725 Topics

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Member Avatar for bvaz

I have downloaded CF successfully and have been successful in connecting to my own database. However, I am following the Developer Center Tutorial for creating a record set and table to display the query in DreamWeaver. It all works as advertised however I am only getting the first entry in …

Member Avatar for bvaz
Member Avatar for gavy

Hi Guys! I have one question, Is there any free streaming server avaliable. if yes, please tell me. I am currently hosted on Shared host. can i remotely access the free streaming server to work with my website. if yes, how can i set that stuff. where my files will …

Member Avatar for Lizapotter
Member Avatar for Mel77

Hello everybody! My name is melvin. I new in the forum. Please i need support on my coldfusion server..... After using the developer edition of my coldfusion 8. I decided to upload to the host server for my domain. I kept receiving: [B]Error occur while resquesting Data Source cant be …

Member Avatar for Mel77
Member Avatar for cheapterp

Could someone help me figure out how to disable user accounts in ColdFusion? What I am trying to achieve is this: When a user makes 5 successive invalid attempts, his/her account will be temporarily locked for 20 minutes, after which they can try logging in again. If after the first …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for vampirevn01

[code=coldfusion] <cfoutput> <cfform name="input" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> Data Source: <cfif isDefined("database")> <cfinput type="text" name="database" size="25" value="#database#"><br> <cfelse> <cfinput type="text" name="database" size="25" value=""><br> </cfif> Query: <cfinput type="text" query="SQL" name="query" size="130" value=""><br> Output: <cfinput type="text" name="output" size="100" value=""><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </cfform> </cfoutput> <cfif isDefined("database")> <cfquery name="SQL" DataSource="#database#"> #query# </cfquery> <cfoutput>#query#</cfoutput> <cfoutput query="SQL"> …

Member Avatar for dodo123456

I am working on LOGIN Module and all my code is ok. on my localserver: the code works exactly fine. it gets login and gets logs out.. On my Host using sql server 2005.. I just try to login and it does not get logged in. no case sestiveness applied …

Member Avatar for kory27

Hello everyone, I am switching my host and have cf setup and reading/verifying test connection in the program my host uses, which is Plesk. When I go to the site to test it at [url][/url] i get the following error message; [COLOR="Red"]Error Occurred While Processing Request The datasource named urbanposters …

Member Avatar for jedimatt

Hello, How can i produce the following output from a query: <group1> <value="100"> <-- This value is in a table <value=""> <--The null ones are not in a table <value=""> <value=""> <group2> <value=""> <value="230"> <value=""> <value=""> <group3> <value=""> <value=""> <value="154"> <value=""> <group4> <value=""> <value=""> <value=""> <value="300"> We always no how …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for dodo123456

Hi, I have one Code in my URL: as: localhost/project1/index.cfm?catID=1&siteName=http://www.sqlserver.com I want to extract only: [url]http://www.sqlserver.com[/url] how can i do that, i try using the listfunctions but no help.

Member Avatar for jedimatt
Member Avatar for OWL76

Hey guys, complete noob, been trying to figure out how to wrap my head around cffile for a couple of weeks now. I can get a file to upload to the server, even change the name once saved. But i am having problems entering the data into my database.any help …

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for chicago1985

I use CFFile to upload files all the time on the same server Cold Fusion 8 is located on. Now I want to use CFFile to upload files on another server. Everytime I put in the destination directory for another server it fails saying it does not exist. For example …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for hhamdan

Hello everybody, i am trying to import an mysql table to sql server both has the same attribute and with the same datatype. and here is what i did : 1- i export the mysql table to excel sheet. 2-then i went to the sql server and import this sheet …

Member Avatar for gavy

Hi, I am using a Flash Component provided in asfusion.com to upload files in Coldfusion. I used in my flash forms exactly the same way as it is defined in the focumentation as; <cfformitem type="html"> <cf_flashUpload label="Upload Picture: " name="logo" fileTypes="*.jpg;*.png;*.gif" fileDescription="Image files" actionFile="upload.cfm"> <cf_flashUploadInput buttonStyle="corner-radius: 0;" inputStyle="fontWeight:bold" inputWidth="180" uploadButton="true" …

Member Avatar for Prodian
Member Avatar for freshfitz

I am pulling info from zillow and google maps my problem is if a person enters their streert number with out the street I get an error cause google does not have the coordinates in the xml. How can i first search the xml for coordinates my code [CODE]<CFOUTPUT> <cfset …

