Form.frmpricerange = …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

Hi guys Is there a way, where i can get two values from a option tag. I have form that needs to have values for it to display e.g My form looks like the following. [CODE] <form method="post" name="frmone" action="Result.cfm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <select name="selvalues" id="selvalues" class="input_style-1" id="selvalues" style="height:19px"> <option value="1">Select Result</option> …

Member Avatar for tapuwa2002
Member Avatar for aksahoo17

Hi, I am new to ColdFusion , so i need so help from all.... I am going to do a form having multiple submit buttons in it . So how can i know which button was clicked. according to this i want different work... Like simple i want to do …

Member Avatar for aksahoo17
Member Avatar for mijorog

So I have a database that stores when someone leaves and when they return to. dayleft dayreturned I need to do a query and also an cfif to see if a date selected is between these dates. test - selected date the Here is my long if [CODE] <cfif (datecompare(vactrue.dayreturned, …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

Hey guys I was hoping you help, I have a ms access database on my webserver. I want to select all the records with a certain date. But it seems not to work. [CODE] <CFQUERY NAME="qStuff" DATASOURCE="MyDb" maxrows="20"> SELECT * FROM Stuff; WHERE (((Stuff.RegDate)=#5/1/2004#)); </CFQUERY> [/CODE] When I do this …

Member Avatar for tapuwa2002
Member Avatar for kryptor

Hi all, I have a page setup that pulls my data using a query. I want to be able to move the data to the next query result after 60 seconds. Once the query reaches the end then I want the page to refresh and all the query again so …

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for igotdreams

Would you like to know when the Google spider or any other spider comes by your site? Well now you can with this handy snippet. It will send you an email for everypage it visits.

Member Avatar for jsmall26
Member Avatar for dottomm

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help this coldfusion noob. What I am trying to do seems easy enough but clearly I am having very serious problems. ;D I am trying to populate a pdf with data from a database. //Here is the page that lists all the …

Member Avatar for jsmall26
Member Avatar for sattua

Hi mi problem is very rare, when I try to create a ds (datasource), the coldfusion administrator return me this error: Error editing/creating this dsn (MyDsnName) The value "MyDsnName" cannot be converted to a number It's like he is trying to convert the ds name to a number, why?!?!. the …

Member Avatar for jsmall26
Member Avatar for fairlands

Hello I have about ten sites, none very large which we have hosted on our own server since 2004. However as we had reduced the number of sites to only about ten we no longer need a dedicated server so Ild like to move the sites to a new host …

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for goxmedia

Hello, In CFQUERY operations, can someone advise as to the following: 1. What data types REQUIRE single quotes for UPDATE and INSERT statements? * We are using MS SQL 2008 R2 with CF9 2. Is it best practice to use CFQUERYPARAM for EVERY statement now days? I searched everywhere but …

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for mijorog

I have a Database that stores a residentID, apartment, MoveInDate, and MoveOutDate. I am trying to run a query from this database to find the resident row where the MoveOutDate is NULL so I can enter the date they moved out. My Coldfusion is not the best and here is …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for Abakiz

Hello I'm new to ColdFusion, for my work I've been asked to learn it.. I'm coming from an extensive PHP background. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to simply take a query from SQL and load it into an array and then display it. I though …

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for matt_stutts

I have a form that contains a cfgrid named idGrid (using CF9). Contains four columns: Autonum (for now, the pk), CR_ID (fk), ID, and IDType. These come from tblIDs in my db. The grid is editable but not the Autonum or CR_ID fields (select="no"). I am using code straight from …

Member Avatar for Sombra
Member Avatar for zero_sequence

Hi all, i made a cfchart from an example and worked perfect. afterwards i tried to bind a new cfm page containing only the cfchart so the use will see a loading message in the index page until cfchart is loaded within cfdiv... worked fine but i cant see any …

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for danarashad

I am having a weird issue. I am using cfautosuggest, when I type child into the search box the cfc should return "Other Minor Child in Custody,Grandchild, Great Grandchild", but it doesn't. The weird part is when the query runs I do a dump in the cfc and it does …

Member Avatar for arrgh

The End.