702 Topics

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Member Avatar for dazzlindonna
Member Avatar for dazzlindonna

Change the yourActionPage.cfm to the name of the page you want to open, and adjust the sizes and other parameters as you need.

Member Avatar for cheapterp

Does anyone here have experience using the Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner? I happened to use it on my site to check for vulnerabilities and found about 15 HIGH level ones - all of them with basically the same problem: [B]Cross Site Scripting[/B] and [B]Cross Site Scripting in URI[/B]. For every …

Member Avatar for pirula

I am so confused, I want to add some anti-spam security to my upcoming register page but something is really wrong. Note that my server is Coldfusion MX7 (i can not afford better) and because of that i can not use cfimage(captcha). This is what i have: [code] <cfset strLowerCaseAlpha …

Member Avatar for pirula
Member Avatar for aycmike

When a user logs in that has the same password as another user the latest person to register with that passwords details are revealed, im struggling to make it check that the username and password are connected and only if the username and password match should that users details be …

Member Avatar for cheapterp
Member Avatar for SQL_n00b

I have a table that has various rows of data grabbed from a table in my DB. 3 of the columns display the queried data. The last column, however, contains text fields for the user to hand-enter values. When the user hits the Submit button, all of the values entered …

Member Avatar for SQL_n00b
Member Avatar for cheapterp

I have a bunch of alphanumeric IDs for the data in my DB. The IDs may look like the foll: 0XAA001 or 1YBB010 or 2ZCC011 and so on. Each of the 7 characters stands for something and therefore I have to extract the characters to populate the columns in the …

Member Avatar for cheapterp
Member Avatar for Renu Deshpande

Hi all , Can anyone help me solving this issue. I am using FCK Editor on my coldfusion page. Then I am generating PDF of the data using <cfdocument> tag. If I format the text first and then set the background color , the background color is not rendered on …

Member Avatar for Renu Deshpande

Hi all Can anybody help me with this. I want to access cfdocument.currentpagenumber outside the cfdocumentitem tag. I tried the following ways : 1) [code=coldfusion]<cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="landscape" unit="cm" margintop="4.0" marginbottom="2.0" marginleft="2.2" marginright="2.2" scale=99 filename="c:\test.pdf" overwrite="yes"> <cfoutput> <cfdocumentsection> <cfdocumentitem type="header"> <cfset Page = cfdocument.currentpagenumber> </cfdocumentitem> <cfdocumentitem type="footer" > FOOTER !!!! </cfdocumentitem> …

Member Avatar for nagkar

Hi I am new to coldfusion.I dont know much about cold fusion.I have a problem like there are two radio buttons and a select box.Depending upon the slection of the radio button the select box should be populated.i.e if first radio button is selected then select box should populate some …

Member Avatar for macslayer
Member Avatar for briandns1

I havnt tried it yet. I wanted to know if it is any good. I have an <URL SNIPPED>seo and web development company and I am always looking for new ways to increase performance. I was reading that it actually allows you to see where your site is allocating its …

Member Avatar for gklandes
Member Avatar for aycmike

Im trying to search my database and find out the previous 7 days unique ip addresses. Users ip addresses are stored within the table events under svname. I have a small piece of java that is supposed to count back 6 days. At the moment its saying there have been …

Member Avatar for hinde
Member Avatar for cheapterp

Is there a way to grab data from alternate records in a ColdFusion query? Essentially, what I am trying to do is this: I am querying my database to grab some data. 2 rows of data are returned here. Now I want to set 2 variables - [I][B]var1 = row1.columnA[/B][/I] …

Member Avatar for macslayer
Member Avatar for mheidi

Just wondered if anyone knows if it is possible to install a Wordpress blog as part of an existing Coldfusion website? I just want the one page to be Wordpress without affecting any of the other pages. Thanks in advance for anyone who might know the answer to this! Heidi

Member Avatar for macslayer
Member Avatar for mheidi

Hi, I have installed the Google Analytics code on static HTML pages, but I have never done it on a Coldfusion (cfm) website. Is there a big difference between putting the tracking code for Google Analytics on an HTML site vs. a Coldfusion site?? If anyone could help me with …

