725 Topics

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Member Avatar for cyberdata

i tried the script and i just want to know what should the action be i put sample.cfm but when i try to submit sample.cfm came up i was wonder what am i doin wrong i change everything that i want to change in the cfm file what am i …

Member Avatar for anuradhu
Member Avatar for lethalbeez

Hi everyone. My name is Edd from Malaysia. I am a CF newbie. Cut to the chase. I have 2 weeks to complete my project which is a web application that students can log on and view/edit their personal details and check their grades. Teachers (who are also administrators) can …

Member Avatar for jeromemck
Member Avatar for Stewie

When inserting/updating records do you prefer to use an SQL query, or just the cfinsert/cfupdate tags? I was just wondering Stewie

Member Avatar for jeromemck
Member Avatar for MattEvans

This isn't an SSI or a CGI board, but I hear ColdFusion is quite SSI related, and it's the best place for this question I hope. I'm wondering if it's possible to do something like this: "html" page (actually XSL transformed XML page) has an SSI #include or #exec, then …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for joonoh05

My users would like to have a button to send them back to their original search results after having moved through serveral pages forward. I have already tried using [ javascript:history.back(1)] and doesnt work very well; it doesnt send be back to the seach page. Does anybody have any suggestions …

Member Avatar for joonoh05
Member Avatar for pmayadun

Hi all, can someone help? I have been trying to figure out how to put together an update page. For some reason it is not working. I have been trying to figure this out for about a week and a half. I am sure it will be something very easy …

Member Avatar for gheffern

I am trying to get specific control over the page numbers that print in my report being designed in Report Builder. I am using the Report Header band for a cover sheet and muti-page invoices (grouped on invoice number) follow. I want each invoice group to have its own page …

Member Avatar for HostChart

I need some help. I have a cold fusion site that uses a common header that is included in every file. In this header is the page title. This means every page has the same title. I took the code from the header file and replace it where the include …

Member Avatar for damonledet
Member Avatar for Stewie

I keep getting this error when ever I try to update or delete a record from my site. The error that I keep getting is "The string is not closed" I have use an example straight from the book so I don't know where to go. Here is my code …

Member Avatar for Stewie
Member Avatar for bkendall

I have a website that I am using includes on to make life easier. One issue that has come up is that I am also using a flash header on the top of each page. I would like to put the object and embed tags inside my posthead file with …

Member Avatar for anardodesign
Member Avatar for Stewie

I have a form set up with 3 select lists where a user can select the date. and from there I insert it into one field in an Access database using this query. [code] <cfquery name="CheckDate" datasource="Rumors_Forms"> INSERT INTO BusTable (Name, Req_Date, Req_Time, Address, Email, PhoneNumber, Reason) Values('#form.Name#', '#form.Month#/#form.Day#/#form.Year#' ,'#form.Req_Time#','#form.Address#','#form.Email#','#form.PhoneNumber#','#form.Reason#') …

Member Avatar for Stewie
Member Avatar for Stewie

I am not sure if this is an HTML question or a Coldfusion question. Since I am using both I will ask in the in the CF forum. I can not get the title to show up on the top task bar in IE. I am not sure if it …

Member Avatar for Stewie
Member Avatar for lethalbeez

Hi y'all.. I'm a coldfusion newbie from Malaysia. I really appreciate if anybody could help me with my projects. Thanks.:p

Member Avatar for candy01
Member Avatar for OrangeSunshine

i don't know if this is the reason of not, i'm mapping jrun to my Apache Server (is that how you'd describe that properly?) -- running ColdFusion NOT from its built-in development server, but parsing the ColdFusion in specific directories of my Apache/htdocs root. I'm working in HomeSite+ and browsing …

Member Avatar for billythehamster
Member Avatar for jeffrey514

Hi All, My company is use Coldfusion 4.0 & SQL 7.0, but now want to change to use SQL 2000. If I change SQL 2000, is it have any problem or did I need to do something in program or server. Many Thanks.

Member Avatar for billythehamster
Member Avatar for billythehamster

I am currently writing my own forum for my site as there seems to be a severe lack of decent Coldfusion Forums out there and I don't have the money to spend of FuseTalk. I was wondering if anyone had a way I could display who is currently online (user …

Member Avatar for OrangeSunshine

please take a look at some of these code snippets i've taken from what i'm currently working on in CFMX 6.1. i'll explain briefly the context and purpose for each. i apologize if this is 'too verbose'. *[php]<cfset qone = "First Name:"> <cfset qtwo = "Last Name:"> <cfset qthree = …

Member Avatar for abou202

I want to create this website and need to know (Language) how I can get started. I am a newbie in coding. The below are the foloowing I need to get started on: Admin login ( I want an administrator to be able to login on any pc and edit …

Member Avatar for Walyer
Member Avatar for abby_babes

hi there! Can anyone help me on this... I am currently working in a webbased application using CF 4.5 and SQL Server 2000 as backend. Im having problems with Session variables. The users are complaining for being kicked out while editing few items from quotation detail screen. the timeout actually …

Member Avatar for kotiaswati

can anyone please tell me some site where i can get free ebook on cold fusion i need it urgently... thanks in advace Swati

Member Avatar for anuradhu
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Hi. Say, I have a cf file which accepts real-time event and store the events in the same table with status "not sent". I have scheduled a task to run at every 5 minutes to check if there is any record in a table in the Database which has status …

Member Avatar for anuradhu
Member Avatar for anuradhu

could anyone there hlp me how to send encrypted emails using coldfusion... i planned to encrypt the content of the mail to be sent but the decryption is to be done when the user receives the mail....and the encryption should be done using a public key and the decryption using …

Member Avatar for imarti10

I am wondering and not sure if it is possible but, does anybody know if it is possible to have a drown down box on a form page and then on a results page have a drop down box appear that would refine a search result but only give options …

Member Avatar for anuradhu
Member Avatar for walkerst

need help with a search form i've been asked to do for a friend. i've done forms in the past, but not one like this. there will be 2 pick lists on this form. to keep things simple, the database has 2 fields: main_heading, and sub_heading. I can generate the …

Member Avatar for anuradhu
Member Avatar for fbalangue

I would like to create a page which will pull news items according to today's date. What I have is a database which users input thier news information. But now I need to have the information output to a page which will change daily according to the current date. The …

Member Avatar for anuradhu
Member Avatar for sam1981

I have recently developed a web based database application using microsoft access and dreamweaver. I have used coldfusion to link the database to the html webpage. The website runs successfully at my clients address. However, after transferring all the files to my university web space I receive the following error: …

Member Avatar for anuradhu
Member Avatar for takcw

Hi everyone, I'm a new dreamweaver beginner and hope someone can help me. I have create a link where you can click and return back the last page, but the problem is when you click to go back the last page, you will lost all information. What should I do …

Member Avatar for anuradhu
Member Avatar for yogi611

1 do I need hard copy to change hosts need someone to fix web site. coldfusion

Member Avatar for Walyer
Member Avatar for krikette

:idea: I want to be able to let users create a subdomain during their registration so that they can choose a name and it become their URL for reaching the page they can create on my site. EX: User chooses [B]bobandsue[/B] They will be able to reach their url by …

Member Avatar for Walyer
Member Avatar for Walyer

Hey all, I’ve created a register form that includes some Dreamweaver generated code and code of my own. What I did was within the main query that handles the insert of the userID I added another query within the <cfif> to see if the userID already exists. The problem is …

Member Avatar for paulbaylis

The End.