725 Topics

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Member Avatar for xrum

everything was working before, now i keep getting the following error: FILE specified in CFHTTPPARAM tag not found someone please help. my code looks like this: [CODE] <!--- Upload the file to the server ---> <CFFILE action="upload" filefield="img" destination="#ExpandPath('../img')#" nameconflict="makeUnique"> <cfhttp url="http://www.xxx.com/admin/upload-size.php" method="post"> <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="bThumb" value="2" > <cfhttpparam type="file" …

Member Avatar for utdream
Member Avatar for liveanswer
Member Avatar for muddu_shafi

My problem is strange. I have added a new webservice(Method with access="remote") to my existing webserice file(CFC). But, when I try to invoke it, browser tells me that it unable to find the webservice. But when I add the same body of code in an existing webservice, it works. I …

Member Avatar for utdream
Member Avatar for oldnewbee

Could someone please tell me if there's a way that I could insert the time of day into a calendar that I created using CF. I can post events and I know how long they last, but I have not been able to post the time of the events (as …

Member Avatar for utdream
Member Avatar for sharif ahmad

i am making a project and i don't know how to convert an image in to text so sir plz rply me as soon i have made a project that convert a text file and my project in c++ help me......................

Member Avatar for utdream
Member Avatar for mossman

Good Morning Everyone! I'm trying o turn my machine into a development station. I would like to install CF Server, with Apache and IIS. I'm Using widows 7 on a 64bit machine. Is here any certain order on what need to be installed first? Can someone walk me through the …

Member Avatar for utdream
Member Avatar for umairraja52

I want to know about Cold Fusion, Is cold fusion can be alternative of ASP, JSP, PHP. If answer is yes then On which server Cold Fusion files executes. I have not seen any website with this extion (.cfm).

Member Avatar for utdream
Member Avatar for Graham301

I am using Ben Forta AutoSuggest example. I have the autosuggest working but I need to get another record out of the database to send the user to the right url. I don't know how to do this, can someone help me out? CFC: Code <cfcomponent output="false"> <cfset THIS.dsn="myprod"> <!--- …

Member Avatar for vaideki

My CF8 application loses the application scope randomly.It is set to expire in 8 days. In the middle of the day while users are working it starts throwing an error the application variable is not found. Any suggestions would help.

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for take1136

Hi trying to revise a web page by adding a filter using checkboxes, the page does a search but we want to add additional functionality. How can I do this using Coldfusion 7 and select boxes?

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for jonyyg

hi, I'm working on an admin page for a department in my school. I have a database of reservations for rooms in which each event has a distinct ID called "confID" Each event or confID often has multiple dates (dateOf). I need to list out the reservations for the admin …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for danarashad

[CODE] <cfldap server="my.ldap.server" PORT="389" action="query" name="GetEmployee" start = "cn=users,dc=directory,dc=school,dc=org" attributes = "cn,sn,uid,givenName,mail,position,telephonenumber,memberUid" username="cn=username" password="pass"> [/CODE] When I run my code, I get an error. First is the code correct or do I not have the correct permissions. [code] Authentication failed:[LDAP: error code 49 - Invalid Credentials] [/code]

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for ankit101

Hi all, i have an application completely coded in coldfusion V5. i now need to upgrade my server setupn to support coldfusion V9. Can anybody highlight the effort involved in making changes in the existing application code.Also, is there any ide which can speed up the process. I am looking …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for elizabeth1

Does anyone know if it is possible to format the Excel spreadsheet (dynamically created using ColdFusion and pulling from a MySQL database) to have the Excel file automatically set to landscape, rather than portrait for printing. My client wants that Excel spreadsheet formatted for him. I have the borders and …

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for jaguardesigns

Hi My application is running on Windows Server 2003, Coldfusion MX 7, IIS6. I am trying to process a mail merge from a SQL Datasource to MS Word using cfobject and com. Everything processes fine, the merged doc is created and saved to the hard drive, however, as soon as …

Member Avatar for pirula

Hi, I would like to search one field in database with multiple words. Also i will allow searches for example : a or cs....(one,two characters). My code: [code] <cfparam name="URL.NAME" default="1" type="Any"> <cfquery name="search" datasource="datasource"> SELECT * FROM search WHERE NAME LIKE ="%#URL.NAME#%" ORDER BY DATE DESC </cfquery> [/code] this …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for mmonclair