Member Avatar for westonjeff
Member Avatar for thesaintbug

I am trying to load the configurations of coldspring and modelglue dynamically using one environment.xml.cfm file. Following are my three files 1- environment.xml.cfm: [code] <environments> <!-- Values for all portal environments --> <default> <config> <!-- Default main vars --> <property name="companyName">ABC</property> <property name="applicationPath">C:/inetpub/wwwroot/websites/test</property> <property name="subdomainName">test</property> </config> </default> <environment id="myDevelopmentPortal"> <patterns> …

Member Avatar for moiseszaragoza

I am using a Flash file that calls gallery.xml its hardcoded into the flash and i cant edit the flash file. the code in my page looks like [code=Coldfusion] <cfsavecontent variable="gallery"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <gallery frameColor="0xFFFFFF" frameWidth="15" imagePadding="20" displayTime="6" enableRightClickOpen="true"> <image> <url>http://www.modelproductions.com/proimages/avatar9.jpg</url> <caption><![CDATA[<font size="50">Example Gallery</font><br>An example large format <u><a …

Member Avatar for gklandes
Member Avatar for Nesha8x8

I have problem when cfdocument must return pdf that contains 450 pages and more. I get this error: The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFLOOP How to solve this problem, any ideas? N

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for lafalot

Hi, I have created a pdf using cfdocument that displays the results of a submitted form. This works fine in IE and Firefox in Windows, but on the Mac & in Safari, it does not recognize the pdf because it is a cfm file. Any help is much appreciated.

Member Avatar for nagkar

Hello I am trying to validate a textbox using the OnSubmit setting. <cfinput type="text" required="yes" validateat="onsubmit"> the validation of the above text field works properly by throwing me a alert box when there is an error and when i test on my localhost server. But when i transfer the mysite …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for tejashrideg21

Hi, I have a problem with cfldap tag used in CF8. I have a cfldap tag defined in my application which works fine on CFMX7. But the moment I installed CF8, it gives me an error - "Connection to LDAP server failed." My cfldap tag goes as below:- [code][CFLDAP NAME="qLDAP" …

Member Avatar for vikingGirl

I'm creating an input form for users so that they can input various bits of info into a db. One of the fields is so that they can upload a file, which puts the file onto the web server and the path to it into the db. The problem is …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for abc1232

Could someone tell me why when some of the fields on my form are replacing blank with a "+" ? I'm kind of new to ColdFusion. Thanks ahead. :)

Member Avatar for b89smith
Member Avatar for daleen13

Hello friends i want help for parsing a resume in .doc format and to auto populate a form. i have read the file using poi utility. Any body have done something like this?? pleas help me i think i will have to use regular expression.please help me... daleen

Member Avatar for moiseszaragoza

I have a SQL Query build as a string but i cant seem to pass it into to the <cfquery> But it does not work any one can help me? [ICODE] <cfif ISDEFINED ('member')> <CFSET SQL = "SELECT * FROM precontract "> <CFSET SQL_Coubr = 0 > <cfif form.member neq …

Member Avatar for gdmprog1
Member Avatar for cmhampton

I recently updated our servers to CF 8.0.1 and now none of my AJAX code works. I checked the XHR response in Firebug and instead of returning the requested data, it returns the HTML code for my site's home page. All of this was working before the update and I …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for snvinodh

Hi, I developed a Flex application which communicates with ColdFusion to send a mail to a mail address. When i run that Flex application it shows this error [faultCode:InvokeFailed faultString:'[MessagingError message='Destination 'ColdFusion' either does not exist or the destination has no channels defined (and the application does not define any …

Member Avatar for danarashad

I am having a problem with autosuggest. That creates a list with ',' in them. Example the list values of my query is. 6-7 Reading (AMS, BMS, RMS) 6-7 Teaching Reading (CMS, KMS, NMS) 6-8 BD 6-8 Computer Applications & Computer Integrators But when I am typing in my box …

Member Avatar for pirula

Hi, i have problem to send cfmail to @yahoo. I am using simple contact us page and another page to send emails. contactus.cfm [code] <form id="form2" name="form2" method="POST" action="send-email.cfm"> <input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="40" /> <label> <input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="40" /> </label> <label> <input name="subject" type="text" id="subject" size="40" /> …

Member Avatar for Laxmanthota
Member Avatar for cfusr12

I'm working in a CFMX 7 development environment inside our company's firewall. I've developed a coldfusion front-end to access and pass data to a .net web service (also inside the firewall). It's a simple program (.cfm) that allows a user to browse and upload a file to the web service. …


The End.