725 Topics

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Member Avatar for hhamdan

Im trying to get the ip address for our company customer and save it in the DB just for statical thing.

Member Avatar for hhamdan
Member Avatar for vikingGirl

I have an image that I have created using the new image draw functions, but I need to have separate areas of the image as links to other pages. I know that the html map tag can be used to do this, but the problem is I can only get …

Member Avatar for vikingGirl
Member Avatar for todrik

hi everyone. i'm trying to make a (very) simple shopping cart for my class. i'm stuck on the qty update - it says it's not defined. i think it may have something to do with when i check to see if the form has been submitted yet or not. any …

Member Avatar for terrymodular
Member Avatar for freshfitz

Can I loop through the output of 2 select statements from a stored procedure based on a "order by a date" that is in the 2 different databases. For example I want to [code=sql]select * from program where cust_no = '125'[/code] Program has a field "posted" Then [code=sql]select * from …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for CFApprentice

Hello there, I just bought a book to learn ColdFusion, so I have a project but I wonder if the following is possible: To create a page where the user can select: 1 - Date Range 2 - Report Name 3 - select to export to Excel, and here is …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for netshops

I am wondering how to securely build a sign in application through a modal window. Is it possible to make a modal window secure? I have two examples of what I am talking about: 1) [url]www.ae.com[/url] - they have a sign in section on their header - not SSL on …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for freshfitz

Trying to dispay an error message if the varibel does not exists. In my sql database the variable is a blank cell or data. [code=coldfusion]<cfoutput><cfif #findorder.email# eq ""></cfoutput> Display error message here... <cfelse>[/code] It will not display if the cell is blank but it does work if there is data …

Member Avatar for hinodae

I have placed this post in Cold Fusion because our primary markup language is CF. That said, this may be a more appropriate question for Ajax development. I'm looking for a way to downsize the load of images on a page. My current template provides the user with a tab …

Member Avatar for Brainsmith

Hello, I am not sure if this is a CF problem or not. One of our client's websites has two links to CFM pages that just will not work in some browsers on their network. It just brings up a blank page. It will work for them in FireFox, but …

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for danarashad

One of my app's is timing users out around 20 minutes. I have a sessiontimeout set at 90 minutes. Please help. Here's the actual code. [code] <CFAPPLICATION NAME="Store" SESSIONMANAGEMENT="Yes" SETCLIENTCOOKIES="YES" clientmanagement="yes" sessionTimeout = #CreateTimeSpan(0, 0, 90, 0)#> [/code] I am using CF 5. I did notice in CF admin I …

Member Avatar for dodo123456

Hi Guys, I have been given a task to convert the code of PHP to Coldfusion. However I am Stuck at this PHp Stuff. Please Guide Me PHP Code: [code=php]$result = mysql_query("select cid, title, cdesc from cat where parentid=0 order by title", $link); $count =1; $displaycat="<tr>"; while(list($cid, $title, $cdesc) = …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for hxixm

I'm desperate for help with my attempts to make a coldfusion contact form. I've tried so many tutorials, but no luck. I have a windows testing server, so the servers so problem. Its just the code. Is there any premade forms that have name,email,textarea,image attachment? I'll give you 20 bucks. …

Member Avatar for dodo123456
Member Avatar for mmonclair

I'm having some difficulty with a query I'm trying to set up. What I'm trying to do is set up a query that will populate a table that shows a list of all tests offered on the site that are active, and then show the completion status of the user …

Member Avatar for mmonclair
Member Avatar for DaniVee

I have a selection field with a drop down list that is populated from a database that has over 2000 records. They're alphabetical and I want to allow the user to select the first 2 letters to move through the list. For example, BO would take them to the first …

Member Avatar for hhamdan
Member Avatar for freshfitz

I am pulling info from zillow and then setting a price based on sq ft of the house. I am also using zillow to pull lat and lon to pull up a google map on the property the problem in some homes don't have sq footage and my cold fusion …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for hhamdan

i have multiple onchange in two different form and they are in different include files. the thing is when i try to use the first onchange ...it works and it will change the session value but if i start with second onchange it will not work and it says the …

Member Avatar for acpf

Hi,folks I'm from Brazil and i would like to now if has some problem with double number in cfchart? My problem is where my result query returns the datas correctly. But, where i populate the cfchart, the number data change for 10x more. Are they understand my english? Thanks,

