I would like to know if there's any way that I could throw errors within a cfscript block. I have checked the Coldfusion manual, but there are only the try and catch block stated, not the throw function.
Please advise.

you should be able to use <cfthrow> inside the <cfcatch> block

I meant, what can I use to throw errors inside functions.

  function foo(){
    if(x == 0)
      // throw error

Sorry I misunderstood your question there. I have mostly used error tags inside of <cfset>

It's okay :)
Still waiting for someone who could help me with this.

It's okay :)
Still waiting for someone who could help me with this.

Has been a while... but if you're still stuck you could try this.... Works for me on CF7.

<cffunction name="throw">
<cfargument name="message">
<cfthrow message="#arguments.message#">

throw("Error message here!");

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