725 Topics
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I have downloaded CF successfully and have been successful in connecting to my own database. However, I am following the Developer Center Tutorial for creating a record set and table to display the query in DreamWeaver. It all works as advertised however I am only getting the first entry in … | |
Hi Guys! I have one question, Is there any free streaming server avaliable. if yes, please tell me. I am currently hosted on Shared host. can i remotely access the free streaming server to work with my website. if yes, how can i set that stuff. where my files will … | |
Hello everybody! My name is melvin. I new in the forum. Please i need support on my coldfusion server..... After using the developer edition of my coldfusion 8. I decided to upload to the host server for my domain. I kept receiving: [B]Error occur while resquesting Data Source cant be … | |
Could someone help me figure out how to disable user accounts in ColdFusion? What I am trying to achieve is this: When a user makes 5 successive invalid attempts, his/her account will be temporarily locked for 20 minutes, after which they can try logging in again. If after the first … | |
[code=coldfusion] <cfoutput> <cfform name="input" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> Data Source: <cfif isDefined("database")> <cfinput type="text" name="database" size="25" value="#database#"><br> <cfelse> <cfinput type="text" name="database" size="25" value=""><br> </cfif> Query: <cfinput type="text" query="SQL" name="query" size="130" value=""><br> Output: <cfinput type="text" name="output" size="100" value=""><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </cfform> </cfoutput> <cfif isDefined("database")> <cfquery name="SQL" DataSource="#database#"> #query# </cfquery> <cfoutput>#query#</cfoutput> <cfoutput query="SQL"> … | |
I am working on LOGIN Module and all my code is ok. on my localserver: the code works exactly fine. it gets login and gets logs out.. On my Host using sql server 2005.. I just try to login and it does not get logged in. no case sestiveness applied … | |
Hello everyone, I am switching my host and have cf setup and reading/verifying test connection in the program my host uses, which is Plesk. When I go to the site to test it at [url][/url] i get the following error message; [COLOR="Red"]Error Occurred While Processing Request The datasource named urbanposters … | |
Hello, How can i produce the following output from a query: <group1> <value="100"> <-- This value is in a table <value=""> <--The null ones are not in a table <value=""> <value=""> <group2> <value=""> <value="230"> <value=""> <value=""> <group3> <value=""> <value=""> <value="154"> <value=""> <group4> <value=""> <value=""> <value=""> <value="300"> We always no how … | |
Hi, I have one Code in my URL: as: localhost/project1/index.cfm?catID=1&siteName=http://www.sqlserver.com I want to extract only: [url]http://www.sqlserver.com[/url] how can i do that, i try using the listfunctions but no help. | |
Hey guys, complete noob, been trying to figure out how to wrap my head around cffile for a couple of weeks now. I can get a file to upload to the server, even change the name once saved. But i am having problems entering the data into my database.any help … | |
I use CFFile to upload files all the time on the same server Cold Fusion 8 is located on. Now I want to use CFFile to upload files on another server. Everytime I put in the destination directory for another server it fails saying it does not exist. For example … | |
Hello everybody, i am trying to import an mysql table to sql server both has the same attribute and with the same datatype. and here is what i did : 1- i export the mysql table to excel sheet. 2-then i went to the sql server and import this sheet … | |
Hi, I am using a Flash Component provided in asfusion.com to upload files in Coldfusion. I used in my flash forms exactly the same way as it is defined in the focumentation as; <cfformitem type="html"> <cf_flashUpload label="Upload Picture: " name="logo" fileTypes="*.jpg;*.png;*.gif" fileDescription="Image files" actionFile="upload.cfm"> <cf_flashUploadInput buttonStyle="corner-radius: 0;" inputStyle="fontWeight:bold" inputWidth="180" uploadButton="true" … | |
I am pulling info from zillow and google maps my problem is if a person enters their streert number with out the street I get an error cause google does not have the coordinates in the xml. How can i first search the xml for coordinates my code [CODE]<CFOUTPUT> <cfset … | |
