725 Topics
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Hi all, i have a small email database (32k emails) and i want to create a newsletter system. Unofortunately the script where handles those 32k emails to send a html text times out as request exceed the default value and i dont wish to chagen that. I tried breaking the … | |
Hi, I know you can edit the htaccess file I think to allow php scripts to run and be parsed in html files. I was wondering if that was possible with coldfusion code. What I have is a small bit of coldfusion code and ajax that just returns some data … | |
Hi there, I have a error with my signup page anyone know what this could be [url]www.signup.123-backup.com[/url] error is ------- Element SYSUSER is undefined in REQUEST. ----- after fillering out form and clicking signup | |
hi, I'm a web developer and very new to Cold Fusion. I understand its abilities and wanted to show management how data can be tracked for one of our programs. In the code below the employee name, division, branch_section_office, date, and title of meeting are required. After that I would … | |
hi everyone We have been analyzing the performance of our cms lately and have found that our udf collection is way too big and when it is included it slows our apps down. What I would like to do is scan our application for any un used Udfs so we … | |
I am totally new to posting here and dealing with Coldfusion. Hello ALL. I have an application built by a past employee over 4 years ago that is just now showing errors on a regular basis. I have tried to explore the files associated with the errors when I catch … | |
Hi Thanks for the replies for my previous question. I m beginner to coldfusion and I will explain my whole problem in detail now. My client had developed an application in coldfusion and we are using that. Actually there is no login system for that application.The user can enter into … | |
Hi Thanks for the replies for my previous question. I m beginner to coldfusion and I will explain my whole problem in detail now. My client had developed an application in coldfusion and we are using that. Actually there is no login system for that application.The user can enter into … | |
Could any one provide me a simple login page in coldfusion , which uses SESSION AND COOKIES. And while copying the URL (I mean URL after successful login) to another browser it should point to login page.This will be much helpful. | |
This is what im trying to do. A pdf is uploaded to my uploads directory. Named abc activity.pdf or abc page2.pdf the pdf could be from different clients. so I want to pull the ABC or a certain amount of char out of the name to populate the destination `#Property#` … | |
Good Evening: I am trying to implement session management on a website I am building with coldfusion. Currently, the site authenticates via IIS 7 using the "Requires Authentication" setting that requires users to log into the web server before any page is served. This, however, is not ideal. It appears … | |
![]() | I would like to implement the Galleon Forum on my website but my hosting company does not allow createObject tag. If someone has converted the Galleon coldfusion forum to use on goaddy hosting please let me know how. Can someone please let me know how to convert this statement to … |
I have a page that displays all movie of various cat. and i designed it to help people in my community click any old movie want to watch and it will send it through a URL parameter to the view video page. So any movie clicked is filtered on the … | |
While redirecting using the cflocation tag it is successfully passing to specified URL. But the thing is I couldnt understand the use of ADDTOKEN attribute in this tag.Because redirection occurs independent of the Yes/No values of that attribute . Please can any one help me by providing a simple example? … | |
Okay, so I have button that onclick it displays a div. Inside of this div I have a cfform and a cfdiv. [CODE]<div id="test" style="display:none;"> <cfform> <cfinput name="tinput1" type="text"> </cfform> <cfdiv bind="url:tests.cfm?InputText={tinput1}" ID="theDiv"/> </div>[/CODE] This works but it works only if I click off of the input, is there a … | |
Hi, I had a site developed by me in coldfusion using which customers can raise online orders here.But i have some problem with cookies because everytime when user delete cookies in their system they have to register again to access the page.I have to delete the previous userid also from … | |
I have a page builder that I have built. One of the form fields is for creating a filename for the page being built. This was working correctly until a few hours ago and for the life of me I cant figure out how it got messed up, nor what … | |
Ok I am completely brain dead on this...and the sad thing is I've done this before! I have built a custom page builder in CF. I want to create a shortcut to the page builder home page, which is a .cfm file, on my desktop so that someone can open … | |
is any way in CFML send cfmail not code but rather a page.cfm... one way is convert page.cfm (and server side code) to code lines and append in cfmail? if yes, how this? or any other way for first? | |
Hi i have this sign up page backupserver1.123-backup.com:8080/client/signup.cfm When i enter all the details i get this error in the next cfm page call insert-user.cfm Error as follows Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Operand type clash: text is incompatible with tinyint I think the problem something to with a … | |
[CODE]<cfquery name="Sort" datasource="JD8989776555"> SELECT * FROM ResMenuItems ORDER BY "ItemOrder" ASC </cfquery> <p>Output</p> <cfoutput query="Sort"> #ItemOrder# - #ItemName#<br /> </cfoutput> <p>loop</p> <cfloop query="Sort"> <cfoutput>#ItemOrder# - #ItemName#<br /></cfoutput> </cfloop>[/CODE] I am honestly not joking :S That code there, is here : [url]http://jadedragon-co-uk.securec12.ezhostingserver.com/admin/MenuManager/TEST.cfm[/url] | |
I've been looking around online for a while and haven't been able to find a solution available with the resources at my disposal. Here's the scenario: I have an online training site I manage and do development for. We've been offering surveys to get feedback at the time that a … | |
Hi I have the below code and when i open it in I.E i get this error Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid object name 'Language'. Do i need to enter a database @ the datasource= [code]<!--- GetLanguage ---> <cfquery name="qLanguage" datasource="#request.DSN#"> Select LanguageID, LanguageCode, LanguageName from Language </cfquery> … | |
I want to create a custom search engine(SE) friendly 404 page to handle 404 (Not found) and 404-like content. In theory everything should be done in application.cfc page with a few lines of code. Here is what I have in mind. CF code needs to recognize the 404s, redirect to … | |
Hi Can anyone help me how to point two cold fusion application to the same datasource. Is it possible to have two differnet applications pointing to the same database? If so how to distinguish them? Also if a same user access both the applications there should not be any conflicts. … | |
Hi i have this form below and i cannot get it to display as a .cfm file within I.E. and i also get this error The value of the FROM attribute is invalid. The length of the string, 0 character(s), must be greater than or equal to 1 character(s). I … | |
Has anyone ever tried returning a ColdFusion structure through a web service? The WSDL type CF assigns to this is apachesoap:Map, but when I consume this in VB.NET, the data is null. I have converted the entire thing into a JSON string, and that seems to work, but it requires … | |
I want to cache the thumbs because the images I am resizing are around 1-3 MBs each and it takes forever to load a page of thumbnails so I want to cache the thumbnails. Is this possible or do I need to take a new approach? Thanks! Below is my … | |
Hey guys, i have looked all over the web on how to upload a file to MySQL database and retrieve using coldfusion. I know i can do it in PHP, but im not using that anymore. Is there a script or some place that someone can point me so i … |
The End.