725 Topics
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I have an query output with 200+ records in it which i am displaying 100 at a time. and i am using cfFlush to display a wait message while it s loading. (which i cant figure out how to get rid of after its loaded) my question is (and i'm … | |
I have the following template that I am using to upload files into AMAZON S3. I'll display the template right here: [CODE]<cftry> <!---ACCESS KEY ID = SECRET ACCESS ID = BUCKET NAME = cic-audio FILE NAME = amazon_s3_test.txt---> <cfparam name="URL.step" default="view"> <cfoutput> <cfif URL.step eq "view"> <cfscript> // IMPORTANT: Set … | |
I am a newbie and hope that someone can help. I have a <cfform that adds and updates records. I have 3 <cfselect statements that are dynamic. I user the selected attribute to display the current value if this is an update. The first one works fine. The 2nd and … | |
I am attempting to build multiple unique cfforms (flash, not html) within a loop. However, only the last cfform is appearing on the page. Works in cfform with format="html" but not with format="flash." So, I'm thinking it's the flash <cfformgroup> design not moving down the page but displaying one on … | |
Hi CF People I have a query: [CODE]<cfquery name="getspecial" datasource="#dsn#"> SELECT ID, category, product, special FROM products WHERE special = 'Yes' </cfquery> [/CODE] If i do a cfdump of this query it shows that ??? is the category. However when i try asnd use this variable in a url link … | |
This code is to generate excel with grid lines in it with file name as you given in the code which will disply when you opening throug the download dialog box, Regards, khaleel | |
<!---to open excel with given name---> <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment;filename=#lFilenameCreated#"> <cfcontent type="application/vnd.ms-excel"> <!---<cfcontent type="application/vnd.ms-excel" > <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="filename=SchoolReport.xls">---> </cfoutput> <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"> <head> <TITLE>CTY Information System - School Report</TITLE> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=windows-1252"> <!---To get gridlines in excel file---> <xml > <x:ExcelWorkbook > <x:Name>School Report</x:Name> <x:ExcelWorksheets > <x:ExcelWorksheet > <x:Name>School Report</x:Name> … | |
I've got a problem with our live server. Occasionally a page will not load, and the following error is displayed in plain black text on a white background: [QUOTE]Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request Application server is busy. Either there are … | |
I am trying to access a web service on a server that requires windows authentification. These are the steps I'm trying to take. 1. Use script below to do window auth. [CODE] <cfscript> objNTAuth = createObject("java", "jrun.security.NTAuth"); objNTAuth.init("Name_of_Domain"); objNTAuth.authenticateUser("userid","password"); </cfscript> [/CODE] 2. Then invoke my call to the web service. … | |
Hi I have a CF application that uses a form page to enter data into the input fields, then passes those fields as SESSION variables to the action page so that the use can view hwo the page is going to look. basically is an application to build new html … | |
Hi everyone!! I am using cfm files and i have never used cfc; i ve read about cfc but i could not figure out how it works? could i use this cfc files in my cfm? and can you give example like calling an xml file. | |
Till now I was working in CFMX7. Now I need to upgrade to CF9 on the new server. My old server was Aixp630 with CF7 now it is migrating to Aix6.1, Websphere7 with CF9. I have bought the upgrade license for CF9. I need to know, how to do the … | |
Sorry i am very new to ColdFusion and English is not my first language, please forgive me if have any mistake. I am looking for some technique like search form or form filter. This is a [URL="http://www.hotelscombined.com/City/Barcelona.htm#languageCode=EN¤cyCode=MYR&fileName=Barcelona&fileNameType=0&pageSize=25&pageIndex=0&sort=Popularity-desc&showSoldOut=true&locationId=-201&highRate=293&lowRate=50&star1=false&star3=false&star4=false&star5=false&facilities=18&view=hc_sr_summary&scroll=480&open=1,3,2,6&mapstate=contracted"]reference[/URL] . It is a hotel finding website. My question is here, how to … | |
Hi , My XML contains a node (I have given it below) which contains an xml text that is '[B]Please complete the &quot;Enquiry Type" field[/B]' , as given below. And I am using a coldfusion function XMLSearch to search for an XML document Object. And I am using an XPath … | |