Hi Guys, I am facing a very wired problem. i am building a website which toggle between the modes. 1. html forms 2. flash forms it works in all browsers except mozilla. the default i have set as: [code language="coldfusion"] <cfset session.mode = "flash"> [/code] well if forms are being … | |
Guys I thin i am really Stupid here or my mind has really gone out. I am working till whole day and now i stuck at a very stupid thing. i am using to QueryStringToStruct UDF and wanna use the struct generated from UDF in my cfinvoke tag. it returns … | |
Hi am trying to run a rating system. This works cool but when it inserts the very first time. I try to add again. I have applied the check that only one vote will be processed from a ipaddress but somehow it is not working: ihave the following component which … | |
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knows how to send a conformation SMS to a visitors mobile? What i'm trying to create is a call back feature, so far i can send an email with the visitors details to my address and send them a conformation email too, but … | |
I am using Coldfusion8 and I am trying to implement a spellchecker in the FCKEditor. I cannot use ASpell and the SpellerPages option as it uses CFExecute and I cannot use that tag on my server. Does anyone know of any other spell checker that can be used by FCKEditor … | |
hi, I am new to Cold fusion... I have defined a session level variable in one page1.cfm as follows <cfset session.testing = "test"> and when I am trying to access it on another page page2.cfm (browser window is not closed meanwhile) it gives an error that "testing" is undefined at … | |
hello is there a way to stop a page refreshing in a browser? (wish i'd separated my sql from my displayed results and used a redirect, but i didn't and am just wondering if there is a quick way around preventing refreshing of a page, so as the sql doesn't … | |
I am trying to pull times out of a mysql database and then convert them to the time of day using TimeFormat. #TimeFormat(Recordset3.timeOne, "h:mm tt")# My problem is once I add the "timeformat" all the times turn to 12AM regardless of what the time is in the database. Thanks for … | |
Hi all, I have a bit of an issue with an application that i am currently developing. The application logs passed and failure information for a production line. Each production lineis broken down into operations, each operation has a task group and then each task group has a bunch of … | |
Hello everybody, I am looking for a way to filter an Robt spam in coldfuion, i had look to the recaptcha, but it is not clear and it is not easy for customers. any body have another idea, ....help please | |
We have exchange 2007 and I can't get our webserver to relay mail I've tried authentication non authenticaten domain/username:password@mail.server.com and username:password@mail.server.com Does anyone know how to get exchange to accept mail from cold fusion. For any other programs we use domain / user name and password. | |
I'm tring to display an encrypted number store in sql database I have a key store in my application.cfm. and they number in my database is encrypted. My display code looks like this [CODE]<cfloop query="Get_Orders"> <cfoutput> <tr> <td><div class="content_black">#Get_Orders.Credit_Card_Type# </div></td> <cfset key = #application.key#> <cfset Cardnum = '#Get_Orders.Credit_Card_Number#'> <cfset CardDec = … | |
I have created many sites using Coldfusion so I know the syntax and I know how to use the product, what I don’t know is how to setup the server, (That was always done by others in the company) my problem is I am trying to create a site on … | |
I could not set up Coldfusion 8 as a developer machine. After I installed the update the application/s closes after a couple of seconds. Is there something wrong with my configuration? | |
I am trying to use Verity to search PDF documents. I have a case where the correct document is returned however in some case the context returned does not contain my search word. Here is my code: [code=coldfusion]<CFSEARCH COLLECTION="Collection_name" Name="GetResults" CRITERIA="patent" ContextPassages="1" >[/code] What am I doing wrong? Any help … | |
Hello every body, i have a table has username and encrypted password, and i want to write it in different table and i want to decrypt the password filed and i am using this code [B]I am selection the data from the login table[/B] [ICODE]<cfquery name="dec" datasource="ds"> select * from … |
The End.