725 Topics

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Member Avatar for moiseszaragoza

I have a SQL Query build as a string but i cant seem to pass it into to the <cfquery> But it does not work any one can help me? [ICODE] <cfif ISDEFINED ('member')> <CFSET SQL = "SELECT * FROM precontract "> <CFSET SQL_Coubr = 0 > <cfif form.member neq …

Member Avatar for gdmprog1
Member Avatar for cmhampton

I recently updated our servers to CF 8.0.1 and now none of my AJAX code works. I checked the XHR response in Firebug and instead of returning the requested data, it returns the HTML code for my site's home page. All of this was working before the update and I …

Member Avatar for cmhampton
Member Avatar for snvinodh

Hi, I developed a Flex application which communicates with ColdFusion to send a mail to a mail address. When i run that Flex application it shows this error [faultCode:InvokeFailed faultString:'[MessagingError message='Destination 'ColdFusion' either does not exist or the destination has no channels defined (and the application does not define any …

Member Avatar for danarashad

I am having a problem with autosuggest. That creates a list with ',' in them. Example the list values of my query is. 6-7 Reading (AMS, BMS, RMS) 6-7 Teaching Reading (CMS, KMS, NMS) 6-8 BD 6-8 Computer Applications & Computer Integrators But when I am typing in my box …

Member Avatar for pirula

Hi, i have problem to send cfmail to @yahoo. I am using simple contact us page and another page to send emails. contactus.cfm [code] <form id="form2" name="form2" method="POST" action="send-email.cfm"> <input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="40" /> <label> <input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="40" /> </label> <label> <input name="subject" type="text" id="subject" size="40" /> …

Member Avatar for Laxmanthota
Member Avatar for cfusr12

I'm working in a CFMX 7 development environment inside our company's firewall. I've developed a coldfusion front-end to access and pass data to a .net web service (also inside the firewall). It's a simple program (.cfm) that allows a user to browse and upload a file to the web service. …

Member Avatar for gdmprog1

I have data for a drop down box that is up to 250 digits. This places the drop down box outside the range of the screen. I need to limit the drop down box to 150 digits on the screen but also need to display the extra 100 digits somehow. …

Member Avatar for pavanr12

hi all, i want to know how to Implement encrypted transmission of data using ColdFusion Scripting, in asp.net, and, how to Use Cold Fusion for developing web pages. thank u

Member Avatar for sri22

I have a web app that allows user to upload doc or docx files and converts it to HTML. I have CFMX 7 in a unix environment. Is there a custom tag that I could use for this conversion? I tried the cfx_word2html tag .. it converts .doc not docx. …

Member Avatar for SQL_n00b

Can someone please help me figure out what I am doing wrong? Basically I have a form where users enter a bunch of values. On submit, the form values are dumped into a table in the DB. The process is as follows: Users enter a set of values TWICE for …

Member Avatar for SQL_n00b
Member Avatar for partyball

I want to say thanks in advance for any help. I have searched the many cfdirectory results and can not get what I need. I am doing a simple CFDIRECTORY tag. See below. [icode]<cfdirectory directory="MyDirectory\Statements\" action="list" name="Get_Statements" filter="*.pdf" recurse="no">[/icode] Then I am making a query of the directory list. [code=coldfusion]<cfquery …

Member Avatar for partyball
Member Avatar for dthatsme33

I currently have Coldfusion running on IIS on our webserver. I need to install Apache for a website I am working on. I've been doing research on how to handle Coldfusion for both servers but I'm not sure what the best way is. 1. I could install Apache on Port …

Member Avatar for dthatsme33
Member Avatar for nagkar

Hi ...how to solve this problem........In a form there is a Cfbutton which is of submit type.when the user click this button i want a insertquery to be executed which collects datat from a dynamic table.I dont want to reload the whole page when the user clicks this button. [code=coldfusion]<table …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for Zalfel

I need to pass variables from forms to another page. I need one for a user login that passes to a frame and one that passes to a form. Any suggestions? I have about a week to make this stuff work.