Having trouble installing Coldfusion 9.0.1 on a 32-bit PC running Windows XP. Got Coldfusion 9.0 on it, was able to bring up that Admin. When I try and install the updated 9.0.1 version, it bombs at the end saying something about other Cold Fusion server instances running. When I go … | |
Can anyone get this to work? You can download the code here [url]http://www.mattgifford.co.uk/sexy-fi-login-forms/[/url] but i can't get it to read a success from checklogin.cfm index.cfm [CODE]<!--- Name: index.cfm Author: Matt Gifford aka coldfumonkeh Date: 11/08/2010 Purpose: Login form to demonstrate the use of the jQuery UI's shake effect. ---> <!DOCTYPE … | |
Hi Everyone, I am currently working on a site that will have lots of European and Middle-Eastern town names that include accented and other special characters. I have never had to deal with these characters before and I foolishly assumed that setting everything to utf-8 would take care of it … | |
Ok back again! lol I can easily use the ListSort to sort a predefined list: [CODE] <cfset myList = ListSort("wango, tango, jango,lolo,alpha","TextNoCase","ASC")> <cfoutput>#myList#</cfoutput> [/CODE] Which results in a simple text in alphabetical order like so: alpha, jango, lolo, tango, wango What I WANT to do though is sort through a … | |
Ok so what im trying to do here is set putme to be coding so that when the test.txt is read it replaces `<!--ReplaceMe -->` with the contents of putme. How do i get putme to just store it at text instead of coding? <!-- Start putme --> <cfset putme … | |
Hi I was following a tutorial on sitepoint for creating structs. I must be missing something since I followed the code exactly, but keep getting an error! Here is the code: [CODE]<cfset myBook= structNew()> <cfset a = StructureInsert(myBook, \\"title\\", \\"All About Coldfusion\\", 1)> <cfset a = StructureInsert(myBook, "author", "Teed Younger", … | |
I was concerned about how threads can be used in Coldfusion. Actually I am using 'cfmail' tag to send a mail with an attachment and I am storing the attachment file in a directory. What happens to be in the code is that, After using the cfmail tag I am … | |
Hi All, I had a question in my mind from last couple of days regarding passing data through url, and accessing the same in the page. I want to pass the data as query string, and also access the same in the page, but I don't want the end user … | |
Hello, I am newbie in Coldfusion development and I have a question: I must make a application where I have to use a parameter in a database (and not written in the code). Example: I have to show a text of a table with a "subtext" of other table. So … | |
Hi. I want to add character ' - ' in my string every 5th character. For example: 123456789ABC would be like this --> 12345-6789A-BC Already search in the internet but don't know how to do... can anybody help me? Thanks in advance. | |
Hey guys, I have been trying for a few days to create a form on a web page where someone can search my database by keyword, I am having many difficulties figuring this out, and Googling help has probably confused me more. I have a database called links which contains … | |
Hi guys I'm in urgent need of help. I have a column in my table that collects lists(UserGroup), but I want to compare individual list items in Usergroup(Qry1) with individual list items in UserGroup(Qry2). [CODE]<CFQUERY NAME="Qry1" DATASOURCE="#db#"> SELECT UserID, UserGroup FROM users WHERE usersid = #SESSION.userID# </CFQUERY> <CFQUERY NAME="Qry2" DATASOURCE="#db#"> … | |
Hi Folks I am working on a forum for a customer and I am having problems passing a url variable; This the code i have on a search page <cfelseif cgi.http_referer contains 'forumViewMessages'><cfset linktext = 'Forum Postings/Replies Page'><cfset lastpage = 'forumViewMessages.cfm?#linkVariables#'> </cfif> <cfoutput>#lastpage#</cfoutput> <cfabort> the output on the page when … | |
Hello, i have signup page in cold fusion that create a new user on my web application. but when i fill out the form and press signup i get this error message Element SYSUSER is undefined in REQUEST. Any idea to what this could mean? | |
Hi Folks I have a shopping cart with an array of structures to hold the cart contents. Wot i want to do is get a list of the contents of the cart contents and then use that list to repopulate the "order" page so it doesnt show any of the … | |
Hi, I am forced to use the old style validation for some basic form elements, and I am having problems with a date input box, I figured that it automatically stores the value as a String so the "AND isDate(form.Effective_Date)" should return a true or false, what it does instead … |
The End.