Member Avatar for gavy

Hi Guys, I am facing a very wired problem. i am building a website which toggle between the modes. 1. html forms 2. flash forms it works in all browsers except mozilla. the default i have set as: [code language="coldfusion"] <cfset session.mode = "flash"> [/code] well if forms are being …

Member Avatar for dodo123456

Guys I thin i am really Stupid here or my mind has really gone out. I am working till whole day and now i stuck at a very stupid thing. i am using to QueryStringToStruct UDF and wanna use the struct generated from UDF in my cfinvoke tag. it returns …

Member Avatar for dodo123456

Hi am trying to run a rating system. This works cool but when it inserts the very first time. I try to add again. I have applied the check that only one vote will be processed from a ipaddress but somehow it is not working: ihave the following component which …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for Loki421

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knows how to send a conformation SMS to a visitors mobile? What i'm trying to create is a call back feature, so far i can send an email with the visitors details to my address and send them a conformation email too, but …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for akraus

I am using Coldfusion8 and I am trying to implement a spellchecker in the FCKEditor. I cannot use ASpell and the SpellerPages option as it uses CFExecute and I cannot use that tag on my server. Does anyone know of any other spell checker that can be used by FCKEditor …

Member Avatar for jedimatt
Member Avatar for thesaintbug

hi, I am new to Cold fusion... I have defined a session level variable in one page1.cfm as follows <cfset session.testing = "test"> and when I am trying to access it on another page page2.cfm (browser window is not closed meanwhile) it gives an error that "testing" is undefined at …

Member Avatar for thesaintbug
Member Avatar for onetwothree

hello is there a way to stop a page refreshing in a browser? (wish i'd separated my sql from my displayed results and used a redirect, but i didn't and am just wondering if there is a quick way around preventing refreshing of a page, so as the sql doesn't …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for apsara

I am trying to pull times out of a mysql database and then convert them to the time of day using TimeFormat. #TimeFormat(Recordset3.timeOne, "h:mm tt")# My problem is once I add the "timeformat" all the times turn to 12AM regardless of what the time is in the database. Thanks for …

Member Avatar for jedimatt
Member Avatar for jedimatt

Hi all, I have a bit of an issue with an application that i am currently developing. The application logs passed and failure information for a production line. Each production lineis broken down into operations, each operation has a task group and then each task group has a bunch of …

Member Avatar for jedimatt
Member Avatar for hhamdan

Hello everybody, I am looking for a way to filter an Robt spam in coldfuion, i had look to the recaptcha, but it is not clear and it is not easy for customers. any body have another idea, ....help please

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for freshfitz

We have exchange 2007 and I can't get our webserver to relay mail I've tried authentication non authenticaten domain/username:password@mail.server.com and username:password@mail.server.com Does anyone know how to get exchange to accept mail from cold fusion. For any other programs we use domain / user name and password.

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for freshfitz

I'm tring to display an encrypted number store in sql database I have a key store in my application.cfm. and they number in my database is encrypted. My display code looks like this [CODE]<cfloop query="Get_Orders"> <cfoutput> <tr> <td><div class="content_black">#Get_Orders.Credit_Card_Type#&nbsp;</div></td> <cfset key = #application.key#> <cfset Cardnum = '#Get_Orders.Credit_Card_Number#'> <cfset CardDec = …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for Brian R. Tolman

I have created many sites using Coldfusion so I know the syntax and I know how to use the product, what I don’t know is how to setup the server, (That was always done by others in the company) my problem is I am trying to create a site on …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for lowercase

I could not set up Coldfusion 8 as a developer machine. After I installed the update the application/s closes after a couple of seconds. Is there something wrong with my configuration?

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for akraus

I am trying to use Verity to search PDF documents. I have a case where the correct document is returned however in some case the context returned does not contain my search word. Here is my code: [code=coldfusion]<CFSEARCH COLLECTION="Collection_name" Name="GetResults" CRITERIA="patent" ContextPassages="1" >[/code] What am I doing wrong? Any help …

Member Avatar for hhamdan

Hello every body, i have a table has username and encrypted password, and i want to write it in different table and i want to decrypt the password filed and i am using this code [B]I am selection the data from the login table[/B] [ICODE]<cfquery name="dec" datasource="ds"> select * from …

Member Avatar for arrgh

The End.