Member Avatar for arunmagar

Hello I am new user of coldfusion.I just started to learn coldfusion. I made one file with the name "1_2.cfm" Code : [code=coldfusion] <!--- Processing ---> <cfset myQuestion = "What is a variable?"> <cfset myAnswer = "Variables are named storage containers inside programming languages. Just think of variables as any …

Member Avatar for terrymodular
Member Avatar for kianchoong

Hi... I m newbies to CF.. .. .. currently, i facing some issue regarding CF.. .. .. Would appreciate, if any expert would share their knowledge to help me on my issue... Thanks in advanced.. .. .. Below is my code : [code=coldfusion] <cfoutput> <cfif NOT isObject(wsReturnStruct)> structure not returned.<cfexit> …

Member Avatar for Loki421

Hi all! :-) I'm trying to create a quote calculator for my website, and it need to be in drop-down-list format, where basically the user will select make>model>spec>transmission etc, and that's fine, i can do that using the usual drop down options in Dreamweaver CS3, add the numeric values to …

Member Avatar for Loki421
Member Avatar for kkarimi

I'm developing an application that sends emails to customers. The body of the email contains a URL encoded hyperlink back to our site kind of like this: [url]http://myserver/myfolder/test.cfm?id=%409%20%2DW9I74%3D%402%5CN8%2A5%3D%3D5%2D%40%3C%3D%3DQ%5B%40%3AB%5D2Q%2B%2BN%3C44%3A3%3E3%3C%20%0A[/url] In Yahoo, GMail, Outlook, etc. the link works fine. However Hotmail is decoding the link before it sends: http://myserver/myfolder/test.cfm?id=@WUE^[MA6 9J?%3D5B%258D^K5@^%2BD<;5U) '((OZ<,%2BFU%25( Anyone …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for MariaWannda
Member Avatar for anuragrathod

I need a script which has input value as color codes of all the pixels of an image. Now from that variable values i have to create one Image. So how can i create any image pixel by pixel in coldfusion and assign those pixels some specific color code. Variable …

Member Avatar for Subhankarde

I tried to use CF_SQL_ARRAY in the following but it is not working: ColdFusion: [code=coldfusion]<cfset faq = ArrayNew(1)> <cfset ArrayAppend(faq, "What are ColdFusion arrays")> <cfset ArrayAppend(faq, "How to create a ColdFusion array?")> <cfset ArrayAppend(faq, "What are two dimensional arrays?")> <cfoutput>#faq[2]#</cfoutput> <cfstoredproc procedure="p_cf_array" datasource="#Application.DSN_VAT#" username="vacdvl01" password="vacl33ds" debug="Yes"> <cfprocparam type="In" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_ARRAY" dbvarname="array_in" …

Member Avatar for Johnle
Member Avatar for cfunitedgll

Is this possible? I want to use my CF8 box to somehow read a directory structure on a PHP box. The reason: We upload videos to a PHP server but we want to know what is there -- using our CF8 server. What do you think? Thanks, in advance for …

Member Avatar for hinde
Member Avatar for CFApprentice

Hi there, I just started with ColdFusion because I decided to create reports in websites instead using hard disk, I'm as new as a baby, but I'm willing to try it. I work as Revenue Analyst, married, old, son in college, but still standing. I hope to find lots of …

Member Avatar for sittas87
Member Avatar for lawrensium

Hi guys, I'm trying to run a set of jar files, a 3rd-party api with Coldfusion MX 7. But I got 500 Server error. When I dump the same set of jar files into tomcat 6 with standard configuration, it just works. Any idea how to find out what's actually …

Member Avatar for azim1866

Hi, I want to sort my search results from a access database in 10 at a page and showed in page 1,2,3.....last. Now Im just using next and previous to goto frm one page to another. [code=Coldfusion]<cfif pageno GT 1> <td><a href="searchResult1.cfm?page=#pageno-1#" class="style3">< Previous </a></td> </cfif> <cfif counter LE #rec_count#> …

Member Avatar for hinde
Member Avatar for joshknopp

Hello all! We are a company offering a variety of management solutions to a few hundred clients. One of those solutions is a template-driven website builder, and I've been tasked with finding a replacement for the existing, no-longer-supported system. I'd prefer to work with something written in CF, since that's …

Member Avatar for thenamenoonehas
Member Avatar for thenamenoonehas

Hi everyone, im interested in purchasing some video training for either fusebox, mach ii or model glue. anyone know where i can buy this training from ? thanks


The End.