Hi all, I am working on an interface that communicates with a PostgresSQL to create and grade a multiple choice test. The steps go like this: 1. Get user information 2. Set up a record of the user's test in the database 3. Pull in questions and possible responses from …

Member Avatar for grungy coder
Member Avatar for oldnewbee

First I run a simple query to get the max ID from the table, which returns a number 10284. To which I would like to add a randomly generated number. So I get a number like '2' and it adds it and I get 10287 - which is INCORRECT! I …

Member Avatar for grungy coder
Member Avatar for eleazer.g.panga

Hi all, We are currently migrating our coldfusion mx 7 to a new environment server. Can anyone give some guidelines on how to do this? We tried simple copying of the files from the old server to the new server, but we encounter lots of errros. I wonder if the …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for adrianciocalau

Hi there, I am running a ColdFusion server on a VPS to HostMySite.com and lately we are having strange problems with it. Every few minutes the server is not responding even if we restart the services - IIS and ColdFusion - and even the whole system. HMS guys investigated the …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for designcrew

Small design company looking for CF tech part-time. $30 to start. MySQL data bases are used. Grow with us and get in on the ground floor. Great 2nd job or filling down time. Email us. Thank you. :cheesy:

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for fayola

Hi again, Okay now I have a Coldfusion question, I have written a user defined function in coldfusion: [code=coldfusion] <cfscript> function isSqlInjection(str) { .... } </cfscript> [/code] Now I am a complete newbie to coldfusion and don't want to have to include this function in every page when I have …

Member Avatar for quickdraw6906
Member Avatar for yadish

Friends, I have data table which contains dates and states. Here is the sample. Date | State 1/23 NV 1/28 PA 1/29 NY 1/30 NY 2/1 NY 2/3 TN 2/4 TN I want to display them in ranges by states. Like 1/23 NV 1/28 PA 1/29 - 2/1 NY 2/3 …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for obautista

Can someone tell me why this code is not displaying the "time" field in the table? I cannot figure it out. [CODE]<tr> <CFQUERY NAME="getAllTechsWeeklyActivity" DATASOURCE="VEHSALES"> SELECT date, time, DatePart(ww, date), datepart(dw, date) AS weekday FROM service_tech_activity WHERE DatePart(ww, date) = DatePart(ww, '#DateFormat("#editdate#", "yyyy-mmm-dd")#') AND DatePart(yyyy, date) = DatePart(yyyy, '#DateFormat("#editdate#", "yyyy-mmm-dd")#') …

Member Avatar for arrgh
Member Avatar for subspiderman

I just loaded Coldfusion Builder and Cold Fusion Server 9.0. Haven't touched this since cold Fusion 4.0. Anyone out there could tell me how to populate the Server Settings fields coming from Cold Fusion Builder would be greatly appreciated: like server name, hostname, Webserver port, context root, application server name, …

Member Avatar for mattrhysdavies

Hi, I am currently in the process of building na dlaunching a site that is focused around media uploads and streaming, and am looking for ways to optimise this process for end-user speed and security. Currently am on shared hosting with dailyrazor.com who seem to be ok, little unstable and …

Member Avatar for sathish009

I am trying to find memory leaks in my application. I added -Xrunhprof arguments to the java arguments. When I try to restart the service it times out. This is the new argument that I added: -Xrunhprof:cpu=samples,file=java.hprof.txt ******************************** java.home=C:/JRun4/jre java.args=-server -Xmx512m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -DJINTEGRA_NATIVE_MODE -DJINTEGRA_PREFETCH_ENUMS -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/ -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=28999,suspend=n -Xrunhprof:cpu=samples,file=/temp/java.hprof.log ******************************** …

Member Avatar for ratbags

I've installed the development version of CF9 on my PC and checked that all the relevant services have started. I followed tutorials on which check boxes to tick during the installation. However, I keep getting the message "This link appears to be broken" when I launch a web page in …

Member Avatar for hxhst77
Member Avatar for RedWombat

Good day everyone. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've been using Coldfusion for awhile, although I admit, I'm not a master at it. I'm pulling my hair out on a project I'm hoping someone can shed some light on. I have a table in my …

Member Avatar for freshfitz
Member Avatar for sanm

Hi I am trying multiple related selects using coldfusion and javascript. I have four dropdown list first one is related to the second one and thrid one is related to the first one. It is working as per expected if i have two drop down lists which are related to …


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