Member Avatar for galaxygal
Member Avatar for pirula

Hi can anyone please help me I am pretty much stuck. I want to add coldfusion counter on page , simple or advanced i can type whatever I want, that is not an issue. I tried i think 7-10 different types(I made all of them) of Coldfusion counter and something …

Member Avatar for LindseyV

<code> Hi there. I am trying to use soap in my access database and am following [url]http://www.aspfree.com/c/a/VB.NET/Calling-a-Web-Service-using-VB6-with-SOAP-30/2/[/url] to help me learn it. I followed the tutorial exactly and when I run my access forum, I get object required on Option Compare Database Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim client As Object Set …

Member Avatar for danarashad

I have users insert text on pages. When they do a copy paste from word. With a bullet point or a '. It shows up on the pages as []. Can someone help. Is there a safe html insert for coldfusion or a safe text insert. That would strip out …

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for cwhitmore

I'm able to get cftree working, but it looks like you have to set the vertical and horizontal sizes? How can I use this control and allow it to dynamically change the vertical size of the page when someone expands or collapses the tree? (I'm running MX8)

Member Avatar for pbfiddler

I've installed coldfusion and its server. I have two major questions and am completely new to CF. 1. I copied a folder from our website (our hosting company put it together for us) into the wwwroot folder. I am able to access only one of the pages of that folder--the …

Member Avatar for wblakenc
Member Avatar for shak68

hi i have been lumbered with trying to find out the problem with our coldfusion website. the site was developed using a 3rd party developer, and he has not been able to identify the issue we are currently experiencing. my experience on Coldfusion is very limited. the problem with our …

Member Avatar for shak68
Member Avatar for danarashad

I am having trouble resizing images. It works with normal smaller images. I am resizing them to 400 x 600. If someone uploads a 1000 x 1000 photo it works. But some people are uploading images 2300 x 3000 and it doesn't work. I've used this but it doesnt seem …

Member Avatar for danarashad
Member Avatar for alextan

[code=coldfusion] First part: When i type document numbers/alphabet inside the text box and click submit, i need to download the document file based on a select query with the doc_no and display results on my right frame. My search_engine.cfm frame is on the left side whereas the search_results.cfm is on …

Member Avatar for alextan

I'm a newbie on coldfusion so please someone help me. [code=coldfusion]<CFset today = NOW()> <cfif not isDefined("Form.fileupload") OR Form.fileupload EQ ""> <cfquery datasource = "technology"> INSERT INTO sharex_2007 VALUES('#Form.title#', #CreateODBCDateTime (Form.date#, '#Form.presenter#', '#Form.group#', '#Form.remarks#', '#Form.ClientFile#', #Form.audience#) </cfquery> <cfelseif> <cffile action="upload" filefield="fileupload" destination="d:\intranet_info\sharing\shared_x\newsharex\2007\" nameconflict="overwrite"> <cfquery datasource = "technology"> INSERT INTO sharex_2007 …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for sreuben

Hi, I have an oracle sql query that return many rows. The result will be shown in an html table in column format. I have html table that with the static header. I need to generate dynamic rows depending upon the result of the queries. Thanks, Reuben

Member Avatar for sreuben
Member Avatar for danarashad

I am getting the following error sometimes. When the user load gets heavy I'll receive the following error. Would puting cftransaction around my update statements work? ODBC Error Code = 40001 (Serialization failure) DiagnosticsODBC Error Code = 40001 (Serialization failure Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server Transaction (Process ID …

Member Avatar for cheapterp

Here's the problem: One of my scripts allows users to upload MS-Excel files. When uploading the file, users are also required to enter details related to the file - details like start date, stop date, a description of what the file contains, and the file ID#. This Excel file contains …

Member Avatar for heldhostage

I'm not a developer so I won't even pretend to know what I'm talking about. I just loaded CF 8.0 & DWCS3 and i'm trying to load an existing website that uses CF. I'm trying to set a data source and was sucessful with one of the sites that uses …

Member Avatar for zwr
Member Avatar for jedimatt

Hi all, I have a good one here and i am hoping there is an answer for this. I have a form which displays a profile. Each profile has multiple rows of data, each row consists of a sort order, an operation name and a delete flag, which when saved …

Member Avatar for jedimatt
Member Avatar for bvaz

Newbie: I am executing a query that outputs mutiple lines and pages of potential players for a golf match. The name is displayed and a checkbox. If the checkbox is checked, an email is to go to the person on the line that has been checked. Being a newbie, I …

Member Avatar for jedimatt
Member Avatar for dgotti007

I am interested in finding out how I can build a website using Coldfusion and an excel spreadsheet. I used to work for a company that did this and i am now looking to see how to do it. No geekspeak here: I know that the Coldfusion would take the …

Member Avatar for arrgh

The End.